candidacy for president

I truly thank you Texhun and your pseudonyms for your support!

On the question of the Vice Presidential office, after 2 committees, one poll and 3 beers, I have put my dog Shelly on the short list. She is a good (as long as every one, every where agrees) the perfect choice. She goes insane for no reason. Door bells and at the postal carrier. After that, she is not heard from for the next 4 years. Classic running mate.

The 2 problems are of course, she is a dog. Also, she has no thumbs for photo opps. The third of the 2 problems with her as a running mate, she is an Aussie Shepard. Ya just know some one will demand her birth certificate and bog down my "do nothing as long as possible" agenda until I continue to do nothing, but have to start over.

Vote and vote often!

"If I were two-faced, would I be wearing this one?" Abraham Lincoln


Lady Astor: "Mr. Churchill, you're drunk!"
Winston Churchill: "Yes, and you, Madam, are ugly. But tomorrow, I
shall be sober."
Lets put it on the internet and take a poll on everything and have focus groups before we decide to not decide for at least another year.
Lady Astor: "Mr. Churchill, you're drunk!"
Winston Churchill: "Yes, and you, Madam, are ugly. But tomorrow, I
shall be sober."

That is my favorite of all his quotes. He had great wit. Never insult a man of great wit. It doesn't end well.
Me too Allen. He was an amazing wit and true great statesman/human. Changed the world for the better!

Bringing logic in to this effort will only end in complete failure. While not the goal, is pretty much the end result. That or world supremacy. Vote and vote often
"It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried."
Sir Winston Churchill
Dear supporters, detractors and those who would be much better served not bothering with this, I say to you; Howdy ('cause I got nutton)

You may have noticed I am not doing well in the polls. Or at all. (Honestly, not one woman has accused me of any wrong doing? I promise you, my well spent youth was poorly spent)

Aside from that, vote and vote often!
Can my dogs vote too, they are all eligible for wellfare making them legal. Wanna know how they are eligible? Well I took em took em too the wellfare office and I told the lady all three of them are different colors, cant' get a job, won't work, don't have a friggin clue who their dad is and they expect me to do everything for them. So she looked in the book on how your able too qualify, guess what my dogs got their first checks last week! So for a country this awesome I'll bet you could improve this place in many ways. I hereby vote for President Dan Super Moderator!!!(^)
Of course Tex! My dog is not only registered to vote, She is registered in 2 states under 3 names. The cat had ethical problems and only registered 2ce. (Cats, sheesh)

This is funny, my printer (bumper stickers for this) who I use often for my little biz stuff keeps asking me probing political questions. LOL, you guys have seen my responses. So in response to him, I talk for several minutes all the while saying nothing and agreeing with every body, every where on every thing. Is just dang funny.
Swweeeeetttt! I got em registered in 2States and in 5 different counties! But my cats are anti-social so they don't want anything to do with it.
Thats the thing about cats. First ones to complain yet the last ones to commit voter fraud. sheesh


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Churchill: the drunk/ugly exchange was with Bessie Braddock. Nancy Astor was the one who said, "Winston, if you were my husband, I should put poison in your coffee". His answer, "Nancy, if you were my wife, I should drink it".

As an Englishman, I have to ask Dan about part of his foreign policy, to whit: Nailing jelly to the ceiling. Where do you stand?
lol dan are you sure you dont wright the speeches already or is that a secret

:)and is there a plan for mobilizing this economy:)
I'm gonna vote for Dan... definitely.

and I'll be there with a handful of jelly when he's up on that ladder with a hammer in his hand.

(Can someone find a pic of Gallagher with his sledgehammer?) :-)

I not so proudly announce my candidacy for president of America. Whats the worst that can happen?

(will be my slogan. 'cause "whats this button do?" and "even dead people vote for him" did not test well)

As your president, I will continue to agree with every thing you think and not raise taxes, offer free healthcare while not raising taxes while continuing to do all we do and not do any thing different. All the while doing every thing different from what has been done, just differently.

While I agree with every body, every where, on every thing, I will stand by your opinion as long as every one agrees with you and then only bail on you as serves me and my shaky platform. I can not post the acronym that the "shaky" platform, forms as it would just be stared out here, but you get or may infer your own. Or, works for me.

Vote and vote often. Whats the worst that can happen?

Or; He can't do any worse...

I am printing bumper stickers as we speak.

Vote Dan, He has the plan, sort of....

I'm going to vote for you, even though you sound exactly like the other guys, but at least I know where you stand on motor bicycles.
As an Englishman, I have to ask Dan about part of his foreign policy, to whit: Nailing jelly to the ceiling. Where do you stand?
As this question has plagued Great Britain, the European community and Cranston New Jersey for so long, we are endeavoring to form an international committee to look in to the feasibility of further study of the economic impacts on the sub-committee to propose the budget for researching the cost of office equipment needed to discuss the possibilities of forming the aforementioned committee and the role of high fructose corn syrup and how it would effect electronics when emailed.
Together, we, the world community can in our life time, study this at great expense and little resolve!

Churchill: the drunk/ugly exchange was with Bessie Braddock. Nancy Astor was the one who said, "Winston, if you were my husband, I should put poison in your coffee". His answer, "Nancy, if you were my wife, I should drink it".
LOL Ludwig! That is awesome. First time I read that one. The good Sir was a great wit!
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