Eliminating the driven sprocket

Is this what your talking about??


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yes bottom bracket is in inside the round part at the bottom of the bicycle the cranks screw to. they can cost alot for a top of the line one
So Pablo, will your crank fit the bicycle I have in the photo? The other frame I was going to use has the one piece crank. I actually think this frame will be less work than the one I originally was going to use. I just want to make sure whichever one I use will work with the jackshaft.....................
OK I put the 10 tooth gear on and rode like a maniac - balls to wall on pavement and chuckholed gravel roads - man it's spring - I got bugs on my teeth. I beat it hard, so hard that I scared myself enough to stop and check everything over. Nothing loose. (^)^5

OK if the production sample gears show on Monday and they fit and work - we will start spending our $1000's of dollars to get production rolling. Can you say "VISA and Mastercard"?:eek::D
Pablo, weren't you supposed to be at your daughter ball game?

I don't know if Ilikeabikea's frame will hold a engine. Those extra tubes might get in the way.

Just for some clarification on the bottom bracket. You need what I think is called "cup and cone" style. Attached is a photo of the type of spindle that your current bike should have. If you have the newer style I am told that it can be retrofitted back to the old style.


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I don't know if Ilikeabikea's frame will hold a engine. Those extra tubes might get in the way.quote]

I'm going to remove those tubes from the seat post up to the neck and weld in a bar so it will be a boys bike when I'm through. I bet I'll have lots of room if I do that. The main reason I asked was because the frame I was originally planning on using was a boy bike but it has the larger pedal bearings. I just want to make sure the freewheel crank will fit the frame....................:D
Yea thats what I was wondering about.

I think I understand - you have a freewheel....but does it have two chainrings? (large one to be driven by the small jackshaft sprocket, other smaller chainring for driving your normal bike chain)
This is a phenomenal invention guys. I am STOKED. More so because you are here in WA state! I am coming to you. Don't go anywhere I'll be there in an hour..