But the low end was not quite right - we need to figure out the the next matching driven left sprocket....more ordering....
I forgot to add - even with the set-up on my bike being a bit too much toward the high end....I can indeed take off quite easy with the clutch and a little throttle - fun ahahahha!
OTOH - get used to starting it with leg power!

It seems a bit odd, but really not a huge issue once you realize a hill doesn't help you start.
As for production "issues":
1) As noted the ratios turned out to be a bit different than we expected. On the negative side, one of the gears is not made in a higher # of teeth! We thought we were stuck - well we were. The bike goes fine, and some guys will really like it for flatland speed. But it doesn't have the low end gearing to allow the little beast to spin, and on the high end the top two gears are just HIGH. However, one of us two board members had the idea to get a smaller custom gear for bike chain upper driving gear. Yahoo - it can be done - I ordered the gear and it shipped today. The proprietary steps I will need to do next.....I need to see how the top end will be. On the positive side - if this new gear works, then we will sell the kit with the lower gear and offer the larger gear and a purchasable option later. It's a bit expensive for us to have both at first, but we'll see.
2) The actual installation went fairly quick. The new rear engine mount design is slick!! I mean GHOST0 SICK! You gotta know how to work on bikes - the crank stuff is not that hard, but experience is required. We will supply the new longer crank, crank arms, etc. You'll need a Park crank puller tool. We can suggest the tool#. It works really easy, and isn't too expensive. It would be nice to have a retainer nut tool as well, but not required.
3) Every bike and engine are different, so it requires your noggin. You will need to do some minor filing on your engine flanges and case to keep the side plates all aligned and such.
4) Yes - you need to take the engine out. It's worth it. We supply all the parts and hardware.....but you will need a chain breaker and some of the normal tools.
5) I started working on the installation manual with the photos. Need more photos!