For Old Guys Only

I've had the same land line for almost 40 years, I hate when we get some smart aleck on a cell phone calling in the middle of the night for something to go,...I usually tell them where to go...
There was a poll of sr citizens using a cell phone one half couldn't hear what they were saying and the other half didn't know what they were talking about.
I don't have a land line just a cell phone but if you call me in the middle of the night better be a dang good reason or I'll use word much stronger than dang
I'm there, D.J.

This unexplained NEED to be in touch has become a world wide epidemic. I fight my own private little war but I realize I'm jousting with windmills. Nevertheless it gives me great satisfaction to NOT hold a door for a person on a cell phone. Or to walk away from someone I'm talking to when he/she takes a call and holds up a finger to indicate "I'll just be a minute". Fat chance. Come and find me when you have time.

My intolerance for the rudness that has been cultivated by some technology, cell phones in particular, just grows as I get older. It wasn't how I was raised.

Used to go camping in the mountains for over a week at a time --- no contact with anyone. Just gave relatives/friends a vague idea of where I was going. There were no issues and no problems.

I hate having to be on call 24/7 even when I'm on vacation now. It kinda defeats the purpose of vacation. I train my people to be able to take care of situations without me.....I guess that the corporate pukes don't expect that anymore..........
I had a date with a lady (?) who I walked out on when she took the 3rd call during our meal left her with the bill also lol She called me next day said she was sorry we had another date and she turned her cell phone off
I had a date with a lady (?) who I walked out on when she took the 3rd call during our meal left her with the bill also lol She called me next day said she was sorry we had another date and she turned her cell phone off
Sooooooooooooo? Then what happened? We're waiting!

That part is sad we were very very good friends for about 2 yrs but her heart gave out and she passed away . When we get older seems we lose friends faster so I try hard to stay intouch with those I have left .
Oh, sorry I asked. I was just being silly, Fred. Sorry to hear of your loss.

I agree, I too try to keep in touch with old friends, there seems to be fewer these days.

thats cool thanks heck I'm still young I plan to reach middle age at about 85 then start my second childhood at about 100 that is if I ever get out of mt first . My best friend lives about 50 miles from here will have to ride my bike to his house for a visit then ride home with a hang over lol
I had a call from a guy wanted help cause his modem kept dropping carrier...he was up in Arkansas and he was on a party line. If you don't know what that is ask your grandpa.
i used to love the party line. it was entertaining to here what the neighbor was up to lol
i used to love the party line. it was entertaining to here what the neighbor was up to lol
When I was but a wee lad and we'd go to visit my grandmother I'd take the ear piece from her wall phone and hide between the arm of her sofa and the wall and listen to people on the phone. I'd pretend I was a spy and listening to secret messages. I'd get caught and my folks were always warning me that it wasn't polite, but it sure was fun :)

It was wicked fun Tom and the fun far out weighed the not polite. My parents often talked about calling someone and the operator telling them that they were visiting so and so and to call there.

You Junior James Bonders can still get your cheap thrills with a scanner and an outdoor antenna.

You'll get any cordless phone within a few hundred feet and some cell stuff too.
i worked on a farm when i was a kid. our phone # was 4 longs. scanners by a highrise can be very interesting...the guy in the pic between chuck and hulk is the real bad azz, LOL! call amber pants!
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Who can identity the engine below? Tom it would be unfair if you answer first.


  • IMG_20130518_093905.jpg
    259.7 KB · Views: 135
Was there a flat head Ford in that Hot Rod Lincoln? Kinda reminds me of the straight six in my truck- old lol
Trey I knew it would be easy, what gives it away at first glance is the dual radiator hoses. I have a long way to go restoring it, its a 1950 ford four door sedan and has only 36,300 miles on it. My wife's great grandmother bought it new.
LOL, wait until you need to replace a water pump (there's 2 of them) or ignition points on that puppy.
Yeah, I'm no stranger to flatheads. It's where I started. They're gaining in popularity again. The nostalgia craze and old hot rodders are bringing them back.

Good luck with the project and show us a photo every now and then of your progress.
Thanks for sharing.


EDIT: Wow, I just noticed that alternator! That doesn't belong in there. That was a 6 volt system.
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Resto? 36 grand on it, all you need is gas and a key! Tune-up, brakes, steering, tyres and all that other unimportant stuff can happen after you get tired of towing it home:)