BoXer Race Bicycle transformation!!!!!

no it dosn't. when you loose a light you go maybe a block or so before it dies. the throttle gauge would work great with an old sla battery that slowly looses power however the lifepo4 and lithium batteries are designed to stay at full power then just drop. you should get at least 25 miles with the 15ah battery. i ran mine out once and it was at 27 miles. i think barelyawake got 28 miles. we both have 48v 15ah batteries and that mileage is with no pedaling. i just always throw mine on the charger when i get home. the batteries are supposed to be able to accept thousands of charges without loosing any of the power
Good thing I asked. I was going to go on another ride but decided to give my bike a quick charge. My battery has been charging for two hours already.
The bike feels heavy so I'm going to weigh it to see how heavy it is.
after 10 mile ride thru the mountains here it takes about 2.5 hours to charge. 20 to 25 miles not sure how long it takes because I put it on charger and go to bed and it is all charged when I wake up in the morning
I went on another 20+ mile today and on my ride I found one of those signs which registers your speed. It was on flat ground and the bike consistently did 3 passes at 28 MPH. That was a lot faster than I thought it would go since I'm using 24" tires.
Last night I also rode around 20+ miles in town with both headlights on and timed my charger when I got home. It took an hour and 20 minutes to fully charge the battery.
I'm having a blast riding everywhere anytime of the day or night without having to worry about noise. The loudest part of my bike is the front brakes but that can be easily fixed by replacing the worn out rotor.
The bike runs awesome now I only have the regenerate button and cosmetic stuff to do.
i knew you would like it. they are pure fun. i little give and take between the gas and electric bicycles. just have to weigh out what is best for you. myself the electric is for me. close to 5,000 miles and still going.

how many amp is your battery charger? mine is a 3a and takes a lot longer to charge
It's a 10 amp charger. I use to race RC trucks a few years ago and hated waiting for the batteries to charge between heats. This is why I've learned to buy the fastest allowed charger.
No noise, no stink, no vibration, and no dirty looks.

No parts falling off, no hardware to constantly tighten, now before I go for a ride I just squeeze the tires - :)
ken, bead blast them rotors to quiet them down. careful, luke blasts his e bike around at night too. dennis
I just got back from my short 10 mile ride but the bike gave out on me after the 3 1/2 mile mark going uphill. The bike completely shut down but the hills I went up are really steep. In fact they are the hills I went up on my Morini powered LTS.
After it shut down, I decided not to go any further and turned around. I coasted down the hill going 35 mph. When I got to the bottom, I guess the hub cooled down and it started working again.
Do the Golden Eagle hubs have a thermal shut down or did I mess up my hub?
If it works, it's fine.

Yes, these MP's will protect the motor and the drive and the battery from overuse.

They will shut down before you can damage anything.
Thanks Mike. I was kinda worried but after it cooled down. It ran okay. At first I thought something was damaged because it seemed like it wasn't running as fast but after passing the speed sign, it showed me going 29 mph.
No problem.

You do understand that a 1 KW electric just isn't going to have the same performance as a 6 KW gas eh?
I think next time I'm going to walk the bike up that last steep hill. It's starting to get dark outside so I'm going to do one more ride before my vacation ends.
i climb the mountains all the time here. however i pedal my tail off on the steep ones so the motor dosn't work so hard. guess i need to find a steeper one and see what happens
you really shouldn't have had a problem. did you pedal assist at all or let the motor do all the work? have you rode much or had any problems since then?
I went full throttle for 3 1/2 miles uphill non stop. Did a little pedaling but I have a bum knee that needs to be replaced so probably my pedaling didn't help a whole lot. I've seen guys with their fancy road bikes walking them up that one part all the time.
The bike's been running great with no issues since then. What I need to do is weigh the bike because it feels like a 250 dirt bike.
With your battery, do you know how much your bike weighs?
mine weighs in around 70 pounds. fells like a 100 carrying up the stairs to the condo though lol
Yeah stairs are a killer. My guess is you put to much of a load on the battery for too long and the bms shut it down. Then, the regen braking kicked it back on. Or, you may have a short that isn't noticeable at all times.