Alternate 50cc 4-stroke engine list

Re: Alternate 4-stroke engine list


While the turbo is real & there's even fuel injection kits for it... here's the link for MBE's VZ21 turbo BTW: MBE Motorsports inc. : Small Engine Turbocharger VZ21 [VZ21Turbo] - $349.89USD after extensive amounts of company time wasted *innocent look again* I've been unable to find any real data beyond the rather unfortunate - like that in fact this turbo most likely isn't suitable for anything much smaller than a 200cc. While I found some leads & info for it's use on as small an engine as a 125cc and even a 5hp Briggs (largish displacement but low power & RPM) and even as small as a 70cc "Monkeybike" - those projects were incomplete at last posting (or never made to work), and that was sometime in 2009... which doesn't bode well.

There were additional mutterings amongst some turboheads that single cylinder engines are notoriously hard to effectively turbocharge, that the pulsed exhaust makes for excessive lag, that it takes it far too long to spool up to the point of diminishing returns.

BTW, there's also the IHI RHB31, the TD025M-03C, & the Garrett GT12 - all of which seem to have similar specs & sizes, all of them have been used on various gokarts, motorbikes & atv's, none can I find any reference to being used successfully on smaller engines than 125-200cc...

Yet... it's possible it could work, pressure/boost is ofc adjustable and with some dedicated tinkering there's some potential - this is such a niche hobby that just because I can't find someone that's done it doesn't mean it can't be done, just that it hasn't been done *shrug* Such is the way of experimentation lol

The quest continues o.o
Re: Alternate 4-stroke engine list

BarelyAWake, thank you sir, for your research into these 4-stroke turbo's.

I always try to share information directly related to the alternative 4-stroke engine thread, for everyone's thoughts, ideas, opinions, and suggestions.

As usual you are the man who has the uncanny ability to find pertinent information directly related 4-stroke's and their performance / potential when used as an alternative option for 4-stroke powered motorized bicycles. JMO.

Thanks again,
Peace Crazy Horse.
Re: Alternate 4-stroke engine list

lol Crazy Horse, it's just a lil patience, Google & some company time heh :D

While the quest for a suitable turbo has proven somewhat disappointing, I figured I'd mention that in fact actual superchargers can and have been made for the 49cc displacement by RB Innovations Inc., known for their "high performance RC engine upgrades" including ofc, superchargers - although not as a production run, they've made one-off custom deals ("giant scale") with the pricing about what you'd expect... while the in stock 'chargers there go for only about $150, remember they're for about a 3cc at 30900rpm :p

RBK10541-SD-2T.jpg usual, as this is just research I gotta mention I dunno these guys or their reputation *shrug*
Re: Alternate 4-stroke engine list

Lifan makes a vertal 125cc and a vertical 150. the 125 is a 4 speed with an automatic clutch and the 150 is a 5 speed manual, both come with kick start. I'd love to put one in a phoenix bikes frame in place of the whizzer, i think it would be totally awesome.

Both btw are close of honda cb engines from the 60's and 50's, and Helmutt, what kinda power do you think that phoenix bikes frame of can hold? I happen to have a spare xr650 honda engine,(same size dimensions btw as the lifan's) thats still in the crate screaming for a frame to mount it in.
Re: Alternate 4-stroke engine list

Lifan makes a vertal 125cc and a vertical 150. the 125 is a 4 speed with an automatic clutch and the 150 is a 5 speed manual, both come with kick start. I'd love to put one in a phoenix bikes frame in place of the whizzer, i think it would be totally awesome.

Hey Sparrow69,

Would you happen to have a link to the vertical lifan engines that have the automatic clutch? I have been searching for a couple months now, but I can only find the horizontal engines with a semi-automatic clutch and then the vertical engines with the manual clutch.


Re: Alternate 4-stroke engine list

Were I going to try to force more air through a small engine I'd find myself one of these. It's a smog pump designed to inject ambient air at about three psi directly into exhaust manifolds of older cars. There's literally millions of them around, They're cheap, and it wouldn't be difficult to mount one and setup a belt drive and air duct to the carb.


  • smog pump.jpg
    smog pump.jpg
    9.7 KB · Views: 292
Re: Alternate 4-stroke engine list

Were I going to try to force more air through a small engine I'd find myself one of these. It's a smog pump designed to inject ambient air at about three psi directly into exhaust manifolds of older cars. There's literally millions of them around, They're cheap, and it wouldn't be difficult to mount one and setup a belt drive and air duct to the carb.

