Redb's Greenline "S T R T E T C H"


Active Member
Lines are similar to the Micargi, hopefully a sturdier frame. nice comfortable ride.
Lines are similar to the Micargi, hopefully a sturdier frame. nice comfortable ride.

you seem to have to much time on your build some fine bikes...i just hope i can keep mine this clean...were did you get the air filter...ive found some but the diameter is to small...or are you drilling them out...thank you for your pics they keep me going...dennis
Thats what I thought... but how does it work?
I dont see where you're getting the extra fuel into the carb for the nitrous to burn???
Ahhhh, ohhhh, ahhhh, Thud, Help i've fallen and can't reach my beer! WOW dude. I think I'm going to cry. Red ya' charge that nos, or is it eye candy? Beautiful, Ohhh My. Can I use the pic for wall paper? PPPPlease?
Thats what I thought... but how does it work?
I dont see where you're getting the extra fuel into the carb for the nitrous to burn???
Gasoline requires enormous amounts of oxygen from the air.
Rather than pump air to move more of it into the engine,
nitrous chills the air, making it much denser and greatly increasing the amount of oxygen by volume - the denser the air, the closer together its molecules, the more oxygen one has available. I rarely use's mainly for looks!!
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Nitrous doesn't work by only "chilling the air", the nitrous itself puts extra oxygen in the cylinder...
If you don't add more fuel, you will have a very lean mixture & hurt the engine.
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Okay... I just did some reading on nitrous... Shooting just nitrous into the intake manifold is called "Dry injection".
It goes on to say, you have to be very conservative with it because the nitrous used without adding extra fuel (wet injection) causes a very lean condition and can blow your engine...

It seems we're both right... be careful with that stuff, don't blow the engine! :D
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(^)That is one beuty did it come with the forks by chance ,and did you get it chromed.This has to be my fav looking ride props !
howdy, red-
maybe i missed it and dont know it, but where on your old frame did it crack?
i got to looking at your muffler mounting hardware, and was just curious... wondering if the torque/stress being put on such a small area may have adverse effects.

i re-built a stretch awhile back, and it had a simple extra tube for the front mount welded on. not near as clean-looking as your set-up.

just trying to get ideas for BLACK SABBATH (still waiting for motorkit)
My Micargi frame developed hairline cracks around the head tube on the bottom tube. What puzzles me is they are on the side not on the underside where I would think the most stress would be. My first Micargi frame cracked (actually the weld seperated) on the underside where the cranks mount. It may just be this style of frame or I need to lose some weight!!. I'll try to take pictures.
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I did some research before i got the greenline and the companies that handled both lines always said the greenline was better than the micargi.
I think that Micargi frames are real cheesy & weak!... The black Micargi on my website that I built for a customer, developed so many cracks that he eventually paid me to transfer everything over onto a Schwinn cruiser frame! :-{
I would triangulate weld that front end for better strength.
It should have been built that way in the first place.
Something like this old Mongoose.
I had a frame like this as a kid.
Man that was a strong frame.

Still though I love the look of those stretch frames.


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