For Old Guys Only

72 and sunny and just finished my first ride of the spring on my first official day of not going to work anymore. All is good


About fifty years ago after a good night at the Place Pigalle on Avenue Rd. in Toronto we're on our way home and my brother asks if anyone wants a beer and a hot dog. He proceeds to reach into his coat pockets and produces a draft glass full of beer and a hot dog with the works.
At this point there are no takers so he downs these himself. I just called into the kitchen where his computer is and asked if he had a hot dog and a beer.
I suspect that he just sprayed his beer on the computer.

The Place Pigalle was a college hang out where it was more important to have the $1.50 for the pitcher of beer than proper I.D. and only fools went into the men's room wearing sandals.


LOL! I am begging you Steve, write a book! No matter what the circumstances, you have a story that doubles me over in laughter.Ya gotta do it. Millennia from now when they dig up the "intertube/web", you will be thought of as the Mark Twain of the "yrs b4 the war"

I'll be your agent. (insert jokes here)

Happy 'close to your birthday' Dan.
The wife and I only really do the ones on the 5's now, I mean how fun or exciting is 53 to celebrate for example.

after 25+ years of 'What do you want for your B-day honey'?
'New Slippers, Breakfast.
..and it does ;-}

Too funny KC, pretty much how it went and thanks!
I heard a doctor on the radio talking about something he called, age related masculine degeneration, anyone ever heard of that, and how do you know if you've got it???
It's macular degeneration, and it's losing little bits of your retina progressively. Take note, this one's serious if you get it.
It's no joke; that's why I wear UV shades. places like Arizona are
particularly at risk. Sunshine is nice, but protect your eyes.
Would that be the church of Saint Wilderby the Beguiled?
Sunshine is nice, but protect your eyes.

Notice how they tell us to protect our eyes (etc) from UV, but the new thing in vehicle headlights has us sitting across the intersection at night from UV headlights? Something's not right there...
It's macular degeneration, and it's losing little bits of your retina progressively. Take note, this one's serious if you get it.

I don't get it? I refuse to! Trying too keep my testicles from degeneration, but what else is new?
Today I look at these kids castrating themselves doing rail jumps on
skateboards and all the other extreme sports out there, and I think to
myself, these morons are bent on their own extinction.....But then I
think back to all the crazy things I did when I was a kid and marvel at
my own survival.
Back in '58 my dad brought home an old springer Monarch with 3" balloon
tires. We lived right at the base of Pike's Peak, and I had a network of
dozens of trails in my backyard. That bike was the original 'fat bike'. It
really sucked going uphill, but coming down it was better than any of the
80s hard tail mountain bikes. Of course those longhorn cruiser bars could
really mess you up in fall, but then any fall on a 45 degree slopecan mess
you up, especially when you don't have a helmet and body armor.
Up on the Gold Camp Road on Cheyenne Mtn. there were loads of really
steep slopes covered with a deep layer of fine granite gravel . We
used to get our kicks running down those slopes. In places one could hop
50,60 feet in a bound. Sometimes we'd even jump over small trees. Sometimes
you'd land in one. I know flat out I've run way faster than any Olympic
track star. Then again, it's not all that difficult when in a near vertical descent.
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Yeah, I look back on some of the stuff that I did and just shake my head. Huge ramp jumps on bicycles before the X Games were ever thought of. Free climbing in Colorado with no protection (and nobody knew exactly where I was......PCP......pre-cell 1200 mile fuel stop only trips on a motorcycle. Sturgis Rally in the 80's on a Goldwing. And lots more things than I could possibly remember.....

If I could go back in time to prevent some of these things...........absolutely not!! I'm boring enough now. Can't imagine what I'd be like if I had never been 'larger than life itself'!!
Yep, I'm guilty too. Did some stuff that makes me shake my head today when I look back on them. Bike ramps, swinging across ravines on ropes, gokart racing in a kart that was capable of 90mph with just a helmet.

Probably the dumbest was flying a Beech Bonanza that was so out of balance because of 8 scuba tanks and gear stored aft of the CG that after we burned off some fuel, forward of the CG, when I landed I couldn't keep the nose wheel on the ground. We taxied in dragging the tail. Stupid, stupid, stupid. But, we thought it was funny at the time. That landing was a handful too. What made it even dumber was we flew from Miami 50 miles across the Atlantic to Bimini in a tail heavy single engine aircraft. You couldn't pay me enough today to do that again.

Today I look at these kids castrating themselves doing rail jumps on skateboards and all the other extreme sports out there, and I think to myself, these morons are bent on their own extinction.....But then I think back to all the crazy things I did when I was a kid and marvel at
my own survival...

As do I, fortunately as I too did such "PCP...pre-cell phone" or PDC (pre-digital cam) as the case may be - I'm at least spared any lasting evidence aside from some scar tissue lol

Speaking of, I thought some may enjoy a new series dedicated to exactly such shenanigans, the physics therein & the consequences resultant ;)
It'll turn up on a free channel here eventually.

And did somebody mention dignified? You know where you can put that, I'm living while I have the breath left.