anyone ever ordered from

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Pirate Cycles, RAW, DAX, BGF/LEB

Good products.....Good Service.....!

Leave the others alone and you will be in good hands IMHO & experience.

I am a surprized that gasbike is listed as a sponsor for this forum. It would send them a message if we dropped them as a sponsor. Seriously, has anyone had a good experience with them?
Sigh of relief.... I just checked the tracking number again and it says the package was accepted by the Post Office.
when i initially dealt with them they were great, however when problems arose they were pretty bad with support.

i later ordered a new idler mount from them because i trashed my kit included one (which was a piece of junk in the first place) and i got it, was fine, but i was kinda mad that i paid a few $ more for a faster shipping option(fedex), and then it was shipped with usps and took longer then initially expected.

overall iv'e had an ok experience with them.

Sadly I paid with a Card. Didn't see a PayPal option, and I looked for it. I guess not hard enough.

credit cards often have similar protections, and even banking with debit cards will allow for again similar provisions. call up your card company.
All though I am new to this forum I am not new to online forums and advertisers. If they are ripping members off and give ****ty customer service (not just GasBike, but any sponsors), they should not be allowed to advertise on the forum. It's like they are just trolling for unsuspecting new members/victims. But hey, I'm not paying the bills here.
Ah Schwinn the Fox, I'm sorry to hear of yer woes - but I gotta say that was a great lil vid ya put together man! I'm gonna hafta chk out the rest of yer stuff now... so much fer gettin' any work done rotfl
fact is if i get neglected as a customer, i use the protections that were put in place for me, and i'll do a charge back. if after a month with no word from them i still don't have my parts, i wouldn't hesitate to take my money back through paypal.

and if someone decided to dispute the charge back i wouldn't settle, they'd lose my sale entirely, and i'd get the part elsewhere (this goes for every company out there, not just kings/gasbike).

my advice for anyone who gets terrible service from any company is just that, take your money back, you haven't received what you ordered from them, so it's perfectly legal to do so.
Gasbike is ridicules, when I ordered my Skyhawk kit I also wanted a duel brake handle, it was like $12 the guy told me it was out of stock but if I wanted I could buy a more expensive $20 throttle duel brake handle combo, so I ordered that with the kit, 4 weeks later I get my kit but no throttle and duel brake handle, so I called and asked and they said they didn’t have it in stock. Month and a half later I still haven’t got my handle and they won’t return my calls or emails and they will not send a receipt, they didn’t send a receipt by email or with my order and when I asked for one the lady said ok we will send it to your house by mail, 3 weeks later not even a receipt. I will never buy anything from them again. I will be lucky to ever see a duel brake handle let alone the $20 one that I paid for. I paid by debit card so I can’t even get my money back. Lesson learned.

Thats where I got my motor from before I read this post. However, I never experienced any problems with them. I got my motor in about 5 days with everything was in the box. I know others have had a different experience though...
... i got it, was fine, but i was kinda mad that i paid a few $ more for a faster shipping option(fedex), and then it was shipped with usps and took longer then initially expected...
One time I needed a part real bad, and paid extra for next day delivery. Well, next day came and went, and so did the following day. On the 3rd day It was delivered, but I refused the delivery, so back it went to them (they had to pay return shipping)

I mean, I paid a whole lot extra so that the item would arrive the next day, not 2nd day, not 3rd day.I f I pay extra for an item to be delivered in a certain timeframe, I better get what I paid for, or else back it goes.

Also, always, always, always pay by credit card, even when dealing with Paypal. If you ever have a dispute with a vendor, your 1st line of defense is Paypal, if they don't see it your way, (usually with affiliates, like eBay) then you go to your credit card (which will almost always decide in your favor).

As for waiting a month or whatever for parts, and never getting the parts and being out the cost...
If I get my credit card bill and there is a charge for an item and I have not received it, it goes into dispute; don't charge my card unless you have shipped the item.

Use the protection mechanisms that are available to your advantage, and be a savvy consumer.
Some shipping companies (like FEDEX) who guarantee a next day delivery will also cover the shipper for the cost of shipping both ways.
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