European lightweight Motorized Bicycles


Ooooooo I like that :D

Me, too. That's a good looking bike. Belt drive, nice position of the headlight. Looks comfortable and the lady appears to be right at home.
Me, too. That's a good looking bike. Belt drive, nice position of the headlight. Looks comfortable and the lady appears to be right at home.


The boy's version looks a little odd with its petrol tank mounted on the engine, but the ladies version makes complete sense to have it setup that way.

Id love to be right at home on a motor bicycle like that too :)
Yup, the Kolibri looks like a lightweight European motorbike.
Why do I get the feeling that guy is 6' 8" & the seat position
would put his knees against his chest if he tried to pedal?
No, but I look just like him....Prisoner of Zehnder that is. not quite 6'8'
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OSP Felino.


Alma Quimera 50


50cc Pachancho engine.


50cc Alma Turismo


Cinal with 50cc Pachancho, Portugal.

These are awesome. It's amazing how many are friction drives and how they don't look like a lawnmower awkwardly strapped to the side of your bike
A lot's going to depend on whether it's designed for the job or it really is a lawn mower on a bike. I still think there's space in the market for a kit to slimline the little 2 strokes, move the starting and generator from the side of the engine, put them behind it with a reduction drive, and then give them a choice of a chain drive to a wheel or a roller to a tyre.
Not all Italian machinery has charisma. Some has charisn'tma. From the same Rizzato company that made that elegant friction driver, one that thinks elegance are big things with trunks. The Piarino.

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Lots of out of the box thinking on that Piarino, but gosh that's hard to look at. I'd say put it back in the box.
Rizzato made bicycles with forks like those as well, and it seems they are now sought after by collectors.
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