I wonder where they stored Robbie for all those years and if his batteries were dead when they dragged him out to audition for 'Lost in Space'?"Forbidden planet" 1954 (10 years before I was) Introduced Robbie the robot who later found work on "lost in space"
Did he have an agent?
Did he have to download new programming?
Did he really like Will Robinson? No one else did.
Agela Cartwright, the daughter ended up getting whacked by the creature in 'Alien'. She never got any prettier either.
And just what did Ward Cleaver do for a living? As a matter of fact what did a lot of those early TV dads do for a living? They were always, '"coming home from the office" What kind of office? My dad trained race horses. He didn't have an 'office'.
Ozzie Nelson never "came home from the office He was ALWAYS home! Wasn't he too young to be retired? Who made the money in that family anyway. What did they do before Ricky started making and selling records? Welfare? David was always wearing a suit but we never heard what he did either. And Harriet. Who did the housework and cooking? No woman dresses like she did and washed clothes or made dinner. No wonder our generation is so weird. We were raised in a fantasy land.
