eBike news and items of interest

This e-chopper would really get my attention if it had pedal power too.
More info and video at the link.
Wouldnt that be nice? Ill be able to pump more money into a better motor instead of bigger batteries.
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"I keep reading the battery prices are set to take a dump soon."
Solar panels are priced less than half of what they were a few years ago.
Overproduction of solar panels by the Chinese have created a glut.
I would love to see Li-ion battery prices drop too.
I agree! The cost of batteries is the only reason I haven't tried out an electric build.
I keep reading that the technology is improving by leaps and bounds. Batteries with twice the capacity, more amp. output, new chemistry that won't grow dendrites and cause the battery to short out and catch fire, half the charging time. greatly reduced heat generated during charging and extreme discharging, all done for far less cost and even made "green" for an improved environmental impact and easier recycling.

But....... all talk and no sales. :(
The e-moped is expensive, but not over priced. The motor, controller and batteries alone will cost you 3 grand or so if you did a DIY with an old Puch or Motobecane.
Weight is determined by how fast it goes, and what it's made out of. Exotic materials drops weight, but drastically raises the price.

40 to 50 mph demands a chassis that weights at least 100lb if it's going to be able to take that kind of pounding dependably for years. Going 50 mph on a 100 lb bike requires very careful, intelligent frame design and engineering.

I had a Honda S90 once upon a time. It went 48 mph, and weighted 200 lbs. It wasn't very stabile in turns, and the drum brakes were like suggestions to stop. My Stealth weighs 116 lbs and goes 50+ mph, and rides like it's on rails in turns. The disk brakes are so powerful you can lock both tires at will. Both bikes have steel monocoque frames, but the Honda was a cheap stamping, while the Stealth is a very time consuming to make design, welded up from plate.

Until some new metal is invented 50 mph bikes are going to weigh at least 100 lbs or more depending on how clever the design.