Childhood Pranks

Not a prank and I wasn't a kid:

Back when I was working I was a department head in county government. I would get to my office early every day and while the coffee was brewing I would be out in the hall. Every morning I would see the secretary for the president judge come in. She was a real beauty and she new it! Plus she thought she was better than everyone because of her "position". For 3 days in a row I would say good morning to her and she never looked or said anything. The forth morning I said good morning and got the same results. So I followed it up with a loud *****= what you call a female dog! Every day after that she smiled and said good morning!

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Oh what the heck.

Small Ontario towns were great to grow up in during the 50s. Ours was a tourist town and after the tourists left the town closed up and left us to ourselves.
Mom and Dad owned the bowling alley and the towns only entertainment so I was pretty much front and center.

My buddies Mom and Dad owned the hardware store and one summers night when he was staying overnight at our place the discussion about our new bike sirens came up and how they sounded like the local cops car.

The town had a steep hill just passed our house on the main drag with the town at the bottom of it. Two 12 year olds on bikes were thought to have been involved in riding thier bikes a block passed the hill to pick up speed and while peddaling like mad, went down the hill at a high rate of speed pulled up on the sirens chain and going through town at 3am looked over thier shoulders to see the lights over the stores where the owners lived come on one after the other.
They were safely tucked away in bed before the first call to my parents came to see if I was in fact in bed at the time of the crime.

The saving grace was that my buddys Dad had sold quite a few of them so there was a wide pool of suspects to choose from. The bowling leagues talked about that for better than a week and always when looking my pal and I over as the leading suspects.

That old hill was a magnet to those of us who were know to the farm kids as townies. The focal point was Davidsons Furniture Store and Funeral Parlour. The fact that it was across from the towns leading beauty was indeed a plus.
While idling away a nice summers day the local septic truck which was of WW2 vintage drove past driven by our local man/women. Someone who was not to be messed with the story went. She was known to clean out the local tavern if upset.

The hill was steep enough to require the lowest gear possible if the tank was full and it was this time. Quick as a flash a local youth sprinted out from the shadows and gave the valve handle about 4 good turns and disappeared.

They had to move all the cars off the main street and wash it down and then part of the main highway as well where it passed through the far end of town.

We had sold the bowling alley and were moving to the city so the wrath of Hannah, I was spared.

The big city! It was like an artist being given a fresh canvas.

Oh what the heck.

Small Ontario towns were great to grow up in during the 50s. Ours was a tourist town and after the tourists left the town closed up and left us to ourselves.
Mom and Dad owned the bowling alley and the towns only entertainment so I was pretty much front and center.

My buddies Mom and Dad owned the hardware store and one summers night when he was staying overnight at our place the discussion about our new bike sirens came up and how they sounded like the local cops car.

The town had a steep hill just passed our house on the main drag with the town at the bottom of it. Two 12 year olds on bikes were thought to have been involved in riding thier bikes a block passed the hill to pick up speed and while peddaling like mad, went down the hill at a high rate of speed pulled up on the sirens chain and going through town at 3am looked over thier shoulders to see the lights over the stores where the owners lived come on one after the other.
They were safely tucked away in bed before the first call to my parents came to see if I was in fact in bed at the time of the crime.

The saving grace was that my buddys Dad had sold quite a few of them so there was a wide pool of suspects to choose from. The bowling leagues talked about that for better than a week and always when looking my pal and I over as the leading suspects.

That old hill was a magnet to those of us who were know to the farm kids as townies. The focal point was Davidsons Furniture Store and Funeral Parlour. The fact that it was across from the towns leading beauty was indeed a plus.
While idling away a nice summers day the local septic truck which was of WW2 vintage drove past driven by our local man/women. Someone who was not to be messed with the story went. She was known to clean out the local tavern if upset.

The hill was steep enough to require the lowest gear possible if the tank was full and it was this time. Quick as a flash a local youth sprinted out from the shadows and gave the valve handle about 4 good turns and disappeared.

They had to move all the cars off the main street and wash it down and then part of the main highway as well where it passed through the far end of town.

We had sold the bowling alley and were moving to the city so the wrath of Hannah, I was spared.

