For Old Guys Only

This is still a hard subject for me, I lost both of my parents by the time I was 25. My mom passed when I was 19 of colon cancer, my dad six years later of a heart attach. With mom it was expected since she had been through four operations, dad was on the job installing a standing seem roof on a historic hotel in downtown when he had the attach. I'm not complaining, it made me to better realize how important family is, we spend as much time as possible with our children and my wife's parents. For those that still have their parents ask as much as possible, one day you will not be able to.
My Dad died in 1978 at 71. Smoking for 60+ years wasn't kind to him in the end. My Mom died in 2015 at 103-1/2. She was in good health up until the last couple of weeks.

I still talk to both of them every day. It fills the void in life now that they are gone.

Course organiser's meeting before the race went like this:
"We don need no stinkin' 'ealth an' safety. Our race is good to go, yes?
Cardboard armco barriers on the tightest bends, Check.
Ribbon crowd fencing, Check.
Spectator space grouped in the deadliest hazard areas, Check.
Hmmm, all we're missing is some poor creature to jump over at the 28 second-in mark. Anyone got a dog?
Hold my beer while I go round up ol' Rabid Rex..."
In a world without litigation the spirit of a race promoter is set free...guys just need to go fast! The Baja is the poster race for spectators placing themselves in extremis! The starts are especially lacking in "social distancing" from the massive unlimited trucks with three plus feet of suspension travel and well, unlimited power. Must be exciting but for me I'm back way way back from the action as a spectator.

Rick C.
Hop cones among the conifers. I'll watch to see when to pick the cones off, but still a few months before it gets cold.

Work load must have been light enough for a little play?
Was this a "Here hold my beer" ?
I must find a consenting adult with a curious nature and a interest in Physics.
From my experience Bosh has the best power supply.
From Calzone to Physics, what does not get you going? Picture me as a Jack Russel. :)
Who is up for a little movie trivia? What with the plague and all most of us are staying indoors and I've found lots of time to waste time. So I'm proposing we have a little fun. I'll post a picture, you tell what movie its from and a famous line from that movie. I'll make the first one simple to see how this will go over.



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Who is up for a little movie trivia? What with the plague and all most of us are staying indoors and I've found lots of time to waste time. So I'm proposing we have a little fun. I'll post a picture, you tell what movie its from and a famous line from that movie. I'll make the first one simple to see how this will go over.

Apocalypse Now, I love the smell of Napalm in the morning.