CR Machine's test bike clocked at 54 MPH!

With some thought it isn't that difficult to understand why such speed claims are disputed...

By far the most popular motor used is the two stroke 66cc in-frame kit, we've had many exceptional mechanics and fabricators try their hand at reaching such speeds with this particular engine - which means the vast majority of the members on this forum have experience with this exact engine and the preformance potential is common knowledge.

Every once in a while someone will make a speed claim so far and above the norm it's bound to be disbelieved and of those few that would make such claims, not one has ever provided any actual substantiation.

There have been claims where despite the overwhelming familiarity with this engine and it's potential, they simply state a number and expect it to be accepted without question.

There have been pictures of GPS displays... which doesn't exclude the possibility of downhill speed, or simply leaving the GPS on to record the top speed in a car.

There have been videos of bicycle speedometers, which are commonly miscalibrated or simply set to KPH instead of MPH.

Interestingly - there has never been such an outstanding speed claim where a GPS is recorded in real time.

So, lacking any validation not easily dismissed it becomes difficult to accept and given the likelihood of exaggeration, a touch of embellishment amongst any competitive group, such skepticism is warranted. When there is a potential ulterior motive, a possible profit incentive for example - it becomes extremely difficult to believe.

Yet the claims continue... and I have to ask - if you managed such a remarkable feat, knowing what it would take and how difficult it would be, wouldn't you be more than willing to provide whatever it took to actually prove it, to show others what you've done? Having all the time, skill and resources needed for such a record breaking accomplishment - yet can't be bothered to record a thirty second video?

So this is why "there is such friction that is generated from speed claims" - it's not that they're "sharing" rather that they're not. On a forum populated by mechanics of all skill levels, when one claims to have bested all by such a margin it's to be expected that it will be met with doubt, when they fail to provide anything other than their word - it's no surprise they're not believed.

We have after all heard it all before ;)
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I think I've read that it takes about 13 hp for a motorcycle to go 60 mph, so I'm guessing your bike must be about 10 hp?

IMO I think this is false because I got my old bike with a 5.8 Morini/36 sprocket to hit some speeds over 55 mph on the expressway a few years ago. It did take a while to get on the pipe but once it got going. I kept up with cars and even passed some.
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I've had my 212cc Slant race bike over 65mph on flat ground, is that believable? I will take clear video with tach and GPS readings while doing so if there are any doubters ;)

yep! boy's will have nothing at all but sooner than later their will be a piss'in contest. been going on for ever. nature of the beast.

And that's being modest. I know with a taller gear, you're bike could no doubt hit 80+ on the flats.

Yes it could Ken, but not with me on it :D 65mph is plenty fast....and I like to go fast! I may be crazy but I'm not stupid laff
