I have a 90hp mercury 3cyld with 3 carbs, I have had it since 1990 and it has always been very dependable. I bought the boat when it was 6 months old and still under warranty, the manual says to run the engine above 5k rpm when cruising for extended rides, I run it wide open and have never had a problem. It’s on a 16 foot Astro bass boat, does 42 mph with two adults and gear.
" 5k rpm when cruising for extended rides"
And that is why I got my Homelite/Bearcat 4stroke outboards. They will run at idle, all day, every day without a fouled plug.
It's the way my wife likes it. Her idea of a boat ride, is 1kt around lake shores. window shopping lakefront property.
By the way. Nice shelter Greg, but I'm thinking. Poles were too long or pole holes were not deep enough.
Just saying, pay me mind.