anyone ever ordered from

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I ordered a Universal engine mount and it took more than a week to get confirmation that the order was processed and they have a real hard time with responding to emails.
This will be my last order with them!
do not for any reason buy from gasbike, you will never get the item, they will never answer emails or the phone once they get your money, they ripped me off for 300.00 dollars. Sent me a used broken rat motor when I paid for a new one, not too mention next day delivery..I reported them to the better business bureau in their area and also the police department and the attorney general there. gasbike would not refund my money and even told me that they are not equipped to handle returns or refunds and did not have a warranty..Yes they said this!..finally got my money back from my credit card company..I really dont know how this clip joint stays in business.
That's sad but true.
I have been told that Gasbike tried to conspire with Grubee to
cheapen the Chinese SkyHawk motors so GasBike would make
more money on replacement motors and parts.

No lie, I was told this by a very credible source in the motorized
bike business who l will not name right now.

I know a lot about the motor bicycle business behind the scenes.
I was the first to tell that Spooky Tooth was bought by Bikeberry
Will I guess that was slightly better than Gasbike buying them LOL
So, as has been said before, why are both their websites still being advertised on this board?

Who's behind these scenes, and what are they thinking? New people see those adverts every day and have another chance to get ripped off.

Take them down already.
So, as has been said before, why are both their websites still being advertised on this board?

Who's behind these scenes, and what are they thinking? New people see those adverts every day and have another chance to get ripped off.

Take them down already.

Your demand is based on a grave misunderstanding.

We do not recommend or actively promote our site sponsors, nor can we be held accountable for their business practices. Our site sponsors are simply promoting themselves with the ads on this site and our forum in the process.

It's like being irate with The New York Times because the dandruff shampoo advertised in their back pages didn't work.

I must remind folks that can in no way be held responsible for the contents of our advertiser's websites or the claims therein. By their sponsorship such vendors are in actuality simply advertising themselves, there is no inferred or overt approval of their methods or products just because they have an advertisement on this site. Such advertisements are primarily to offer you diversity in purchasing options - choices you'll need to make yourself based on reviews and information available on this forum should you wish to heed it - which is why this thread has been here since 2008:
I do understand that mbc can't be held responsible for what vendors do.

Didn't mean to blame anything that they did on the board or the mods.

The board is helping to advertise a company that repeatedly rips people off, though. You can't get around that. Over and over and over they do it, but they are scratching the board's back, so to speak, and so they keep their advertising space. That is what you're saying, yes? We don't sell the drugs or force people to abuse them, but we'll send them in the right direction as long as we are getting compensation?

IDK. Doesn't seem right to support a vendor that treats people like these guys do. A link to a "feedback" thread right under their ads would be something at least.

And can we see it a simpler way? Would a member who repeatedly ripped others off still be allowed to post in the "Swap and Shop" section?
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I ordered a skyhawk GT5 & received the box with some damage parts. After repeated emails,phone calls & threats of never doing business again I finally contacted them & they sent the damaged parts out. If you have any kind of issue you will wait a long time in getting help...not good Will go with another vendor next time for sure
I'm afraid it's far more complex than it seems sketchman, we're limited to excepting or rejecting sponsorship offers based on little more than direct interaction with the business itself.

Simply put, were we to remove ads based on reviews alone - we'd have no site sponsors whatsoever, this post may reveal some of the difficulty:

Every vendor on this site has received numerous positive and negative reviews ranging from ecstatic to absolute fury, there's little chance of us discerning the relative accuracy of the portrayal, particularly if you account for the fact people are far quicker to complain than praise. It's also somewhat cyclic in that some of the businesses as well as the reviews vary depending on seasonal demand and confrontational escalation.

We the staff of try our best to be as objective as possible, unbiased one way or the other - providing only the respectful platform for these topics to be discussed. It's up to you to interpret the information provided here as well as contributing your own.

Rest assured however - any reviews made here, both positive and negative have a significant impact on the business in question.
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I must remind folks that can in no way be held responsible for the contents of our advertiser's websites or the claims therein. By their sponsorship such vendors are in actuality simply advertising themselves, there is no inferred or overt approval of their methods or products just because they have an advertisement on this site. Such advertisements are primarily to offer you diversity in purchasing options - choices you'll need to make yourself based on reviews and information available on this forum should you wish to heed it - which is why this thread has been here since 2008:

a single thread that gets lost quite easily is all we have to work with, i think a dealer review section is a far better solution, or sticky the thread at the very least.

i know a dealer review section idea has been shot down before because anyone can make a thread and it could be a competitor trying to tarnish someones image, but what about a review section, and then have mods make threads for each company, that users can then post in, we wouldn't be able to make attacks on a company, on a personal level, but it would certainly help us keep things sorted out much better for each company.
You've good points matthurd, we're not in complete disagreement... however this is how it stands for now;

Any member can create a review thread, we've never discouraged it & actually there's any number of them, our Google Custom Search will return them all. As for making 'Find a Dealer and Review' a sticky, the OP addressed that here: suggestion for find a dealer and review

There would be effectively no difference between a staff member creating a review thread/poll or a member making one (provided the OP followed our forum's policies) as the resultant posts would still be subject to "attacks on a company, on a personal level" as they are now.