Any links to set ups like these to see some pulley sizes?
Re: Alternate 4-stroke engine list

Any links to set ups like these to see some pulley sizes?
These were designed to run with a v-belt system and came with v-belt pulleys. Usually the pulleys were about 4" in diameter and were run with a 1/2" v-belt. However, later ones, or foreign examples would have been metric, and could easily be fitted for some kind of toothed timing or serpentine belt. I'll try to google around and see what I can come up with. All you really gotta do is google "smog pumps" and you'll find more information than you could ever use.
Re: Alternate 4-stroke engine list

I was hoping to see a runner? Then look at what they did lol. I know they are using them I looked it all up once. I never found a smog you tube runner though.
Re: Alternate 4-stroke engine list

There are a multitude of problems trying to force feed a small engine. You cannot just blow air into the carb. Any pressure will stop the gas from flowing into the engine. You would need a modulated fuel pump to keep fuel pressure AHEAD of boost at all times.

If you put the carb ahead of the blower, it falls out of suspension before it gets to the engine at low speed.
This is why you do not see any sucessful forced induction small motors on Youtube.
Re: Alternate 4-stroke engine list

perhaps you folks should check out Elsberg-tuning.
This dude has been putting superchargers on 50cc 2 strokes for decades, and has a very impressive list of world records on his site, as well as lots of pictures of his modified smog pump supercharger setups.

case in point....
1956 = In 56 NSU visited Bonneville Salt flats, bringing the Baumm II, and now a supercharged 13,5 hp 2- stroke, powered driver H P Müller to 196 km/h.

a 13.5hp supercharged 50cc 2 stroke (its listed under 50cc records) hitting almost 200km/h

or how about....
1977 = In 77 Henk van Kessel drove the Piet Plompen built Black arrow down a straight in Apeldoorn, and broke Kreidlers 1000m speedrecord.
They did 214.6895 km/h and on the return run 228.4829 km/h, so the new record was 221.5861 km/h.
221.5861 is roughly 138 mph
1000m down and back = 2000m total = 1.25 miles
that means they obtained an average speed of 138 miles an hour in a little over a mile, and you cant claim it was down a steep hill, because it was down and back, which means the return trip would have been uphill.
Re: Alternate 4-stroke engine list

The Honda horizontal 4 stroke 50cc / 125cc class engines supercharged is currently offered by, the Japanese based Daytona company (suddenly my favorite Honda aftermarket supplier) are going to launch a supercharger kit for their 125cc Monkeybike engine.

Their Youtube video shows a well thought out system of the suck through type, and the plenum even has an intercooler added! The supercharger itself bears a strong resemblance to the Danish- made Rotrex C15, which uses a planetary traction drive, to gear up the axle rpm leading to what equals to the compressor- side of a turbocharger.
Visit their website: /Product_Technical_Data.aspx The supercharger has a built- in oilpump, and an added oiltank supplies the high- rpm running supercharger with filtered oil.

The Daytona supercharger video:
YouTube - DAYTONA4Mini's Channel

Here's more the supercharged Honda Dream 50 Cafe Racer 4 stroke racer.The site has a lot of detail on Anders Elsberg's projects, both two and four wheel, as well as information on various 50cc racing motorcycles and a 50cc land speed record vehicle. This particular engine produced 1.2HP in stock form. Elsberg managed to rework it into a supercharged engine producing 8-10HP, with plenty of midrange torque.

Here's the Honda Dream 50 Cafe Racer 4 stroke supercharged video:
YouTube - superchargertest

Here's a closeup of the 4 stroke with supercharger:

Re: Alternate 4-stroke engine list

crazy horse, that charger system was designed by the same guys i was talking about above.
Re: Alternate 4-stroke engine list

crazy horse, that charger system was designed by the same guys i was talking about above.

Amazing guy that Mr. Anders Elsberg, that is apparent he is one of a very few to supercharge,
a 4 STROKE Horizontal Honda 50cc engine or the chinese cloned / copied version of the very same 4 STROKE 50cc engine!

Thanks sparrow69, for your reply which is topic related to Alternative 4 Stroke Engine's!

