For Old Guys Only

Here's a little something when I was growing up on the farm brings to mind.
Dad bought 2 pair of OshKosh B Gosh overalls, he wore one pair out in the fields and working around the farm, and the other pair hung on a hook on the bedroom door. On Saturday night he and Mom went into town to do the trading, buying a few groceries and what not and they always stopped at the local tavern to have a beer or 2, and he was wearing his brand new over alls with a white shirt and tie. This went on for weeks and the rumor got out at the tavern that the old man must be making pretty good money out on the farm because he wore a brand new pair of overalls to town every Saturday night. Not knowing they were the same ones he bought weeks ago. LOL
That's great. I often buy multiples of the same shirt (Army surplus or uniform service extras). I've worn different ones on different days and gotten asked how I got oil stains out so well.
I'm kinda like that too. At home I usually wear Khakis and a white T-shirt. I have lots of both. I don't like to waste time thinking about what clothes to wear.
I absolutely hate spending money on clothes. I'd rather wear stuff, especially blue jeans, until my rear end is hanging out. I have flannnel shirts older than my neighbor's daughters who are both out of highschool. I have one good pair of Levis that I wear on 'special occasions' and a few nice shirts but for daily use, give me an old soft ragged pair of jeans, a t shirt and sneakers that look like they've been through a war, and I'm comfy. I'll never be a slave to fashion or accused of 'overdressing' for the occasion.

I do have suits and ties, nice dress shoes and shirts but I can't remember the last time I wore a suit. It's just not me.

It amuses me how much different I get treated wearing a coat & tie...I much prefer shorts & t-shirts. I think I'll change my avatar and see what happens LOL!
It's amazing how society has changed, you used to dress up to go to everything. You had suit and ties for Church, ones to go shopping in and the visiting clothes. Seems like now days its jeans and Ts for everything from weddings to funerals. Seems like we've lost some kind of respect for fashion.
Like 2door, I got westen style suits hanging in the closet and can't remember the last time i wore one. And a dozen pair of cowboy dress boots. Bought a brand new silvery suit to wear for our 25th Anniversary Party that we also celebrated my retirement at in 2004, I never did change into the suit even for pics with our cake or dancing. I work my Caterpillar shirt the whole day and night. The suit is in the original zipper bag hanging in the closet. I ended up playing with the band almost the whole party.
Remember when people got dressed up to get on an airplane. My gosh, you'd walk through the airport and it looked like a formal gathering. Now, it's 'anything goes'. The only ones who are dressed up are the flight crews.

Might as well dress comfortably since you're going to get manhandled by the goons at check-in. :-||

Remember when people got dressed up to get on an airplane. My gosh, you'd walk through the airport and it looked like a formal gathering. Now, it's 'anything goes'. The only ones who are dressed up are the flight crews.

Might as well dress comfortably since you're going to get manhandled by the goons at check-in. :-||
Don't get me started on the TSA. They've done more damage to the airline industry than anything including fuel prices. Those gestapo tactics have kept me away from traveling by air, and I know I'm not the only one.

I remember when flying used to be fun. When the flight attendants treated you like honored guests, when the flight crew occasionally came into the cabin and to actually 'talk' to the passengers, when the food was edible, and included in the price of your ticket. You didn't get frisked, Xrayed, mauled or accosted before you could board your flight. Heck, I even remember when you could smoke on a plane. Try it today and you'll end up in prison. Maybe Gitmo. :)

How many of you remember when we used to drag our mattresses outside to air and sun them? I always enjoyed that special sun freshened smell that first few nights afrerwards.
How many of you remember when we used to drag our mattresses outside to air and sun them? I always enjoyed that special sun freshened smell that first few nights afrerwards.

You're kidding.......right Wayne? I'm just thinking what smells might come out after a day in the sun........might be good, might be? rotfl
Don't get me started on the TSA. They've done more damage to the airline industry than anything including fuel prices. Those gestapo tactics have kept me away from traveling by air, and I know I'm not the only one.

I remember when flying used to be fun. When the flight attendants treated you like honored guests, when the flight crew occasionally came into the cabin and to actually 'talk' to the passengers, when the food was edible, and included in the price of your ticket. You didn't get frisked, Xrayed, mauled or accosted before you could board your flight. Heck, I even remember when you could smoke on a plane. Try it today and you'll end up in prison. Maybe Gitmo. :)

YUp , heck 2door when I got out of the service I brought a couple revolvers back with me ON THE PLANE and not a word said by any one including the sky marshall. heck when I was in grade school I took a 22 rifle to school every friday as part of gym class our instuctor was a retired marine that tought us all to shoot well, he was also our scout troop master. Ya do either of those anymore and 90% of the population would have a heart attack rick
"Sunlight is the best disinfectant." I heard that when I was growing up. Sure, it is, as long as a dog or bugs or mold don't get hold of whatever you're hanging out.

If I ever get to make my own house or cabin, it will have a room designed for appliances that create heat (water heater, dishwasher, etc), and for drying clothes on lines. Then it will still work in winter, and in the summer, the excess heat can be fanned outside. My grandmother has a utility room like this, that opens into the garage. It's swell. It has a shower, a sink, a huge freezer, water heater, and other utilitarian things. So the heat doesn't go into the rest of the house, and if you are muddy, you can clean up without dragging mud into the house.

Not kidding at all. This was common back in the day, when air conditioning was uncommon.