eBike news and items of interest

I think that Wave eBike, and especially the Strom, and others coming are going to go a long way toward making eBikes go main stream.
Williams is working on a Sodium-Ion battery pack. It is more affordable because it is derived from salts that are far more common than lithium salts. They should prove less flammable than lithium as well. It looks very promising.
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I was switching channels this morning, looking for coverage of the Monaco Grand Prix. Instead, I happened upon a Formula E race from Berlin. The e-car racing was very close, with a lot of passing. There seemed to be more parity than in Formula 1 and fewer mechanical failures. There was no shortage of big name sponsors like Virgin and Renault.
-Pit stops are different. They swap the whole car, rather than just tires and batteries. -Watching the Formula E race made me more optimistic about the furture of e-bikes and e-vehicles in general. More info at the link.

quite interesting indeed!No doubt Advances in battery technology and what have ye will come from this.
I have been trying to squeeze more life out of my SLA batteries until we get that price break on LiPo batteries. I've been pedaling a lot.
This looks pretty awesome but man, too high dollar for me https://nyxbikes.com/ that em3ev frame is the cheapest but still oouch. Guess I'm just going to have to get a cheap crap wall mart bike if I want full suspension. bummer
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You know what? I was just looking at that bike not even 3 mins ago. I've been thinking about getting one for several years now.