CDI on ebay.... someone else wants in on the game

And I concur!!! Respect the vendors, don't disrespect them when YOU have personal issues aside from the Fourm....dance1

It isn't disrespectful to question the validity of advertising claims, nor does being a vendor in itself warrant respect.

In the end, it is exactly these sorts of exchanges that will determine if respect has been earned - be it for the product, the merchant or both.
A vendor or anyones else for that matter that may make inflated claims or is unethecal or disrespectful in one place will most likely be the same way somewhere else.

And as soon as I find out a vendor doesnt treat people.right I feel a moral obligation to expose them in some way, I have not openly spoken any names here so I have not been unethical in anything I have said and as far as I know I have not broken any forum rules.

In time the truth will always come out..
Thank you Barelyawake.

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Well, Fred and David Rust STATED FACTS about my product!!!
NO INFLATED CLAIMS, just racetrack results!!!!
Anyone can make claims, go to a health foods store and look at the label on all the vitamins and suppliments, watch infomercials late at night and so on.....

Kinda like one of the people you mentioned HuffyD, who claimed that KMC415H chain doesn't work on our sprockets right because the side plates of the chain was claimed by him to run on the lip that is on each side of the drive sprocket, I proved that to be false on my sprockets with a video that clearly showed that 415H chain works perfectly on my sprockets just as I had said it does and was attacked by yourself and your Head making business buddy.....!

I don't personally do business with people like that and don't recommend that others do either, no matter what they sell whether good and true and bad and just fluff.

I have in the past gone along with some of the claims and tried to help people on here promote their product, and my intent was honest and one of just trying to be nice and help someone out in their little venture, I have since realized that some people show there appreciation by attacking people and name calling with the intent to discredit and smear them for no good reason when they are challenged on something or one of there buddies is flat out proven to be wrong about something and is either to ignorant or to arrogant to see the facts and admit it.

Im not doing anything here but being honest and questioning unproven claims and making it a point to express my disapproval of doing business with unethical people/vendors who name call and attack their customers if they question them or one of their business buddies.

As a long time member of this forum and as a man who likes to support people who have earned respect and treat people right, I feel an obligation to inform others of bad personal experiences in hoping that I can save someone else the grief of dealing with people or vendors who have been known to misrepresent their product or be inconsiderate and disrespectful to their customers.

I have never called any names in anything I have said regarding any of this, I knew I wouldn't have to because the guilty dogs will always bark at some point and give themselves away.

Even if I choose to buy some snake oil or bling from someone, Im gonna support the vendor who has earned my business and not someone or company who is a jerk to their customers...... everyone can do as they please Im just expressing my opinions in an honest and ethical way.

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Well, Fred and David Rust STATED FACTS about my product!!!
NO INFLATED CLAIMS, just racetrack results!!!!

To tell the truth, neither Dave Rust or Fred actually provided any real physical proof either... all they ever did was say "yes it gave faster lap times", but they never posted the times, (just like all the other posters here).

Please Dan, as the maker of the 'HD Lightning' CDI, (& having so much negative publicity about your lack of proof), Why don't you just do some kind of 'side by side' comparison of your CDI vs a stock black box & end all this BS?? :)
Far out, people like me come to forums like this to hopefully learn something or contribute from OUR experiences for others to learn.

Not directed at any one person.
If you want one, buy one.
If it works then tell us if you want.
If it does not work then tell us and ask for a refund.
If you got something useful to add then speak up.
If you want to dribble on then go piss in the corner.

/end of rant...
i bought one of the pill bottle cdi from him on ebay, this weekend I will be installing it on a chinagirl 80cc. I will make test runs first with the factory cdi then swap it out and make test runs. I will check top speeds via GPS. I will also make test runs using just the coil from ebay without the cdi for test purposes. I will post my results afterwards and post any other differences I may or may not notice.
I would like to see any of the test results, it's been over a week

When I have the time I still plan to do some side by side comparison myself, as a fella that works a full time job and has so many irons in the fire, spare time between things is small, but I will hopefully get to do some comparison testing soon, I dont have a scientific way to test anything, all I can do is swap between cdi units on one bike and run it on the same stretch of road in as close to the exact conditions as possible for a specific distance.

