Drill press 49.99

I just went and pulled the records and found that I bought this old tool in 1984. The brand name is All Trade.
I've replaced the belt several times but that's all.
If I was in the business and used a drill press everyday for my livelyhood then I'd shy away from cheapo stuff but I've built four hot rods, and drilled countless holes with this old guy. I've used it as a lathe, a grinding, sanding, polishing tool, and it has always performed well. How can you complain about that for a $50.00, made in China tool?

PS. please excuse the messy workbench. I just finished making a sprocket/hub adapter and I haven't cleaned up the debris yet.


  • Drill Press, 2.JPG
    Drill Press, 2.JPG
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Harbor Freight has a 40.00 coupon out for this drill press. Its regular price of 89.99 with coupon its 49.99 coupon number is [FONT=&quot]65431371[/FONT] Just thought Id share it.


Rats! That coupon code was rejected.
That is a good price on a drill press.
Just an update...I got My drill press and used it a bit and while drilling some 1/8 it lost power to the chuck the belts and pulleys are turning but I can stop the chuck from spinning with My hand. Anyone else had this problem. I called HF told them what was going on, and was told I would receive a new one in 5-7 days, and that they didnt want the old one back. So I guess I will put this in the "when I get some time" project pile.
Probabally !!! My nemesis... Was the problem in My china engine too with the bevel gear right out of the box. Damn Woodruff Key !! I will open it up when I get a chance hopefully its an easy fix and someone can use it..I only need one press.
I bought this drill press 2 years ago on sale for $49 and have used it to drill aluminum, plastics and wood. Never had a problem with it, well worth every penny I spent for it.
Sometimes the chuck comes off the Morris Taper on the end of the spindle. That will also let them spin but I don't think that's the case.

I got what must be one of the few not very good ones. Strangly it cut trianguler holes. I couldn't fugure it out so I sold it to a friend after telling him about it. He said it worked fine. I shrugged and went back to using the 50 year old Delta I had been using.
Hi. Can a drill press like that be used to push a used bearing out of a gear box or clutch housing like the hi-grade plastic one GEBE uses then be used to press a new bearing back in there, or is there another specialized tool for that? Thankyou.
Thankyou GearNut. I appreciate it. Thankyou all who share your knowledge on this forum. It's been my pleasure to read and learn here then work on my motorized bicycle. Thanks again.
A) you don't want to use that press for bearings!!! Much better to use a socket or something!!! You put a hurting on the teeth and if you ever need it to drill at a precision depth will screw it!

B) People might get away with it once in a while, but putting lateral force on a drill collet with a tapper bearing in it is not good!!! Wasn't meant to handle a latteral load and when a chunk of steal that heavy goes flying, you ain't fast enough to duck. I don't care if your Bruce Lee!

C) Coolant: The best to use, is not oil contrary to many beliefs! You should use Kerosene, so long as there is no danger of spark! Try it and watch! Oil adds a lubricant, your goal is too cut right? Why use oil? Try the Kero for taps also!

D) I seen a post where a guy rigged up a HF caliper to the depth controls on one... Was pretty cool, I'd like to see pics if anybody does that here!
Been waiting on another drill press to go on special. The only item close to your post was this one 5 Speed Drill Press & Other Drill Speeds - Harbor Freight Tools Where did you see a $40.00 coupon? I even went as far as check out and put the coupon you mentioned and the price is still $69.99. Now I went back and read your origional post and was dated 3/7/11

If you sign up for e-mail alerts they will send you special coupons and special savings blah blah blah. There is a coupon for 20 percent one item off right now until may 5th coupon number 64660194. Too bad your not closer if the other is fixable Im not going to need it.
Been waiting on another drill press to go on special. The only item close to your post was this one 5 Speed Drill Press & Other Drill Speeds - Harbor Freight Tools Where did you see a $40.00 coupon? I even went as far as check out and put the coupon you mentioned and the price is still $69.99. Now I went back and read your origional post and was dated 3/7/11

The coupon "20TOOL" still works. That brings the price to $55.99.
$10 shipping is cheaper than me driving 30 miles to pick it up.
Kev, Why don't more people think like that? Put an add on C/L sometime and watch the people who show up at your door to dicker over 50cents.

I tried to sell an assortment of yard tools for 50% retail. Specifically listed was, think of what you'll pay in gas going store to store deal seeking.

I seen a coupon a month or two back, up here in NY. Don't know if it's still good? I'll keep an eye out!
The coupon "20TOOL" still works. That brings the price to $55.99.
$10 shipping is cheaper than me driving 30 miles to pick it up.

I wouldn't think about driving miles to pick it up vs $10.00 shipping. But since I have to go that way for radiation treatment, this would be the time to do it, plus pick up a few other drill press related tools. We consolidate just about all our trips, although a full tank of diesel in my Dodge 2500 truck will last well over a month, maybe two. Ummm 680 miles per tank and $4.00 a gallon.

brnot for my local trips, just for the fun of it.
Craigslist buyers.
Set the price slightly higher than you want, then drop the price a bit. I listed an old XR80 for $350, when my target price was $300. He got a deal, I got my price. People want that extra discount at the end.

I use to just get in the car and drive. Gas is now $4.25 a gallon out here. My time is valuable too. For me, it would be a special trip to the nearest HF store. I could maybe combine the trip with another shopping errand, but go to HF alone is not worth the $10.

27 miles each way @ 18 mpg = $12.75 in gas
45 minutes each way = 1.5 hours of my time.

I'd much rather look at the drill before I buy it, but the store is too far away. My time is more important than the extra $3 to drive. That is really the deciding factor.