Fabricating a Fairing

Hello Everyone,

Nice sunny day today, so I took some daylight pictures.

I think I’m done with the fairing for now, I’m still going to try and fit Baird’s windshield on, but the way it looks now is pleasing to me.

I bought some race number stickers. Made a front plate out of metal that screws onto the headlight bezel. Not sure about the side numbers, I wanted them for the race, but not stuck on permanently. I think I put them on too high, but I just used scotch tape. Also they cover my beautiful rivets!

Getting closer to race ready. Pretty soon it’ll be time to put on the hookworms, install the race clutch and gaurd, and put on the race seat.

The last picture is trying to recreate my original pencil drawing at the beginning of this thread. Not too far off.
Looks great Gilbert!
Forgive my long delay. When you make that run to the donut shop, I'm in.

Looks great Gilbert!
Forgive my long delay. When you make that run to the donut shop, I'm in.


Ray! I miss you bro!!!

I was going to try to ride down before the race (March 30th), but now I need get my race clutch on to get ready, and the race clutch sucks for street use, so I can’t do the donut shop run until after the race.

I’ll definitely let you know when I’m ready, probably mid-April. It would be fun to ride together.

Ray! I miss you bro!!!

I was going to try to ride down before the race (March 30th), but now I need get my race clutch on to get ready, and the race clutch sucks for street use, so I can’t do the donut shop run until after the race.

I’ll definitely let you know when I’m ready, probably mid-April. It would be fun to ride together.

mid-April sounds good Gilbert. I'll see you guys March 30th at the racies!
Are we going to run the gauntlet??

Oh man, I gotta plan a date now!

I’m pretty excited to ride with such cool people.

I think i’m out of town April 13th, so that leaves the 6th (close to March 30th race), or the 20th (day before Easter), or the 27th.

April 20th is best for me, but I will check with my friend, Bob Turk to see what works for him. I was hoping to get him to come. I think I could also do the 6th or the 27th.

What date works best for you guys?

I’ve been wanting to do this ride for I think more than 2 years now.

April 20th is best for me, but I will check with my friend, Bob Turk to see what works for him. I was hoping to get him to come. I think I could also do the 6th or the 27th.

What date works best for you guys?

I’ve been wanting to do this ride for I think more than 2 years now.

Don't forget that we are racing again on Fri - Sat May 11th at Grange aka Apple valley Speedway.
any of those dates are ok with me.
Normally I work locally on Saturdays, so I could go to the donut shop and just go to work late. Plus, I've got my license plate finally. Not that I've ever been hassled around here, but...

Just gotta get a silencer. My bikes a bit loud to be ripping around that early in the morning.
Dude, I messed up on the dates!

I’m not very good at event planning.

So the only April dates I can do are the 13th and the 27th. Considering the race dates, the 13th of April would be my choice.

Let me know who else can make either of those dates, otherwise I guess I’ll try late May.

Sorry for the confusion


So the only April dates I can do are the 13th and the 27th. Considering the race dates, the 13th of April would be my choice.

Let me know who else can make either of those dates, otherwise I guess I’ll try late May.

Sorry for the confusion

SAT April 13th is good with me.
Best to edit out the confusing info,
Dude! LOLZ
April 14th is the Vintage bike show again Sunday 2pm to 4pm
Ok, My friend Bob is in for riding on April 13th, so that’s the day we’re going with. I think I have everyone’s phone number, except Dale, so i’ll let you all know about meet up times before the date.

Donut Derelicts starts butt-early I understand?, like 5 or 6 a.m. in which case Bob and I will have to leave in the dark.

We’ll be riding down Sunset Blvd, then Whittier Blvd. to meet up with Ray. From there, I will have to figure out the best street route to meet up with Dale, Baird, and Neil. I think you three live relatively close to each other?

I look forward to it, i’m gonna try to get Norm and Jeff to go, we’ll see.

Thanks everyone,

Me and Dale live a few blocks from each other. I think Neil lives under a bridge or in a cave somewhere farther north. From my house, Newland St is a good route. Big bike lane and minimal traffic.

And yeah, it's early. Cars start clearing out at 8ish.