My plan is to mark off a distance that I have determined that the bike will reach its top speed at from a particuler starting point which i will ride up to at a specific speed and then as soon as I reach that point I will go full throttle until I reach the let off point that is where top speed reached its plateau, I will make that run twice with each cdi on the bike and see if any shine above the other in that particular distance, I have the Lightening unlimited timing cdi on the bike now, so I will start the testing with it and it will be the benchmark that the stock unit and The " pill bottle " Rocket cdi will be measured against, if all show same results and reach same top speed in that same distance then at least for my bike I can honestly say the after market units add no performance gains in acceleration for that specific distance, I will also do a top speed comparison between the three to see what top speed the bike reaches on the same stretch of road and note that data as well, if one does shine above the rest even slightly I will honestly report those results, I think I know what I have seen up to this point but I want to answer these questions firmly in my own mind once and for all, and this is how I plan to do it, there is no way this can be done doing laps around a track, just to many varibles involved but on a set straight away run with all things being done identical the results will be as good as I can get them and could only be better if I was breaking a beam on both ends to determine time right down to the slightest difference.

I plan to video this in some way so people can see exactly what I did and how the bike was scooting along and sounding as I made the passes, may be a series of three short vids, one for each ignition being used.

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Well, after mowing about 1.5 acres this evening I decided to get the old 63 Western Flyer out and take it for a spin to compare the speedometer against my GPS app on my smart phone.

Well, good and bad news... sorta, good news is no doubt this little 24" wheeled bike is fast, running a semi port matched stock kit exhaust, RT carb, Puch Hi Hi 70cc head, and 30T rear sprocket, port work in jug and severe mods to piston, cut, notched, drilled... just butchered up as much as possible to lighten it as much as possible and change port timing a bit on tranfers and exhaust.

Results: Speedometer shows 51.5 MPH topped completely out, little gal screaming her guts out coming down a slight hill.

Results: GPS showed 49.8 MPH so according to the GPS i'm still pushing 50 MPH, I'm not liking how the RT carb is acting though, this one is very cold natured and idle quality is lacking after coming off the throttle after a short high speed run, I have to keep feathering the throttle to get it to idle or it will die until it has settled down a few seconds, RT carb on another bike of mine does the same thing and I dont like always wondering if the thing is gonna idle when I slow down or not so I'[m thinking after I do my cdi testing this bike is gonna get another carb, the RT is a very responsive carb that does good cruising and at WOT but it just doesn't do well when engine comes down quick from a full throttle run, I've got an older CNS carb new in the box that I have never fooled with, I may bust it out and see how many headaches I can manage for myself with it just for kicks and see how I can get it to run on this screaming little engine.

By the way, I am running the Lightening CDI and coil on this bike at the present time, the Rocket CDI will be going on it next.

Map I have run both the CNS and the nt on the same engine, the CNS runs a little better for me.
the rt has alot of diff needles available. the cns seems logical being stock option plus manifolds.

darn i got sucked into this 3 dollar coil thread again.
No needle in an RT?
Just a flat slide. No adjustment other than main jet, crap.
You mean NT?
can you get different needles?
the rt has alot of diff needles available. the cns seems logical being stock option plus manifolds.

darn i got sucked into this 3 dollar coil thread again.

RT Dellorto SHA clone doesnt have a metering needle, just main jet swap for adjustment, it seems I get better overall performanc from the NT carbs. They dont have huge adjustability but they do have more than the RT carb and I've never had idle issues with the NT carbs with needle in right position and jetting right, just sime and very functional little carbs.

I have no experience with the CNS carbs and the one I have was bought about 4 years ago when probably 9 out of 10 people on here had nothing good to say about them, since mine is the old version I may have nothing but solid heck with it, I guess Ill know soon enough when I hook it up on the bike and see what she does.

pardon me and thanks. no needle in rt thank you!

i must stress the cns seems logical but..... its not the most popular? i should have said nothing :)