For Old Guys Only

P.S.FYI, Otero is not my name; it has nothing to do with my ethnicity,
a county in New Mexico, or a reservoir in Colorado. I just thought
the word looked like a bicycle. :)
P.S.FYI, Otero is not my name; it has nothing to do with my ethnicity,
a county in New Mexico, or a reservoir in Colorado. I just thought
the word looked like a bicycle. :)
That was good for a morning giggle. Thanks Otero. :) But, you could always change it and make the last 'O' upper case.

The most important thing in selecting a wife is that she loves you. Weather or not you love her is less important. You should like her though. That's the real danger of sex and why they call it "making love" It can make you love someone that you don't even like.

Women do the choosing. We do the asking, but she does the choosing. Do yourself a big favor and just go with the one that chooses to be with you.

Then you don't have to worry about anything. She will forgive most anything you do. If she can cook, that's a biggie - :)

There is some truth to the old tale about the way to a man's heart is thru his stomach. My wife and I were both CA transplants, we met on an airplane both flying back from business. We dated for about a year and all was going well. I got to talking about how I really missed being home for the holidays, family time, good food & drink, a turkey and turkey sandwiches. And now I wake up with nobody there in an empty house and no turkey roasting in the oven. She said "we could make a turkey"

It was that moment when she went from being a girlfriend to potential life partner status - :)
Don't marry a red head.... if you value your sanity & serenity.
Don't tell my wife I said that.

It is too late for me, son. I married a redhead, and she's pretty, and she's exceedingly smart, and quick on the uptake, and she can cook.
But I can cook too, so we sometimes used to butt heads in the kitchen. Now, we settle who gets to cook by asking the other what he/she planned to make. And whatever sounds the most mouth-watering at the time, that person cooks it. It's this kind of one-ups-manship that caused me to learn to make things like Ratatouille and Esterhazy Röstbraten and Haggis.
She seems pretty happy to eat what I cook. Yeah, yeah, I know: I've spoiled her now. I'm okay with that. She does other stuff for me. :)
Ok, not your name, Otero, that is a recumbent bike, yes? No? Unless you take Tom's suggestion. And, hey, Y'all, wish I had a buck for every guy I've known who married a big set of, well, how shall we say it, oh yea, mammary glands. Only to find out ten years later that a good set of lobes in the skull make a more attractive life partner. The horrors of testosterone in young men!
I've often said the old saying was wrong....
It should be: ''The bigger they are, the FARTHER they fall.''
So true, Pope. I wasted far too much of my life with my
brain between my legs. I made some horrifically bad choices
when it came to women. I may kid about my wife, but I
finally drew a winner.
What recumbent bike? Did I miss sumpin?
Ok, Otero, big O in back looks like big wheel, little o in front looks like little wheel in front, just reminds me of some rather "funny" looking recumbents I've seen. It's me, not you.
And, Ludwig, I resemble your remark. My old body can't respond to all the fluids being dumped into the system. Sort of like adding high test fuel to a worn-out motor, and expecting it to act like a muscle car! Yuk yuk!?!
Had a buddy who used to say that he was older now and "all his reason no longer came from a lower region" snicker

Personally, I got really lucky and after 25 years with Carol. She really is my best friend. Couldn't ask for a better Partner. Could list why but would be a mighty long post.

Just my humble opinion but think the trick to any relationship, (most especially a long term and important one) is not so much to "work" on the relationship. But far more important to work on one's self. First at least. Worked wonders for me at any rate.
Dan might not agree even though he has heard me say this before. A marriage is like a machine. It needs maintenance. You can't just get it up and running then sit back and enjoy the ride. You need to stop for fuel, check the air in the tires, grease the bearings and add oil occasionally. You can equate the machine metaphores to doing what needs to be done to address the needs of the other person and the relationship
I'm not always great at it but I am aware of what needs to be done. I hope that puts me one step ahead anyway.
Char and I have been together for 28 years. I, (we) must be doing something right. :)

You have to have some " us" time in a marriage, my wife and I go out for dinner at least once a week. We have been doing this for 36 years, she did most all of the cooking before she took her current job but since she works later than me I cook three to four times a week.
Going out for dinner was always one our of our favs. No cooking and gentle conversation. Usually to a place that made food we didn't know how to make.

My wife considered me a romantic. Was a surprise to me, I'm an engineer. A nerd. A DIY'er. And frugal.

Nah it was the fact that I crept up behind her when she was in the kitchen and kissed her on the neck and moved my hands from up from her waist and squeezed her boobies.

My mother told me that my father did that to her. I am my father's son.

Women love that stuff - :)
You guys are great! Been with Jackie 34 years and it's getting better all the time. She chose me for whatever reason. She was single with two babies and still reeled me in. Tell 'em you love 'em, pat 'em on the butt once in a while, take 'em out to eat, ask them what they would like to do for entertainment, etc. Silverbear has been here quite a bit and if he's reading this he'll tell ya all I got a real winner.

Good, entertaining advice fellas!
