
Yes, the same dude. Ok so Rick Shy is BGF and LEB is his wife then who the he!! is ROSE326A??? All three of them are in the Rico group . That's where paypal sends the $$$$$
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ROSE326A is their nanny. Can't blame her for wanting to move some china dolls and get rich too...

Just kidding, I don't know but I have a hunch ROSE326A is somehow connected to LEB and BGF or one of the same..
Nanny, now thats funny groove !!!! Somebody's gotta watch the damn kids. I say this to the wise I recommend against rose 326A dellorto clone its a major P.O.S. One of my riding partners bought one nothing but a problem of the box .
ROSE326A is their nanny. Can't blame her for wanting to move some china dolls and get rich too...

Just kidding, I don't know but I have a hunch ROSE326A is somehow connected to LEB and BGF or one of the same..

Not the same people. Rick has a much worse record of customer service.
I've bought over 20 kits from ming and rose with only one bad coil.
Remember, these engines are only SHIPPED by the vendor. They ALL come from china factories. The difference seems to be WHICH factory they use. Rose and ming use a better quality factory in my opinion.
The very first kit I ever bought was a BGF and it lasted all of two weeks before eating the crank bearings. I've never had any major failures with rose and ming.
I'm aware that every kit bought is a crap shoot but, so far, so good.
Just my opinion.
Your results may vary.
maniac57 ,

by "ming" do you mean "mingsinsternational"?
Yes. He is the same company as rose326 as well. I've bought from them many times with good results.
If you DO have some problem, remember to BE POLITE when you e-mail them.
I bought a motor off of 'mingsinternational''' couple of months ago with no problems at all ..n fact I was impressed with the motor as far as the fins go on the head they were all straight much thicker than the ones I've bought in the not so distant past, also I noticed the rough edges were not there 7 I didn't find any schlage I'm always polite when dealing with folks on ebay i realized years ago ,you get more with honey than you do with vinegar. Then again ''sometimes'' it doesn't matter what you do, Some people are just to busy / important to worry about the concerns of a guy who only buys an average of 8-10 motors a year ..
I've bought approximately thirty motor kits from BGF and some had dents in them and some had bent cables but overall I've had a great experience with them. They have however disappeared from eBay leading me to believe that something was not quite kosher about their business. Irregardless, every motor I've bought from them is still on the road running well..wee.
i purchased fuel tank 4l paid extra for the new one instead of used one they got and what did i get, all scratched up, patched up fuel tank

do not purchase anything from boygofast or !!!!!

i curse money spent on his items
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Boy go fast is not the boy go fast that it used to be. They disappeared from ebay and than they popped up with their own web page. I don't deal with them anymore. Don't trust them.
My understanding is they had some kind of infighting going with another vendor who used feedback to destroy them. He would buy thousands of small items and them leave negative feedback on each item separately. Not sure if this is true or not.
i love rick...

ive gotten about 40 motors from him in the past 3 years, and all but one were mint...

but he replaced that motor with a brand new one no questions asked and I didn't even have to send him the beat one, which as of last month was still holding steady as a tarp hold down on my buddys shed...

I just recently bought a brass petcock from him for 6.99 it in 2 days...all other vendors sell them for like $10+ and shipping costs

this kit business is hit and miss...
qc at the factories isn't as tedious as it should be, but that's the factory's fault, not the vendors

but as a lot of people will attest bgf, if approached politely will do everything to help you...

go at him/them like a dingus and youll be treated as such...

unlike bb where the 6 month warranty crap is call us 950 times, send 347 emails, 267 pictures as proof, then have to pay for shipping a part that is or was factory crapshoot...

sorry I muttled a bit off topic...

bgf rocks
I have dealt with bgf many many times since 2009 and never had any issues, he always ships fast and has always been a top notch vendor.

everything I ever got from BGF was exactly as described and got here quickly, No complaints from me and I'll continue to buy from him as well... He is one of the better ebay sellers to deal with.
Now if you do have a problem with any of his stuff (or any other seller's stuff for that matter) you contact them in a nice manner and describe exactly what went wrong and he'll gladly send a replacement. Act like a clown and go off on him or most other sellers in your first contact attempt and good luck getting a reply.