For Old Guys Only

Dan might not agree even though he has heard me say this before. A marriage is like a machine. It needs maintenance. You can't just get it up and running then sit back and enjoy the ride. You need to stop for fuel, check the air in the tires, grease the bearings and add oil occasionally. You can equate the machine metaphores to doing what needs to be done to address the needs of the other person and the relationship
I'm not always great at it but I am aware of what needs to be done. I hope that puts me one step ahead anyway.
Char and I have been together for 28 years. I, (we) must be doing something right. :)


Tom knows. Tom is wise. Listen to Tom. Before you marry a woman, ask yourself if you could keep dating her forever. Taking her places, doing things, surprising her with little tokens of affection now and then. If she's the one you can do that with - great! Marry that one. Because my wife and I fell in love, and we did get married, but we never really stopped dating either.
We'll have been together 40 years this August, married for 34 of them in October.
There's no secret to it, just seeing each other fresh every day and doing good things.
Yeah, you do get to know each other...

My lovely wife was impossible in the morning. Unfit for human company.

"Good morning" What's good about it?

Just stay away when you hear her rumbling out of bed.

Go outside and play in the garage. Take the dog for a walk. Mow the lawn.

Keep outta sight for a half hour until she has had her cup of coffee and some toast with jam.

Unless you want your head onna plate - :)
I know not to talk or make noise when 'Ellen' is on. Keep quiet or stay out of the room. It used to be Opra, now Ellen dominates the 3 to 4PM slot. Not husbands.

Since I'm on that subject; why do the women in Ellen's audience find it necessary to scream? They scream at any and everything that is said or done. I'd be willing to bet that there is a big electric sign that only the audience can see that says "SCREAM". Either that or the screaming is canned, like the laughter on sitcoms. I tend to lean toward pre-recorded screaming because when the camera is panning the audience, you never see anyone screaming. What's that all about? :(

Man! Some great things to consider. Really great reading. I worry younger folks, watching TV comedies get the wrong idea about life long relationships. Kinda the best thing in my life.

LOL, I really hate the term "ball & chain" In our case, Carol is most certainly the ground or voice of reason to my "Lets buy a snail ranch in Belize!"

Dan might not agree even though he has heard me say this before.

I wouldn't have the right or inclination, Tom. Firmly believe that all people are my teacher in that I may learn from them. Just said what has worked for me. so far any way.
I think this inter-tube-web is to me like whittle'n was to my gramps......just an excuse to get together and shoot the breeze............
I don't do facebook or any of the other "social networks", what I post & the interaction here is as social as I get.
So yeah, for me it is hangin' with the guy's. We all know the secret shake, we've passed through the gauntlet, can relate to having gone to seperate school's together & know the pain of getting your foot caught in the spokes...
A lot of us have been with the same woman through 7734 & high water, so long we don't remember what life was like without her. And we all quietly admit there are those Walter Mitty days when we dream about taking off on that world wide motorized bicycle tour.
But hey, we're havin' us some fun & if other's can't relate, that's their problem!


(hope y'all remember what 7734 means)
Dan, those snail ranches seem like "all that" until they stampede! The great thing about this particular part of the forum, you can "hang-out" with the guys, minus all the passed gas and belching. Bonus!
LOL, Moto and Ludwig. Now I have an image of a snail, dressed like Twinky the kid ridding a turtle and singing rawhide stuck in my head.


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Happy Birthday Dan (49) you are almost a old guy!

Party like you're '99.....

Thanks Greg and Xster! Really does mean a lot and am glad to know you guys.

Having some friends over today and one of them is bringing over his house guests from Australia. One of the women is curious as to a normal American social event is held or like. LOL, and I am to be that!? LoL.

Dan, harming international relations since 1982.........
Next thing we know, we'll be at war with Australia. :)

Happy 'B' day, Dan. Just one more year and you won't have to sign in as a 'guest' when you post in this thread.