The big city! It was like an artist being given a fresh canvas.



thats great. the only prank i have done is on the first day of school i glued a quater to the ground.. people actully fell for it! I lived right across from the school yard, so i could sit there and watch people pass by and bend over to pick it up. it was great it the wet-blanket came with a chisel and the rest is history....
drn2drn2drn2I guess the statute of limitations has run out on this one, so I'll spill it. Some 45 years ago on Halloween night our school principal had officers from the police department guarding his home from thugs that might try to roll his yard or egg his car. Two or three of my friends were walking up to his front door to get their treats one of my buddies and I snuck into his back yard and lured his prize bird dog out of the pen with a hot dog. That dog followed us home for more of the same which he received while we shaved his butt and painted it yellow traffic paint and used our artistic skills from art class. After lettering the dog with liquid shoe polish with a sign going down each side stating f--- you Frank! Fido was then released into his neighborhood. They chased that damn dog for almost a week 'cause he really liked being out of the pen. He was finally captured on the front steps of the local Baptist Church during Sunday morning services. Frank was notified of Fido's location and asked to retrieve him immediately. If you could have seen him leading that dog home using his belt for a leash and holding his pants with the other hand and had a camera you could have invented priceless.
1973 We took cigarettes and Silver Salutes to a fellow classmates house at night . He and his young wife were inside watching TV . There were five of us and we each planted time bombs all around his house in the dark of night , simultaneously .Then we ran down the road about 1/3 mile and waited for a few minutes . The report from those Silver Salutes on that back country road was amazingly loud . And after the 3rd explosion our classmate came out yelling and firing a shot gun . We just stood there and laughed every time another firecracker went off . He had no idea where we were and could not here us laughing at him .
My grandfather told a story in the early 1900s , He and his brother climbed up on top of a building in a town that was hosting a street fair . They both were using their pea shotters to disturb a cage full of rattlesnakes that were on display for the patrons to view . The owner of the snakes could never figure out what was making those snakes so mad .
About six of us were having a camp out in high school- we each had about three eggs and this Duster came along-

Almost every egg found the Plymouth- then the chase was on- we got away, but he drove past the tent later as we cowered inside.

The next day my friend and I were working at Dad's car wash- when the Duster came in- so there we were outside the wash bay swabbing the car before directing the guy onto the conveyor- trying to keep straight faces.

those steadily depressing low-down mind messing working at the car wash blues
I can't admit to alot of the crap that was pulled in my 'youth'. BUT there was an incident involving a train, axel grease and tracks. The train couldn't stop for about 3 blocks outside the depot and slid right on by after the brakes were hit. No details no town no line mentioned.
There's always the teen prank of finding a box of ladies unmentionables and shinnying them up the high school flag pole. The flag was properly stored in the mail box and the unmentionables flew at high mast for a day or so. Of course no one would admit to it either, but we all knew what brave idiot did it.
In our quaint Ontario town there resided a rather nasty old fella who gave us as good as he got. A true genius.

We gave him the burning bag with sh8t and he got us back and then laughed at us. He who laughs last.

All Hallows Eve is a wonderful evening. We used it to our fullest advantage.

The old boy still used an out house telling the neighbours that he wasn't going to waste the money on indoor plumbing for the short time you use it.

He was out the back door at 9 pm on the dot. You could time your watch by him and that played into our plans. A small hole was dug behind the out house just under the side boards and just big enough to slide an 8in wide board under it with 6, 4in fire crackers taped to it with the wicks cut short and tied together and a brick on the end to hold it level.
A board put up against the door so it couldn't be opened just as the wicks were lit.

The next day there were fresh wood splinters where the hinge screws had resided and the door was 5ft up the path.

The folks on the street said the new bathroom he had put in was the nicest they had seen any where and no price was spared.

Every time he saw us he made sure to say "Hi boys" and he smiled when he said it. I think to this day he understood that there was nothing personal and the best men won.

The teachers lounge was on the east side of the building. We sneaked in at the end of lunch break and lit a cigarette and put it in the ashtray with a pack of fire crackers nestled about midway down the cigarette. We loosely covered the crime scene with a newspaper and headed to the west end of the school. After the melee the principal came out and rounded up everyone that was near the lounge for questioning. It was the best prank ever. To my knowledge neither of us, until now has admitted to the crime.............
We call a cab from the five taxi companies in my town at intervals of ten minutes and send to the house of the grumpy guy in front of our house.
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a good reverse take on the old "ordering pizzas to your victim's house" prank, was we used to order pizzas to our house. then when the guy got there, we'd tell him we didn't order it, say it musta been one of our evil friends, and then try to buy the pizza for a couple bucks. most of the time, we got it.

another free pizza prank, was my buddy worked at a pizza place. we'd order pizzas to empty houses, then go down to his work an hour later, and they'd either give them to us or sell them really cheap, 'cause we were "friends..."
I was a nasty kid growing up and had friends that were as bad as I was too. One of the things we liked to do was what we called "Garbage Bag Drags". What we would do was pull up to a pile of garbage bags, that were set out for the garbage man the next morning, in our car and the passenger would grab as many bags as he could and while driving slowly away, he'd bang those bags against that car until those bags broke open. We'd lay garbage all the way down a street doing that! What a riot that was!

Once, we hit one of my bosses house and he had about 9 bags of garbage out, so we got out of the car and proceeded to tear those bags open in the middle of his front yard. I bet he was pissed when he left for work the next morning! Talk about a mess to clean up!

Of all the things we did, it's amazing we never got caught!