Childhood Pranks

Stolen town fire works, a funeral parlor and the town cannon on the hill. That's all I've got to say about that!:)
my neighbor is a grumpy old SOB who called the cops on me and a friend once. i am looking for a used (and i mean USED) toilet to put in his front yard. if you have one ill drop you his address and a good time to drop it off... not really. but seriously that would be great. he has this 97-99 dodge pickup truck that is absolutely FLAWLESS with NO bed liner. i want to put a toilet in the back of that truck as well (or maybe a bunch of lawn mower decks, help break in his red paint)
my neighbor is a grumpy old SOB who called the cops on me and a friend once. i am looking for a used (and i mean USED) toilet to put in his front yard.

Yeah, if I was a young man again, I know just what I'd do with that guy. I'd find a used toilet, plug the bottom hole, and proceed to fill it up every time I need to leave a dump. Then I'd put that in his yard at night, preferably when it's been warm enough so that the flies have made it a home already.

Of course, I can't do that stuff anymore due to my conscious, but when I was younger............
I new a guy i that mixed into a can of tuna, yeast, sugar and shuked it over and above the ceiling tiles of the high-school library. some fermentation can be rather nasty smelling but can you imagine that some cultures ferment the flesh of beaver via years underground in clay pots?