For Old Guys Only

I don't know if this applies to anyone else here but I decided a few years ago to go for comfort over fashion, my wife doesn't like the way I dress or the " Gillian" shoes I wear most of the time. I tell her I'm old enough to have earned the right to wear what I want, it doesn't have to match it has to be comfortable.
People yesterday was one of the few times I could actually leave the road we live on while riding my bike, this covid-19 has a lot of people staying home. I rode several of the main highways with very little traffic, It was really nice to not have to load my bike in the truck to go somewhere and ride.
I’ve been lucky so far with only one knee problem, I had surgery on it in December of 17. Other than the usual pains that go with being over 60 I’m doing pretty good. Joe as for the colonoscopy I’ve had 3 now, family history is the reason, my mom passed away from it in 77 but I’ve not have any problems.
Joe I didn’t make my post clear above, my mom had colon cancer and passed away in 1977. That’s why I’ve had three colonoscopy procedures. It’s not fun but I don’t want to go through what I watched her suffer from.
Lost track of how many colonoscopy i have had, back in 94 had a chunk of colon taken out because of pal lops. At first it was every 2 years, then every 3 years, then every 5 years after that, just had one this spring. Now they say i shouldn't need anymore, as i will be 78 in Oct. Greg i had a new knee done in 2011, not been the best, but works and a lot better then the pain before. I do a pedal bike everyday to keep flexible, helps a lot. Now need a new right shoulder, been suffering for a few years, but is getting worse. But otherwise not to bad for old fart..........Curt
I kept the wife I had for 35 years.

Then, she had a psychotic break.
One day, she walked downstairs with a little bag, and walked out the door. Nobody knew where she went, and my daughters and I were all at a loss. Then, I get a call "I'm living with my sister, I took half the house money out of the bank, and I want a divorce."
Fast forward a bit- She divorced me, and me and the kids (Not really, they're all adults all on their own) STILL had no idea what was going on....her sister, the loving aunt that she is, wouldn't tell the girls anything.

A few months later I get a phone call from the ex saying "I'm in trouble, I need help. I have been hearing voices and seeing things since I was 20..." Her awesome sister told her it was stress and "she didn't have time for this".

I took her to a psychiatrist and within 10 minutes of arriving they took her away to the mental hospital. She was there 10 weeks.

After she was ready to be released, nobody would sign for her....(they were all afraid after everything came out).
So......I picked her up and moved her back in with me. She's pretty much a zombie, and she is not my wife in any way. She is basically like an 8 year old.

I have to take care of her, and it's pretty trying most of the time.
Not much else I can do.