Another section, a new subforum specifically for vendor/reviews is what had been discussed & "shot down" as this forum is for the members. There's simply too many potential advertising exploits with such a subsection. Due to previous incidents, we're reluctant to expand on the commercial aspect any more than what our 'Swap and Shop' section currently provides, which in and of itself was meant primarily for member use.
We're not "shushing" any problems nor condoning anything - I'm attempting to explain why one ad isn't being immediately removed by demand, which is in no way, shape or form "defending" any advertiser, in any way.

We do of course read vendor reviews, not just for the members but for our own purchasing decisions as well - and the complaints made are always given careful consideration, which includes the type, manner and frequency of those complaints and the types of businesses they reflect.

For example lets divide the businesses that sell these particular products into two types, the small privately owned hobby business and the larger companies and corporations. Very generally speaking, the private business is apt to provide better customer service while charging a higher price to cover the cost of that service while the large company is likely to offer the lowest prices with little to no customer support.

So - should we drop the private small business for "charging too much"? Should we remove the big businesses' ads because of a "lack of support"?

Perhaps we should, but again as had been said before, such advertisements are primarily to offer you diversity in purchasing options - should you wish to forgo any chance of customer service in order to save a few dollars that's your choice, just as it is should you wish to spend a bit extra to insure you'll get better support.

Interestingly - the vast majority of complaints mirror the examples given, unsurprisingly everyone wants the most for the least and that can't be faulted. There is however also the responsibility of a consumer to investigate and educate themselves regarding any retail outlet they may wish to do business with, not limited to reviews found on a forum such as this - but what manner of company it may be. Another example for instance is drop shipper is likely to offer the fastest turnaround, they'll likely process your order and get your purchase to your doorstep faster than anyone else - but they'll just as likely know absolutely nothing about the product itself or even answer the phone.

These are just some of the aspects we must consider when any business receives any type of review, obviously should any business small or large develop a reputation for "ripping people off" we will take action... but the definition of a "rip off" is a difficult one to say the least. Were a business known for charging credit cards without delivering any product at all it's obvious they should be immediately reported and removed - but the majority of complaints are far less concise, focusing on "exorbitant" pricing, undue wait times and/or customer support issues... which is all subjective and thus very difficult to ascertain the relative validity of as it's based on expectations, sometimes comparatively unreasonable ones.

We have dropped advertisers for unethical conduct, we've banned vendors for repeated rule violations, we've refused merchants' offers of sponsorship any number of times and we will continue to try our best to protect our memberbase to the best of our ability in any way we can - but in most cases this takes some time as we consider all the factors involved, not least of which is the primary point of this forum - which is not to promote ANY vendor or product or any commercial gain whatsoever, but the free and open exchange of any information regarding our hobby.

The advertisements are incidental to say the least;

As our intent is to provide a place for the exchange of as much free and unbiased information as possible, the experiences of our members, their innovations and creativity, even just the sheer enjoyment of it all - financially profiting from such is a conflict of interest, even the advertisements, the forum sponsorship is simply to help defer server costs and related expenses such as tech support and software upgrades as well as helping to provide choices for our member base and assist the small business. Like many forums, the staff are all volunteers.
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I don't think it's the reputation for "undue wait time"s that's the problem a lot of members have. I've waited for months for a product from summitracing for example, only to have to cancel because it just wasn't getting done. Didn't bother me in the least, because they were up front about it being on back order and never claimed to have shipped it, answered my support questions promptly, etc.

When a company advertises certain services, and then consistently doesn't follow through, while repeatedly being dishonest about the whole situation, it would seem like a rip off to me. I've not had a problem with Gasbike or King's, but there seems to be a negative trend with the majority who speak up vs the mostly positive trend of those reviewing popular other ones.

When you look at this thread, for example, what are the majority saying? The thread isn't titled negatively. It's a very unbiased question, and yet negativity is mostly what has been posted.
I don't think it's the reputation for "undue wait time"s that's the problem a lot of members have. I've waited for months for a product from summitracing for example, only to have to cancel because it just wasn't getting done. Didn't bother me in the least, because they were up front about it being on back order and never claimed to have shipped it, answered my support questions promptly, etc.

