Since no one else responded, heard 71 bikes last year, there may be a few that DNF'd during practice and weren't counted. Last April there was 1 e-bike, looks maybe 8 e-bikes this year. I've no sense of those with plans to race and/or show bikes this April, other than the public banter on forums. Hope 'motored bike racing' experiences simplistic pragmatic growth to become a widely enjoyed sport.
See you there,
I am bringing my Hardrock and it is a daily rider and completely stock except for expansion pipe., I will be lucky to see 35mph on the track.
Well, something fufawed with the edit. Anyway, don't know if I can get my build ready enough other than to enjoy a heat run at 35mph. The chain tensioner is biting my butt.
Can't wait for the DR, bunch of outlaws with some wickedly fast builds.
What type of helmet is required for DR? Does it need to be a motorcycle DOT approved,or is a bike helmet OK?
hi dave we measure the bike its 91 inches long 32 inches wide we shuld have it ready by tuesday please let me know what the plans are