Anyone can make claims, go to a health foods store and look at the label on all the vitamins and suppliments, watch infomercials late at night and so on.....
Kinda like one of the people you mentioned HuffyD, who claimed that KMC415H chain doesn't work on our sprockets right because the side plates of the chain was claimed by him to run on the lip that is on each side of the drive sprocket, I proved that to be false on my sprockets with a video that clearly showed that 415H chain works perfectly on my sprockets just as I had said it does and was attacked by yourself and your Head making business buddy.....!
I don't personally do business with people like that and don't recommend that others do either, no matter what they sell whether good and true and bad and just fluff.
I have in the past gone along with some of the claims and tried to help people on here promote their product, and my intent was honest and one of just trying to be nice and help someone out in their little venture, I have since realized that some people show there appreciation by attacking people and name calling with the intent to discredit and smear them for no good reason when they are challenged on something or one of there buddies is flat out proven to be wrong about something and is either to ignorant or to arrogant to see the facts and admit it.
Im not doing anything here but being honest and questioning unproven claims and making it a point to express my disapproval of doing business with unethical people/vendors who name call and attack their customers if they question them or one of their business buddies.
As a long time member of this forum and as a man who likes to support people who have earned respect and treat people right, I feel an obligation to inform others of bad personal experiences in hoping that I can save someone else the grief of dealing with people or vendors who have been known to misrepresent their product or be inconsiderate and disrespectful to their customers.
I have never called any names in anything I have said regarding any of this, I knew I wouldn't have to because the guilty dogs will always bark at some point and give themselves away.
Even if I choose to buy some snake oil or bling from someone, Im gonna support the vendor who has earned my business and not someone or company who is a jerk to their customers...... everyone can do as they please Im just expressing my opinions in an honest and ethical way.