I get itSorry Danny rhetorical question.
When I clean aluminum hot water and Dawn dish detergent is my go to. Rinsing in fresh water flushes out all the grit.
Package came by post today, 41 links, just links. What the hail did I talk you into Danny?
Made you up a bullet proof brake strap for #1 Boardy. You said the chain stay is 9/16 dia. Right?
Strap is made out of .077", 2mm 316 SS 5/8" wide. 1/4" dia clearance clamping holes for 6mm clamping screw, provided.
Danny, did you build the bike stand in your photos ? Can you provide some closer pics of it ? How do you support the bike on it ?Pat comes through again.
Sure but it’s cheap and unsure if it could handle the motor running. With that said I can sit on the bike and pedal with no issues.Danny, did you build the bike stand in your photos ? Can you provide some closer pics of it ? How do you support the bike on it ?
I have felt on the half pipe that’s welded on topI was looking to something very similar, but was thinking of lining the cradle so as not to scratch the paint.
No you don't Danny. Take it for what it is. I come from people who valued giving over taking.cool, thanks for the tips on cleaning up the aluminum.
And I don’t know, I jumped the gun and didn’t look at it closely enough before purchasing.
yes sir, 9/16 of an inch. I sure do appreciate that. I owe you one!
Wow, thank you sir. You are a gentleman for sureNo you don't Danny. Take it for what it is. I come from people who valued giving over taking.
No trade offs, we just give, and don't look back. I like your ambition. You are a rare cat on this forum.
The brake arm anchor made, is offset. Try it out.
I made a forming die today to make the brake strap with a true 9/32" radius. If a brake arm strap perfectly centered on the chain stay is needed, I am now tooled to produce it. No big deal in my machine shop. Took one beer.
The offset version, gives some allowance for brake arm position. Pat had brake strap and arm ideas, which he holds close to his vest. For good reason.
Keep up the good work Danny,
Thanks and I touched up the brazing a bit more and slowed the leaks even moreGas tank sealer should stop the leaks. Finish off the metal work and tape over where the leaks are just in case there is a slim chance of it leaking through.