Boost bottle and Nos Kit??


New Member
hey everyone,

Just wondering weather any1 has installed a Boost Bottle Kit together with a Nos Kit?

Will it help with better performance and smoother idling?

I have a 66cc grubee gen 5 Bad Boy Kit with Upgraded 36T sprocket, plug wire , Ngk b6 spark plug, new improved CARBY, free flowing air filter, 98 octane fuel . 66kms is my max. Any way I hoping to get a few km's with the above kits.
here is my opinion on boost bottles and Nos don't waste your money on things that are questionable. port matching and expansion chamber exhaust will do the trick upping the compression will help. blending the ports and matching the gaskets so there is no lips for the fuel/air to trip over is very helpful(port matching).
good connections on the wiring is very important a good plug and plug wire.
that is your choice I like champion other prefer nkg
regular 86 or 87 grade fuel is best oil at 32to 1 is what I like the type of oil is up to you that can open a can of worms on what is best but some oil is better than no oil and to much oil is not good. I do like Castor love the smell but its expensive so I use about 1 oz. and the rest is either syn oil or the cheap wally world oil 3 oz. total 4 oz. to one gallon of gas.
a good paper fuel filter in the fuel line to the carb is very very important again I like the cheap wally world ones.
Agree with Norman. So many cool things you can do for these little engines but NOx is not one of them.
Dam it! Its already on its way to me. I guess I have to install it for looks then performance or might just return it. See how it goes. Thanks Norm & Pablo for your input
Agree with Norman. So many cool things you can do for these little engines but NOx is not one of them.

more agreements with norman, pablo, and bikeguy joe.

the motor you see is my racer. ported, handmade intake (notice: no severe angle bend), and a Kei-Hin PC10c
carb from an XR80. you can also retro-fit wrist-pin bushings, in place of the needle bearings. that adds more power. why? i dont know.
its been said (turbo/chaos told me), that motors with wrist-pin bearing motors only rev up to 6k, but bushing motors will rev out to 8k. i cant verify that, HOWEVER, i DO know bushing motors produce more power.


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Just letting you guys know that I have decided to install the Boost Bottle kit aswell as the Nos Kit. Man! Nos was crazy! felt like a mini Turbo! eeewwwwwwww....... Lol!

The Boost bottle gave me better revs only if tuned properly. Idling was nearly stalling at first with the 30cm tube supplied. I had to cut the tube down to 15cm. Overall I think that both these kit does work but does cost abit though. For .flyShort term performance with Nos is Sick!
I also put Nitrous on my bike, the performance is very obvious and feels very controllable.

My makeshift kit consisted of nitrous canisters in a trigger actuated "CO2" bike tire inflator, piped to my carb.

Worked great! but only 8 grams per cartridge. Oh well.. probably better for the motor.
Good idea you have there slipdrive44. Might try that methos for my other MTB to save $$.
Last night was a great night, air temp was cold, no wind, quiet as... Perfect!

I Got ready for a test run and tuned tighten everything. I top out max 89.7km's with 16grm cold shot down a hill. Man I was screamed down that hill like no tommorow!

These little engines are build tougher then rumours going around. Have 1000+ kms on it and still no rebuild.

Most people i hear about use the tire inflators but they say that this only allows them to use the whole charge at a time. If you used a whipped cream bottle and emptied the cartridge into that you could use the canisters lever to control the flow of nitrous, this was you could make sure the engine ran at the right fuel mixture for the most power.
Yeah i plan to put a cream whipper on mine when i get some spare cash. I used to have one, from memory it held 3 small canisters worth,probably get more if you upgrade the gaskets. I'm more interested in a slow release to help up big hills than a charge, so I'll connect it to a gear lever and cable.(cut a notch in the cream whipper's handle for a cable, and retain the outer with a hose clamp on the body).

Better wait till i get another bike, i hate that feeling when your only means of transport explodes.:-||
"Dry injection" NOS is really bad for any engine - running extremely lean while being used, this is a major problem if the fuel is where your lubrication comes from. Add in the temperature of a poor 2 smoker being cruelly abused at high RPM... and you can guess the results heh

Still - NOS obviously works... but those lil cheapo "afterthought" NOS kits can be the death sentence for yer build - it's simply NOT how the "pros" use NOS. That costs money... and kinda a LOT of it lol You can "cheat" a little by injecting it through the air filter cover which helps bring just a touch more oil/fuel in with it (still not good, but a hair better), but the instruction's "suggestion" of tapping the manifold pretty much guarantees both a lean condition and the eventual purchase of another engine.

Boost bottles? Despite relentless, extensive testing by many a highly skilled and respected builder - there's NO conclusive proof that they do anything other than looking kinda groovy (to those that don't know better)... and collecting dust when they eventually get disconnected and/or removed.

I suspect it's much like that ol' hippy suggestion that "taping a quartz crystal to yer fuel line halps ya get better mileage dude, it gives ya positive vibes man!" - as in, it's all in yer head heh Gotta love the placebo effect FTW ;)
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My opinion on the NOS (I have used one) is that if you want the "Wow" factor of saying "It has NOS" then go ahead and install one. Do they work? Yes! Have I blown up an engine using one? NO.... If you are referring to the small 16g bottles, they only last a couple of seconds to begin with.

I had one installed on my chrome stretch and it was more of a conversation piece than anything else. It did function and you could definitely feel the difference when you pressed the button.

As far as the boost bottles are concerned..... I don't understand the science behind them so therefore I'm not sold on the idea!!

There's another couple post about the NOS on this thread.
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The only thing Nitrous would be good for on these bikes/motors would be like if you needed a boost to get up a hill(like if you weigh 275lbs), or if you are in a race and need to get a blast off the line to get up to speed faster(if the clutch can hold it)...Other than that it pretty much useless for every day riding around....JMO....