For Old Guys Only

Yeah, that was an easy one. Who hasn't seen that movie?
Here's another one of my favorites.

I hope we all are feeling well!!


Ain't that the truth? Strange times, guys. I've been around for a while and I've never lived through anything like this flu thing. Its sort of scary especially if you've ever read Stephen King's, 'The Stand'. Actually because of my health I haven't been out much even before all this started. Char still has to go out for groceries and other essentials but we've been staying close to home.

Anyone else having problems with telemarketers? We get six to eight calls a day; so many that we stopped answering the phone and let the answering machine weed out the wheat from the chaff. They'll call as late as 9:pm and start as early as 7:am. Advertising has reached epidemic proportions in this country. No matter where you go or what you do someone is trying to cram something down your throat...............oooops. I'm starting to sound just like my grandfather used to talk. I guess I'd better shut up and go take my pills. ;)

But while I'm here I wanted to say that as for the trivia game. Anyone can post questions. Don't leave it all up to me.. If you have a trivia question this is a good place to post it. I'm always up for a trivia challenge.


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Hi, Dan,

I certainly hope everyone is doing well also. So many are recovering or are trying to recover from an illness or have a spouse who is. Some of us are dealing with both husband and wife trying to recover or are dealing with an ongoing illness.

Here in British Columbia we used to have a different credit card style health card given us when we reached 65 for our health care. It was gold coloured. We now have a card that looks like a drivers license with our photo on it since so many people were loaning out their card to visiting relatives from overseas since they couldn't be recognized without a photo on it. Lots of fake driver licences as a back up I.D. They now have safety features that can't be duplicated unless issued by the government.

The standard joke before they changed it was that the health card was that the card was the only thing Gold in the "Golden Years." Now even that is gone.


Thankfully we have caller I.D. and any time we get a call if we don't recognize the number it goes to leave a message. Sometimes they do but usually you get the hang up. The odd time I'll answer it and wait for someone to answer it and give them a hard time. My favourite is to ask if they have someone who speaks English in a quavering old man voice. Then I ask to repeat themselves constantly.

About the time they are going wild I just tell them they aren't very nice people and hang up. Some times they call back and are very offended by this. I like watching YouTube and the people who do it as a hobby. Some of them keep the caller on the phone for a long time.

Our best calls are the ones that are from the Eastern part of Canada or better yet the U.S. Sorry but the borders closed and I don't know any one in Wyoming. They start a 6:30am here because the good folks in India haven't worked out the time differences in different regions in Canada.

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Yeah, that was an easy one. Who hasn't seen that movie?
Here's another one of my favorites.


Ain't that the truth? Strange times, guys. I've been around for a while and I've never lived through anything like this flu thing. Its sort of scary especially if you've ever read Stephen King's, 'The Stand'. Actually because of my health I haven't been out much even before all this started. Char still has to go out for groceries and other essentials but we've been staying close to home.

Anyone else having problems with telemarketers? We get six to eight calls a day; so many that we stopped answering the phone and let the answering machine weed out the wheat from the chaff. They'll call as late as 9:pm and start as early as 7:am. Advertising has reached epidemic proportions in this country. No matter where you go or what you do someone is trying to cram something down your throat...............oooops. I'm starting to sound just like my grandfather used to talk. I guess I'd better shut up and go take my pills. ;)

But while I'm here I wanted to say that as for the trivia game. Anyone can post questions. Don't leave it all up to me.. If you have a trivia question this is a good place to post it. I'm always up for a trivia challenge.
Jaws! Youre gonna need a bigger boat.
And Davideo got it correct. That line often misquoted and is said, "we're gonne need." but the right word is "You're".

Caller ID is okay if you're right there to read the display but we're usually not close to the phone with the screen so it doesn't do us much good.

Here's what get me riled. The phone companies have the technology to stop or ban there telemarketers but they won't because they want to sell their customers a service to stop them. Our phone provider wants to charge me to put a recording on my line that says "This phone does not take telemarketer calls." Ha Ha. I could put that as a message on my answering machine and save the fee. It would have about as much chance to stop the calls as the one they want to charge me for.
Yeah, when I have time or I'm in the mood, I'll keep them on the line and mess with them. I'll ask where they're calling from and they'll give me some silly answer like "Atlanta Georgia." I'll say, "Funny. I thought they spoke English in Georgia and not with an Indian accent." That usually gets them going and I'll hang up.

You got me, Greg. I don't have a clue. I'm surprised more people aren't guessing. Maybe they're all out protesting the election :rolleyes:
Hopefully we'll get some response soon. In the mean time here's another easy one.

How about Good Morning Vietnam , Its gona be hot and wet. Just a guess please excuse the lack of an apostrophe s. Microsoft took away my english keyboard and gave me a French one. just because of where I live.
Here's one of my favorites. Ya gotta get the quote right to win this round.


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