When a company advertises certain services, and then consistently doesn't follow through, while repeatedly being dishonest about the whole situation, it would seem like a rip off to me. I've not had a problem with Gasbike or King's, but there seems to be a negative trend with the majority who speak up vs the mostly positive trend of those reviewing popular other ones.

When you look at this thread, for example, what are the majority saying? The thread isn't titled negatively. It's a very unbiased question, and yet negativity is mostly what has been posted.

Yes, this is all true - but please remember that what's been said is just a general explanation as to why one ad isn't being immediately removed on demand...

This of course doesn't mean that ads can't or won't be removed or that we're ignoring these trends, or even that they're unfounded... or even that we're some sort of "evil overlords" bent on world domination lol

I've a question however...

Has anyone filed a complaint with the Better Business Bureau, reported it on Ripoff Report or any other similar outlet?
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i voiced my opinion , and should probably stay out of it from here , but what the heck , some pretty rough accusations were made to the moderator which is a good dude and fellow biker and has no authority to pull the ad , it is up to the owner to make those decisions , i have modded a time or two , a moderator keeps the peace, removes inappropriate content and tends to the trash bin ......

before i joined this forum i was already familiar with the gasbike/kings motorbike war stories , it dose seem to be about 50/50 ,some have no problem at all , some never get exactly what they ordered , when they were suppose to get it , due to the shortage of MB vendors , it would be better to find out what the problem is with kings and see if they can correct it , maybe kings should get a profile and participate in the forum to be able to help serve their customers , that is if they wish to remain in business ...

its real simple , don't count your chickens till your eggs hatch , and don't sale what you don't have in hand ...
Yes, this is all true - but please remember that what's been said is just a general explanation as to why one ad isn't being immediately removed on demand...

This of course doesn't mean that ads can't or won't be removed or that we're ignoring these trends, or even that they're unfounded... or even that we're some sort of "evil overlords" bent on world domination lol

I've a question however...

Has anyone filed a complaint with the Better Business Bureau, reported it on Ripoff Report or any other similar outlet?

I have called the BBB, and they never did a thing...
This is gonna sound like I am speaking up for a friend. But only because that's exactly what I am doing.

My85, I see you have only recently joined so you me be unaware BA is a very good man with high ethics. "Shame on the moderator" That is way off, wrong and if you spoke to a member like that, I would have deleted it in a NY nano second. It breaks the only one real rule. "treat each other with respect" I am brand new to being a mod. (read demoted to servant to the community)

Your Assertions of impropitious conduct are incredibly insulting to all of us and wrong.

"shrug ones responsibilities and action.or inactions .."

BA spends hrs a day "protecting" us. Look at his time stamps.

Truly funny part, He would be the first to defend you or any one's right to speak. (if you followed the one simple and common place polite rule)

Rohmel, only known you for a short while but truth be told, I am shocked.

"I guess they are kicking out the correct amount of duckets to have the problems shushed up."

Just freakin wow. This is the first time I have been truly disgusted here.

If we banned every advertiser/member for complaints, would leave a good deal of empty space.

The back ground of here is that Our host paid for the space for us to chat and share about a hobby. BA and others spend hrs and hrs "protecting" you. No good deed goes un-punished but freakin' wow. I went to buy an add yrs back when I first joined. (I don't actually sell any thig. Just wanted to help out) The cost of three would have been the cost of one any where else on the internet. It only offsets the costs of here, which are considerable.

As I see it, you all have several options. Post your thoughts and concerns. (from now on, I ask you do it in at least an attempt to follow the rule)
2, if you do not find it to your satisfaction, participate elsewhere or pay the "duckets" and do it for your self and like minded folks. Can be costly but could dump human beings at your pleasure. (theres people behind the text)

I honestly am disgusted. Just oblivious to the time effort and costs but are very happily assassinating other's names.

I am brand new to being demoted to moderator. Read; self propelled anti argument and anti-spam devise So spend a lot more time just reading around. If you knew how much just dissapears before the membership is exposed to, well this *stuff*, porn, spam, drunkin rants. And ya know what, BA will be right back at it with out a word.

I am speaking as a member of a largely, mostly awesome group of people. This type of mud slinging is unheard of here. But as the folks who normally would protect us all from ugly, well can't do that.

Just can't believe the absolute and reprehensible conduct demonstrated here.

OK, mod hat on. Please follow the "treat each other with respect" rule. Not sure how to simplify that so it can not be misconstrued.
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