CDI on ebay.... someone else wants in on the game

Hey, I make those. I thought people could benefit from them at a reasonable price. YOU SHOULD SEE MY EBAY FEEDBACK ITS 100%. My CDIs do what they say, people should feel free to come up with their own designs and build their own.

I'm working on some improvements all the time so when you order one, it will probably be a little better. But like I said, check my feedback. Cheers.

Best wishes..... if its at least comparible to the stock cdi with the addition of the hotter coil it should be good, retarded timing is a bad thing as far as performance goes on the china girls.
There has to be some interest here netsharpshooter...
One CDI out there is made by a guy banned from this site.
Another one by a current member here.

Lot of chatter about which one is better.
Or if either is better than the stock!
I did see yours on ebay and could not find others on this site who used it.

I think riders have not gotten into the new CDI's for a couple reasons.
It's expensive (relatively), uncertainty about advance/retard advantages.

Please DO make one just tuned for the 49cc China Dolls.
Please make it clear on your ebay store which one is designed for our bikes.
The problem I see is that I have 4 mag rotors all with different timing cut into the key way, no doubt my cranks are all slightly different too.
so unless there is adjustment in the Cdi, results may vary.
I bought mine to modify, and be able to 'wind' up the advance for a bit more low down on the Goat.
Will be testing it soon.
But would like to set up a timing light so that I can 'see what I'm doing'.
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maybe ill have to make a china girl version that doesn't delay but has a monster spark. any interest?
Just curious about your theory that a "hotter spark" will be a benefit. Could you explain, please? I'm not being argumentative, just curious.

...exactly my point.

There is much that is not known about these little things.
Even 2door has questions, and he's a "Super Moderator"!

Please tell all us noobs what this will do for our stock builds.
Albeit with matched ports and simple quality upgrades.
I can't see a bigger spark being of that much benefit unless the compression is higher.
But I could be wrong, Bigger spark apparently more likely to give a more complete burn,
I',m interested in what Netshooters claims are also, as a lot of people claim little to no benefit from an upgraded Cdi, Most important thing I see is getting the timming 'right'.
The problem I see is that I have 4 mag rotors all with different timing cut into the key way, no doubt my cranks are all slightly different too.
so unless there is adjustment in the Cdi, results may vary.
I bought mine to modify, and be able to 'wind' up the advance for a bit more low down on the Goat.
Will be testing it soon.
But would like to set up a timing light so that I can 'see what I'm doing'.

It's been a known fact that these engines can vary by 5 degrees in timing, noted by a post from 2door (post #7) and demonstrated in a YouTube video by member multipaul (post #13):

multipaul also was kind enough to leave a printable degree wheel PDF (post #10).

I don't think most people need an after market CDI. The stock CDI is just fine.

Here's another thread on ignition timing that may be an interest:

Good Luck,

AKA: BigBlue
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To me, it's more about the consistency of spark, not the size. All the stock CDI's I have used, sorta kinda worked OK, but were not consistent. IE did not deliver a proper spark every time necessary. I believe this is caused mainly by the lousy components and tiny coil. And there is no doubt in my mind my engines start better with aftermarket CDI's and coils. THAT is not some placebo effect.
And there is no doubt in my mind my engines start better with aftermarket CDI's and coils. THAT is not some placebo effect.

And I know for a fact that my car runs smoother and quieter after I wash and wax it. If I vacuum out the interior and clean the glass it runs even better.

I don't want opinions! I want proof!

Understood. What kind of "proof" do you seek?

I have no dynomometer, no spark test machine. I just can tell you now that it makes a difference. Take it as you may.
We live in a world of fantastic claims. If you are a TV viewer, or a newspaper/magazine reader, if you drive and read bill boards, if you spend any time on the Internet, you are inundated with claims by people and businesses 'claiming' their product is a silver bullet that will cure all or make you rich or prevent/fix everything from restless legs to ED.

Anyone can make/market a product and promise it is the best thing since indoor plumbing. I could do it, you could too but unless I can show conclusive evidence that my claims are truth then they remain just that; Claims.

You say you don't own or have access to a dynometer? Then please don't tell me that "it makes a difference" and expect me to blindly purchase something for nearly seven times the price of a stock item and not question the validity of your claims.

Let's go to the basics here. Advancing or retarding the ignition on an internal combustion engine is not a one time adjustment. Any advance or retartd must be based on crankshaft speed (rpm) and load (manifold vacuum). Trying to set a predetermined advance curve into an ignition system without knowing the rpm or load is a shot in the dark, at best. The advance/retard degrees must be variable or you gain at one end and loose at the other. Make it run great at top end and your bottom side will be flat. The inverse being true for retarding for low end and then finding your top end is not where you want it.

We are not building or riding top fuel dragster engines. These little Chinese 2 stroke wonders will be quite happy with a stock CDI under 90% of their expected performance envelope. As for a hotter spark? If your fuel/air mix is right, as determined by jetting, that fuel/air charge will ignite the same no matter the size, intensity or voltage of the spark applied to it. It is a matter of physics. A bigger match won't make a bigger fire.

I will concede that a consistent spark is better than an intermittent one which is why most engine manufacturers have gone away from points and condenser ignition in favor of electronics. What I have to question is where is the evidence that the stock CDI delivers an inconsistent spark? As long as the wiring is done correctly and the kit supplied spark plug boot is replaced with a good automotive quality item, I have yet to experience misfires in any of my engines that would be consistent with an intermittent ignition sequence.

Back to you.

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Thses little Chinese 2 stroke wonders will be quite happy with a stock CDI under 90% of their expected performance envelope.


