Well-Known Member
POR15 will seep right out any crack or pinhole. It will harden and seal it up, but I try to stop all leaks and seeps prior to using it.
Thanks and I hear youPOR15 will seep right out any crack or pinhole. It will harden and seal it up, but I try to stop all leaks and seeps prior to using it.
You were probably good with the first one, but I appreciate your level of detail. Would love to buy you a beer or two somedayAnother beer and a 1/2 needed to fabricate another brake arm mount. This one perfectly centered to the center line of the 9/16" clamp loop. Drilled for a 6mm screw. All that's left to do is radius the open ends. Should be in the mail Saturday.
Ya gotta know, to install these mounts. You have to spring/pry them open to get em over the chain stay, and then draw the hanger ends together enough to get the clamping bolt and nut started.
The assembly should be tight to the chain stay. "Like Aunt Lucy's corset strings." (credit Greg Knowles).
I hear you brother and thanks for the reminderDo all the metal prep first ready for paint before you use the tank sealer Any filing or sanding/grinding may cause the tank sealer to bubble up and come away from the metal from the heat.
Lol, no sir, I’ll buy beer all weekend. I can afford you lolDunno Danny. haint seen Pat's sprocket adapter and sprocket assy. on your Husky rear wheel, set in the drop outs.
Brake arm torque is significant. First offset one was a less than perfect for my stay size, and reducing the stay loop size I could not center the hanger mounts.
Honestly making these mounts for you, are what I wouldn't do for my self in the days when i pulled a forty hour week.
I wish my shop had a work load to keep me thinking.
Only two beers Danny? Barely damps the dust in the barrel. I Do appreciate your offer Danny. Cheers!
You are too kind to me Tom. Take care of your needs first.Brake arm straps in da mail 3PM today. one of those express boxes. Might be in your mail box Monday.
Now I can machine up a 1914 Harley style brake arm mount for myself out of aluminum.
No I decided there was way too much fabrication involved to make that happen. Maybe in the future. But after I’ve done several two-stroke builds I’m probably going to start looking at predator four strokesWhat ever become of that Briggs tiller engine? Is it still (In the Build) so to speak.
I’ve taken your advice. Brazing my remaining leaks. Almost there...POR15 will seep right out any crack or pinhole. It will harden and seal it up, but I try to stop all leaks and seeps prior to using it.
Thanks Tom, I’ll get her off the stand tomorrow and roll both ways to see what happens. I do feel the chain needs to be tighter. Plus it’s gonna stretch.Perfecting your chain line is essential.
My H. D. will roll forward all day. Back it up 3/4 wheel rotation and the chain walks off. Rag joints suck for no adjustment.
Flyer with perfect chain line is indifferent to rolling direction.
If your chain feeds with out flaw forward or backward, yer good. Maybe not perfect but good enough.
Tensioners are not needed with Diamond brand chain.
Tensioners for POS 415 yes.
Flyer with perfect chain line is indifferent to rolling direction.