boost bottles

rickie h

New Member
i was looking at performance parts and read up on boost bottles....are they worth the $18? do they actually cause increasd performance?how long does 1 last? can you recharge then at your own house or do they even need recharged?
the ones i have seen do not need a recharge, Boost bottle is a bad name for these little guys if you ask me, all they do, and forgive me if this doesnt come out right, is give the gases that are pushed back towards the carb on the piston up stroke somewhere to go, when the piston gets to another intake stroke those gases are then reused, also reduced the oily filter, i have seen a few around town but i dont see any reason for myself to get one, i dont mind cleaning an air filter once a week it gives me a chance to give the bike a good look over!
About 2-3 years ago I experimented with a guys bike and his boost bottle. With or without I saw no performance increase or smoother running engine.

But, my friend Alex (2nd place Death Race) has a boost bottle and we tried it several times with the boost bottle and without. With this motor there is a huge difference in performance and the motor does run smoother with the boost bottle and has 4mph more with it. It also accelerates faster with the bottle

So I dont know what to believe anymore


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so it sounds to me like it all depends on your engine....and sinze they dont need rezharged does 1 bottle last foreber? if one bottle lasts a lifetime its worth a $20 gamble.sorry my see and zee keys are not working for some reason...

also do they work with the new 66zz and performanze karbs?
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so it sounds to me like it all depends on your engine....and sinze they dont need rezharged does 1 bottle last foreber? if one bottle lasts a lifetime its worth a $20 gamble.sorry my see and zee keys are not working for some reason...

also do they work with the new 66zz and performanze karbs?

There is nothing in the boost bottles, just a empty canister. You can make one very easily. I am at 50/50 so all I can say it's your call. It may work, it may not?
Make your own if you want to experiment get a large syringe(100cc size) from a farm supply store you can vary the size of it by moving the plunger in the syringe. the down side of the boost bottle is you have to drill and tap the intake or make a modification to the intake manifold for this. Once you find out you don't want to use the boost bottle you will have to plug the hole made for one or replace the intake manifold.
I did some testing and decided that the name boost bottle is this. "Boosts your money from your pocket into the sellers pocket."
want to get a real boost in performance, buy an expansion chamber these really do work if set up right. just matching the gaskets to the intake and exhaust will increase the engines breathing ability and it won't cost you anything but time do do it. cleaning up rough spots on the intake and exhaust will help, any metal booger hanging out in the way will slow down the flow of gases going in and coming out of the engine.
Just smoothing out things helps. the intake tract on most of these engines are sorry but don't get carried away trying to match them up. the aluminum is not real thick on the intake manifold and grinding the intake flange area to match the intake size on the cylinder will weaken the intake manifold too much and it will break.
Have fun.
This is just a humble opinion, not based on statistical analysis. I'm thinking path of least resistance. With a boost bottle installed the back gasses and pressure can either flow swiftly and relatively freely back out the carb intake orifice and filter or take a detour into a closed (and hence pressurized) reservoir. I'll bet dollars to donuts most of the gasses will escape out through the carb inlet.

Mental model. Take a soda straw and put a tee at the end. On one branch of the tee run a tube to a jar, and on the second tee rubber band a model filter element, (cotton ball?). Exhale into the straw. Where will the majority of your exhaled breath go? It helps me to visualize little dollar bills going down the straw and out the open ended side of the tee.

Take it for what it is worth, if they work for you hurrah, but it just does not make "cents" to me.
the gasses moving through the intake are moving fast enough to create a vacuum in the bottle and when they slow down the gasses are sucked into the boost bottle.

in theory...
i used to boost bottles from the liquor store when i was younger, but i'm old enough to buy them now...

Anyone been running a boost bottle in the past few months? This is the most recent thread on it and I am curious, as I have one made for the HT engine sitting around and was considering trying to run it. I already run a pipe and a milled cylinder head, and am developing pretty good power.

My thought would be that in theory the bottle would work a little like an expansion chamber for the intake, as alluded to earlier in the thread. I have already ported the exhaust a bit on my bike and have been told repeatedly not to bother with the intake. I have not messed with the ports in the cylinder at all. I'm kind of intimidated by porting due to to risk of ruining the port timing.

Just checking in with everyone to see if we have any more riders with experience with these things lately..

Thanks guys!
I have been using one for the past year. I made mine out of PVC and have it down to the cc. When first installed my son could tell a noticeable difference. We had to turn the idle screw out, if that says anything. There are some with the same results I have and others that can't tell. I feel that 1) the cc to match the engine is important and 2) When taping into the intake manifold, make sure that NONE of the brass nipple protrudes into the airflow. I used PVC SCH 40 so the bottle could be longer then if I used SCH 20. The inside volume on the 40 is smaller.

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I'm afraid this is just one of those products that must be viewed with some small skepticism for a coupla reasons...

First, despite the large number of folks that have tried them - only a very few have reported any beneficial effect and even of those effects reported, it's been mostly marginal idle improvements (excepting those given to bombastic statements anyway lol) so it's possible that it's either a placebo effect or even as simple a thing as an inadvertently repaired intake manifold leak.

The second far more interesting reason is (and please correct me if I'm wrong) to the best of my knowledge - absolutely no major two stroke manufacturer nor racing team of any type uses any sort of "boost bottle" on their engines. Motorcycles, snowmobiles, dirtbikes, quads, outboards, gokarts, etc. - NONE of them have anything at all like this...

I somehow doubt our lil HTs are at the forefront of engine technology & product development ;)