6 months ago, I would have agreed with you. I can now say you are incorrect, only because I have used both the Jag and the Lightning. Now you may ask how many stock CDI's did I try and I will say a few - and they all performed nominally marginal. They worked. But the engine did not start as easy, nor run as smooth. And there will be no follow up data for that.
I have noticed that my bike started easier with the aftermarket CDI, I didnt check another stock unit to see if the old one was just weak possible so I cant make any concrete claims to whether it is a great advantage or not.

I have edited this post because after giving it some consideration I thought I was a bit outta line with some of my comments and I just got caught up in the conversation before I thought it all through properly, so if anyone is wondering why the post has changed that is why.

Tom makes some great points and all I can say is if spending the extra money is what you want to do and if you think it helps, then by all means put a few extra bucks in someones pocket for making the dang thing and enjoy it, if you dont see that it is gonna do anything you're interested in then stick with what you have and enjoy it, its really all about making your bike your own and some people like having a neat home made gadget on there bike (just because) whether it helps that much or not.

I will NOT say that the results I seen with my bike will be the same with anyone elses because it may or may not and I will say as I have said before that the stock CDI ignition works great for the majority of peoples bikes and has been proven to provide good performance, having a good engine from the get go and having everything else done right is gonna give more performance gain than what an ignition will, a well tuned carb and clean clear ports along with a good flowing exhaust is all it takes to have a 35-40mph bike if the wheels roll easy and the gearing is right.

well, I feel better now, that previous post was just wacked..!

carry on my friends..

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Hotter spark for me for sure. I foul plugs too often on my Morini engine left stock. I use PulseStar spark plugs exclusively on all my stuff now. Now let more fur fly! Dang I said itlaff

A stationary dynomometer, does not test for short and long fuel trim while I go up hill 500 foot up or down around a bend etc.

As for my own personal testing I have ruled all my worries out by consistantly testing. I got nothing left to proove to myself.

dare I say it ? Yes my own butt dyno. On the small engines of course. As every nuance is much more clear at lower Horse Power.

Had them on my China engines too . Been mebbe 25,000 miles with them on my MB's. Every once in a rare Blue Moon I switch back to stock just to see what I am feeling? Never has been the same ever.

Based on my own Pulstar experiances alone I gotta say yes. Makes a differance.

Their web sight has supported scentific data that prooves what good hot spark can help for.
My scientific, financial and human behaviorist mind hasn't seen anything that indicates an after market CDI is worth the extra cash. I see claims of seat of the pants experience, but no in-depth review.

No dynomometer? How about at least a quarter mile run? Indicate what type of engine you're running, what mods you've done or stock engine, what brand engine, jet size, carbruretor, the time of day, humidity, temperature, wind speed, elevation, barometric pressure, etc. Most of the weather information is available from Weather Underground. Make several runs and post your results of before and after. It shouldn't take too long to switch from one CDI unit to another. Not that difficult. You don't need a race track.

I am not trying to start an argument or flame this post. Time and money could be spent on other mods that will yield better results. For the majority of users, the stock ignition is just fine. Adjusting your timing with a timing light, degree wheel and an indicator result in better performance than spending money on a CDI?

If you want to spend the money on an after market CDI that's your choice. It's your money. I just want to see the facts. Just as Sgt. Joe Friday use to say on Dragnet - "Just the facts ma'am."

AKA: BigBlue
My scientific, financial and human behaviorist mind hasn't seen anything that indicates an after market CDI is worth the extra cash. I see claims of seat of the pants experience, but no in-depth review.

No dynomometer? How about at least a quarter mile run? Indicate what type of engine you're running, what mods you've done or stock engine, what brand engine, jet size, carbruretor, the time of day, humidity, temperature, wind speed, elevation, barometric pressure, etc. Most of the weather information is available from Weather Underground. Make several runs and post your results of before and after. It shouldn't take too long to switch from one CDI unit to another. Not that difficult. You don't need a race track.

I am not trying to start an argument or flame this post. Time and money could be spent on other mods that will yield better results. For the majority of users, the stock ignition is just fine. Adjusting your timing with a timing light, degree wheel and an indicator result in better performance than spending money on a CDI?

If you want to spend the money on an after market CDI that's your choice. It's your money. I just want to see the facts. Just as Sgt. Joe Friday use to say on Dragnet - "Just the facts ma'am."

AKA: BigBlue

How about a discount and one time offer I'll pay your return shipping if you decide you don't want it. Send rocket racing an offer for $37 free shipping and review it on here for me.

China girl version on the way. Thanks
Having the bling of custom parts is nice and many of us enjoy them, some make a noticeable difference and some don't, apai tes engine runs the same as an unpainted engine but some like one over the other, I have and use custom ignitions on my bikes and I have bikes with stock cdi, one of my bikes with stock cdi is just as responsive and powerful as the bike with a custom cdi, both run mid 40's mph or faster, both start easy.

Its all about what you want, think you need or for whatever else reason you want to buy something for your bike, many claims are made to get attention to the product, just how marketing is, some claims are true, others are just claims that are really unproven beyond a shadow of a doubt, look at products like slick 50 oil treatment for example, its stillbeing sold in every Autozone in the country and from what I've seen its just snake oil basically, chrome wheels dont make a car faster and most "octane boosters" are bunk, but many people still like all these things and swear it all makes a difference, no harm in any of it really, we like what we like for our own reasons whether actually warranted or not.

All I know is that no matter what parts I buy and support it will be things from vendors that act ethical and treat others with respect.
