For Old Guys Only

Don`t think this one has been posted; "DEATH VALLEY DAY`S"
narrated by; Pres Ronald Reagan
sponsered by; Twenty Mule Team Borax

Am not sure if it was Radio Show or black and white TV.

I used to watch it on tv when I was a kid. All we had was a B&W tv so I never knew the difference.......
Yeah, Thought I could visulize the Long 20 Mule Team in the commercial. Seems like some of it was about Sutter`s gold strike. Don`t remember the years, but long ago!

Had to look that one up and it ran on radio from 1930 till 1945 on radio and 1952 till 1975 on TV. One of the longest running western shows.
Ronald Regan was with the show as host in 1964-1965. It was his last acting role in his career

My mother used their products faithfully and I remember getting a dollar so I could send away for a Twenty Mule Team model kit. You had to send a panel from the side of the box with your name, ect on it as well. Had the model for a long time before it disappeared into the sands of time.

Steve N.

Thanks for the feedback, very interesting facts. Must have watched it on TV. At 6 yrs old in `45, would not have remembered that.

Ron ..cvlt1
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Heres some from Dad,,,,"Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? He was a paperboy when the following headlines appeared. Day 1) President says "Drop the damn thing". Day 2) Heroshima gone Day 3) Nogasaki gone Day 4) Japan surrenders
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Hyway Patrol, starring Broderick Crawford.

The Fat Man - on radio. Later he was a TV Star - Robert Cannon?? not sure of his name anymore, had a deep voice.
Who remebers Chemistry sets that the ingredients to blow **** up! Bought one for my nephew a few weeks ago, the only thing it would set off was a volcanoe (baking soda and vinegar)
Hat's off and glasses raised: A toast to a time when we believed we were 10 ft. tall , bullet proof and would live forever. A toast to the day I found out I wasnt ( shot while on a roaving patrol in Afghanistan on 10/10/87) A final toast to who ever loaded that round ( it was shorted powder) Thank You
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Cannon starred William Conrad :)
he had the first mobile phone I had ever seen ;)
I remember him having to go through mobile operator every call !!!
all you kids have it easy because of carp us old dudes had to go through laff
Hyway Patrol, starring Broderick Crawford.


Okay. Here's some trivia..

"Whenever the laws of any state are broken a duly authorized organization swings into action. It may be called the 'State Police, The Rangers, The Militia or...The Highway Patrol."
And then that music would start and they would show a scene of a big black and white Olds or in the first episodes, a Buick, throwing dust as it took off from the side of a desert highway with cactus in the forground. :) And yes, it was broadcast in B&W.

Broadrick Crawford played Lieutenant Dan Mathews. And I DID NOT GOOGLE THAT! :)
I'm just an early TV trivia fan with good long term memory. (Don't ask me what I had for breakfast)

Your my hero. You actually remembered you had breakfast. It's 2:42 and i just remembered I haven't eaten yet today.
Yipes, that means that I forgot that I was hungry.....It's worse than I thought.

They just don't make good westerns any more. Rawhide 1959-65 starring
Eric Fleming and a very young Clint Eastwood Head 'em Up and Move 'em out said Mr. Favor and hope you don't have to ride drag produced by the same producers as Gunsmoke
My brother and I were reminiscing about some of the explosions that we "may" have known something about.
He was talking about he and his buddy mixing up some chemicals from the buddies chemistry set and it started to act up so they ran outside with it and tossed it into a garbage can and put a cement block on the lid.
When it went off a jagged chunk of the garbage can landed right beside a young kid playing in the yard next door.

That was like the pipe bomb he and his pal set off in our back yard leaving a hole about 2x3" and 6" deep. I had a nice chat with the cop while pretending that I didn't see the crater. The cop just said don't let it happen again and that was it.

My cousin and I learned that you don't need a 1/2 stick of dynamite to clean catfish out of a pond that was full of trout until the catfish took over. We also learned that that there will be a lot of smoke, noise, catfish parts and sirens.
Also learned that my uncle counted his explosives and when he heard the bang he went out and started counting. Cousin was swimming upstream after that one.

My Dad, the uncles brother, just looked at me and shook his head.
