For Old Guys Only

"Forbidden planet" 1954 (10 years before I was) Introduced Robbie the robot who later found work on "lost in space"
I wonder where they stored Robbie for all those years and if his batteries were dead when they dragged him out to audition for 'Lost in Space'?

Did he have an agent?

Did he have to download new programming?

Did he really like Will Robinson? No one else did.

Agela Cartwright, the daughter ended up getting whacked by the creature in 'Alien'. She never got any prettier either.

And just what did Ward Cleaver do for a living? As a matter of fact what did a lot of those early TV dads do for a living? They were always, '"coming home from the office" What kind of office? My dad trained race horses. He didn't have an 'office'.

Ozzie Nelson never "came home from the office He was ALWAYS home! Wasn't he too young to be retired? Who made the money in that family anyway. What did they do before Ricky started making and selling records? Welfare? David was always wearing a suit but we never heard what he did either. And Harriet. Who did the housework and cooking? No woman dresses like she did and washed clothes or made dinner. No wonder our generation is so weird. We were raised in a fantasy land. :)

Hyway Patrol, starring Broderick Crawford.


Okay. Here's some trivia..

"Whenever the laws of any state are broken a duly authorized organization swings into action. It may be called the 'State Police, The Rangers, The Militia or...The Highway Patrol."
And then that music would start and they would show a scene of a big black and white Olds or in the first episodes, a Buick, throwing dust as it took off from the side of a desert highway with cactus in the forground. :) And yes, it was broadcast in B&W.

Broadrick Crawford played Lieutenant Dan Mathews. And I DID NOT GOOGLE THAT! :)
I'm just an early TV trivia fan with good long term memory. (Don't ask me what I had for breakfast)


Dragnet is my guess..flg.
Dragnet is my guess..flg.
EeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhH. Thank you for playing but that is incorrect.

'Dragnet' starred another 50s icon, Jack Web (Sergeant Joe Friday). He was a LAPD detective who had a partner, Frank Smith, and they were always working different details. One week it would be Homicide, the next, Vice.

"It was hot in LA. We were working the Homicide detail when we got a call about..."

Dragnet was the first TV show to use the rapid fire dialog between actors that seemed less orchestrated, less rehersed; "Just the facts, ma'am" was one of Sgt. Friday's, Web's, famous lines.
My Dad never missed an episode and with only one TV in the house, you watched what your parents watched.

Yes, you watched what you parent watched but when it came time to change channels it was your job to do it.
My big thrill in those days was when we had a new tv and the channel numbers were lit up.

I remember the first TV remote control we had. It had some kind of tuning fork like things inside and when you clicked it it made this weird and loud 'thong' sound. Our TV would change channels if you dropped your keys or when Mom was rattling dishes in the sink. The doorbell would also make the TV do something strange. :) Guess that was before infrared.

Just asked my brother when we got our first remote channel changer and he can't remember either but is was probably in the late 60's when we got our first colour tv.
I'll bet the old Sears credit card took a hit that day.

We would still get up to change the channel and someone remembered the remote and changed the channel just as you were reaching for the dial.

Didn't the old dials just have 12 stations? In the old days most of those were blank where I lived since there were so few tv stations.

Best listening was a big floor model radio beside my bed that I listend to all the great old programs that never made it to tv and the ones that did. It was a short wave radio as well and was fun to listen to other countries when you could get an english broadcast.

13 vhf channels then you hit the big uhf...Dallas had 4,5,8,11 & 13 then we hit the big time and got chanell 39! Am I the only one to use a coat hanger for an antenna?
Dark Shadows! Used to race home to watch it. To get chanel 18, we had to take the rabit ears and put them in a draw. Closed ever so carfully so as to have them just right. On stormy days they made some poor kid hold em. (But but it didn't effect me much much)
LOL, Good Lord, I'd forgotten about foil on the rabbit ears.
One Christmas my Dad draped Christmas tree tensile all over the antenna parts.... and got great reception. For the next couple of years our living room was always ready for Christmas. Probably wouldn't work today because the tensile is made of plastic, not aluminum foil. (chaf ?) :)

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My Dad never missed an episode and with only one TV in the house, you watched what your parents watched.


Just a then and now observation:
My daughter was very upset with me because I refuse to get her a TV and cable box for her bedroom. *in a ranting little voice*..."I never get ta' watch what I wanna watch when you're home!"

Grandpa got her an Apple ipod for Christmas last year.

The local cable company recently released an app for the Apple ipod.

Now she has her own TV in her bedroom, and it is high def even!
Better picture quality than our TV!
And her's isn't even a TV for cry'n out loud!
Steve ya shoulda seen all the sirens when i removed 3 tree stumps out of the feild with T-n-T bout 10-11 years back had proper permit and everything yet some nosey neighbor called 911 bout the rednecks down the road setting off bombs. The next christmas I dangled dummy gernades from the house overhang instead of
LOL Tom. Was gonna say we should have offered "Chaf T.V. antenna reception enhancer" as a product. "using U.S. military research"

We could'a been rich.

It being Saturday morning, sitting with a bowl of cereal and watching cartoons.
My mother never had a dryer, I remember my dads pants hanging on the cloths line with metal spreaders in the legs so they wouldn't rinnkle and the crease was applied. That helped mom because pants were a few less things to iron.
When was "Charley Tuna"? Charley, we don`t want Tuna`s with good taste, we want Tuna`s that taste good! It was a Tuna Commercial.

as a little kid, I could not figure out if it was tuna or some sort of aquatic poultry.

Ayup, rode the small bus.
Dad went all out when we got our first tv. He bought a big Zenith console and had a 30 or 40 ft tower bolted to the side of the house with a monstrous tv antenna on top. It had a crank coming out of the wall in the living room and you could turn the antenna 360 so you could pick up the signal. But we still got only 3 channels with snow at times. Can anybody remember listening to Intersanctum on the old am radio? The program started with the sound of a latch opening a squeeking door. That program scared the **** out of me.

I do remember it now that you mentioned it. Don`t remember anything about the program, but do remember the announcer saying that and the squeaking door!
This thread has brought a lot of old memories too mind! Who would have "thunk it", lol.

Tom, Laurl & Hardy; This is another fine mes you have gotten us into!

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