Eliminating the driven sprocket

Well a sprague clutch is made more for a situation where like say in MINEING.
You got thousands of pounds traveling up a steep hill on a convayer for miles.
If the motors stop driving all thoose pounds gonna kill someone.
The sprage clutch will hold it.

Like you said the frewheel is basically a ratchet type of system.
The sprague clutch is different.
It dosen't use pauls that will break.

Better I don't know.
Built to take more abuse for sure.
Very similar but not the same. Since that is used to be a driven sprocket on the left side it freewheels in the opposite direction than what is need on the crank side.
You can't turn it around because as it is used for the rear drive sprocket it uses left hand threads and to be use on the cranks requires right hand threads. Otherwise it would just unscrew when you tried to pedal.