Eliminating the driven sprocket

The only problem I see with those bottom brackets is the width. Our cranks spindles are 135mm and any shorter won't work.
I've been out of the net for a while. I thought these kits were supposed to have been put on market for sale already.

Can you please provide a status?
These things take time. Perhaps we announced the kit too soon. Look how long it's taking for the guy with the expansion pipe. We have quite a few vendors involved - some are long lead time items. We are DONE with the design - just need to get all the parts!! :D
Pipe....Pipe ...>What pipe? ;-)....HA....yes, these things do take time....I am soooo looking forward to a pipe with gearing....Oh yeah that's gonna be FUN!

ehehheheh nothing personal - suppliers......sometimes they move at their own pace....or they always move at their own pace. And then someone goes on vacation. I must say we have selected some excellent suppliers.....and we wait and work.
UPDATE: Eliminating the driven sprocket

OK - all supplier orders are happening. The week of July 4 will be very busy for us. Our goal is a full value, fully tested kit with complete installation details and no issues for the user with a maintained bike.

Look for the kits to ship in July. I know we said June....sorry. We didn't want to spend megabucks on shipping from our suppliers to us so we could keep the price as close to $200 as possible. Early July will be our roll-out, website announcement, ordering process details, etc. Stay tuned - pass the word.


Paul and Jim :ride2:
I am starting to save my $$$ already. Instead of buying gas for my F150, I ride my motorbike and save the $$$, then I'll spend it on the kit.

Does the kit have a name, besides "shifter kit"?
Boy O Boy Thats Like Building A Grandfather Clock. That Reminds Me : My Grandfather Had A Grandfather Clock That His Crandfather Brought Over From The Old Country. It Was So Old That The Shadow From The Pendolum Wore A Hole Thru The Case. Those 18 Pages Were Intense !! I Took 3 Aspirns And Layed Down . The Kits Will Fly Off The Shelf.
Pablo is there a min clearance from the downpost to the rear wheel? I am hoping to mount the kit to this bike but not a lot of space to deal with.


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I believe it will require about 1.5 inches from the seat tube to the rear tire. When I get home from work I will go measure it but I think that is pretty close.