For Old Guys Only

Here's some photos of bob skates that were the winter equivalent of the the steel wheeled roller skates. These things instilled a fear of skating into many a kid when I was growing up.
Guaranteed to put you on the seat of your snow suit in record time. I always said that was why we wore the dorky hats to go along with the dorky snow suits is because they were the first crash helmut.

I forgot about those Steve! LOL, they were about useless.

Don't think we called em "bob skates" but don't remember.
We made skate boards with the wheels from those when we out grew em. Oh man, would shake, rattle and roll the teeth out of your head!

"I got a brand new pair of roller skates, you got a brand new key"

My brothers and I used to make toy cars out of 'em when we outgrew those things. I had an old 4"x4" timber that I cut into sections. Then we drew a silhouette of a car we wanted to make. Then a LOT of sawing. Then do some digging around Dad's workbench for the right bolts. Then remember to drill holes for the axles. Then bolt on the wheels and - TOY CAR!
That is exactly what they are for, I only used one once and it did work but usually I just washed my bike and used my Dad's Air Conditioning Degreaser and it worked so why bother! Easy to make out of scrap untreated leather, put a snap on them is the easiest thing to do no need to put a reflector actually harder.
Rear drum brake/jack shaft build

I have a Schwinn Point Beach with front and read Drum Brakes (6 Speed as my 7 Speed off the original wheel wouldnt fit) I am trying to avoid adding a flywheel and believe the kit to put a sprocket wouldnt fit on the Drum Brake side anyways. Anybody have some help here. I live in Iowa and believe all I can have is a 49cc, I plan on a 4 Stroke I do not want to be mixing. I also put an after market schwinn type springer fork and an old style reproduction speedometer but cant get it to work properly (wheel may prevent it, the odometer works but not speedometer?]). Any suggestions, I also want to buy a Broad Track type Gas Tank I do not like the little peanut type tanks they come with and will probably piece together instead of buying a kit. Any suggestions welcome.
P.S. I built Bikes in the 70's when my father's Air Conditioning service was slow in the Winter to make ends meet. I laced my own wheel, but now have to re lace it with 105 gauge spokes to match the front wheel
Um, 105 gauge spokes? I'm afraid I'm terribly confused here. I thought my 16 gauge spokes were a bit thin (switched to 12 later) but 105 gauge sounds like you could hardly see 'em. Do you mean 10 gauge or maybe 15?
Got me thinking Allen. Not to do the grumpy old man thing but our toys could be taken apart and made into stuff. Horribly dangerous, dumb stuff. But still, other stuff.

I was working on the schooner Victory Chimes and had to bend on the outer jib. She is (was at that time) 100 years old and all the thinking for the rigging was well done and long ago thought out but thought it would make a cool kids game. "rigging" You can lift a house with dental floss and by hand done correctly. Really would make a cool game as it requires a lot of physics and the math is important but so basic a little person would have no problem with it.

Each sheave lessons weight by half but doubles the pull required. LOL, that's pretty much it. (except for the rest of it) I didn't say it'd be a fun for long game.
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Um, 105 gauge spokes? I'm afraid I'm terribly confused here. I thought my 16 gauge spokes were a bit thin (switched to 12 later) but 105 gauge sounds like you could hardly see 'em. Do you mean 10 gauge or maybe 15?

12 gauge spokes are about .105", probably what he meant lol
Re: Rear drum brake/jack shaft build

I have a Schwinn Point Beach with front and read Drum Brakes (6 Speed as my 7 Speed off the original wheel wouldnt fit) I am trying to avoid adding a flywheel and believe the kit to put a sprocket wouldnt fit on the Drum Brake side anyways. Anybody have some help here. I live in Iowa and believe all I can have is a 49cc, I plan on a 4 Stroke I do not want to be mixing. I also put an after market schwinn type springer fork and an old style reproduction speedometer but cant get it to work properly (wheel may prevent it, the odometer works but not speedometer?]). Any suggestions, I also want to buy a Broad Track type Gas Tank I do not like the little peanut type tanks they come with and will probably piece together instead of buying a kit. Any suggestions welcome.
P.S. I built Bikes in the 70's when my father's Air Conditioning service was slow in the Winter to make ends meet. I laced my own wheel, but now have to re lace it with 105 gauge spokes to match the front wheel

How about using one of these:

Combined with one of these:

That would take care of needing an extra sprocket on the rear hub only if the 6 speed hub you have can take the punishment,

As for the speedo, I got nutton.

Board track style gas tanks are very expensive unless you make it yourself.
Also, the Point Beach (beach cruiser style) frame does not lend itself well for installing such a tank.

scotto-'s tank on his race bike is as close to one as I have seen yet.
How did this thread get highjacked?


FormerMPSGT posted a question and I felt compelled to help him out and answer it.

I am a party directly involved in the hijacking and if the prevailing powers that be decide that a punishment should be delivered, I will accept any lashings that the powers that be find suitable.

Or you can simply delete my post(s) from this thread. ;)
FormerMPSGT posted a question and I felt compelled to help him out and answer it.

I am a party directly involved in the hijacking and if the prevailing powers that be decide that a punishment should be delivered, I will accept any lashings that the powers that be find suitable.

Or you can simply delete my post(s) from this thread. ;)

Gear Nut 'old friend, You are a great example what a good forum mate should be.

Is just good to know kindhearted folks who will help any one, every chance they get.

i got a suspension from high school for streaking a play. i thought it was apropriate. it was an adam and eve play lol. worst part they called my dads office and he was in a meeting and the co worker that took the call came in and interupted the meeting and anounced mr horak your son has been thrown out of school for streaking lol. he was none to happy
Boy the trouble I got into at school I could write a novel! I remember in like second grade I went to school with my eyes dialated (you know the drops that make everything up close blurry) anyhow I was tryin to focus in on our reading book and danged if I didn't get called on to read. That teacher yelled at me for goofing off in class sent me to the principles office I was all in tears before they called my mom...OOPS she forgot to tell them I had my eyes dialated. The teacher was so embarassed.