Staying on the topic of the original posters thread, will keep the focus directly related to the topic of discussion, here's 'BarelyAwakes' original post as a reminder for all of us!

Hey all, I've been on the quest for an alternate 50cc 4-stroke engine complete w/electric start & internal gearbox for my next project and wouldn't ya know it - Crazyhorse is already all over it lol (no Red, I'm not thinkin' a choppa heh) ;)


build thread:
engine: Loncin Engine - 110cc Dirt Bike - $139 SPECIAL 70cc Engine Complete - Full Auto - No Reverse - $139.00 -

Still, finding just the right engine for your needs can be a bit of a challenge - while I've not found a vertical 50cc 4-stroke, I figured I'd post the list of what I've found with prices & distributors (although I dunno if they're trustworthy as I've not done business w/them yet ofc). So - if ya know of any 50cc 4-stroke engines w/internal gearboxes & electric/kickstart (horizontal, vertical, auto or otherwise) please do add to this list! :D Here's a link to Lifan - although they don't sell direct, it's a good place to get engine model numbers to search for.


Lifan 1P39FMB double-automatic clutched electric starter/Kick starter 50cc $299.95

Compression ratio: 9.0:1
Displacement: 49.5cc 50cc Class
Max. HP: 2.7 HP @ 7,500 RPM
Max. Torque: 2.0 ftlbs @ 5,500 RPM
Carburetor: 19mm Walbro or Sheng Wey
Measurements: 17" x 10 1/4" x 8 1/4"

LIFAN 50cc Electric - Engines - Lifan 50-150 Engines - LIFAN 50cc Electric - TBolt USA, LLC
Hooper Imports Experts on Chinese Motorcycles and Parts, Engines - Product Detail

Lifan 50CC Engine 50CC3A-T Electric Start $299.00

Engine Model Lifan 1P39FMB
Type 4-Stroke single-cylinder OHC air cooled
Compression ratio: 9.0:1
Displacement: 49.5cc 50cc Class
Max. HP: 2.7 HP @ 7,500 RPM
Max. Torque: 2.0 ftlbs @ 5,500 RPM
Carburetor: 19mm Walbro or Sheng Wey

LIFAN 50CC Engine - Engines - Lifan 50-150 Engines - LIFAN 50CC Engine - TBolt USA, LLC

SSR 50cc Engine SSR-50-BRN Kick start $199.00

Displacement: 50cc
Gears:4 speed ,1 down 3 up
Carb:Mikuni 16mm
Ignition:CDI Flywheel type

SSR 50cc Engine - Engines - Thumpstar & SSR Engines - SSR 50cc Engine - TBolt USA, LLC

^ I'd call to confirm :)

Peace Crazy Horse.
PS Have you seen the pic of this same Chinese Cloned Honda Horizontal 4-Stroke 50cc engine with the built in pedals, an awesome Idea for a single drive rear wheel setup!
Click on this Link and see my post #25,
Re: Alternate 4-stroke engine list

In the spirit of the OP here is a pic that I lifted off the net a few years ago. If I recall it was in regards to the Grubee empire but a quick look in to their site a few minutes ago didn't reveal it. It is a 49cc engine for sure though.

The problem I have with the Honda/clones is that they are too wide just like all the other 4 strokes to be able to pedal with any efficiency whatsoever and to me if you can't pedal it around like a normal bike, it is worthless. Cause I like to pedal and motor. YMMV.
Re: Alternate 4-stroke engine list

In the spirit of the OP here is a pic that I lifted off the net a few years ago. If I recall it was in regards to the Grubee empire but a quick look in to their site a few minutes ago didn't reveal it. It is a 49cc engine for sure though.
View attachment 30678

The problem I have with the Honda/clones is that they are too wide just like all the other 4 strokes to be able to pedal with any efficiency whatsoever and to me if you can't pedal it around like a normal bike, it is worthless. Cause I like to pedal and motor. YMMV.

I agree Mab, with you about liking to pedal and motor, as for efficiency using the honda-cloned 4-stroke being to wide, my thoughts are that if you are using the stretch cruiser or a XL chopper as a base for your build with the honda cloned engine you can do quite well with pedaling you bike or motoring. I'm sure you've seen the extreme mountain bicycle build using a dirtbike/pitbike as your base platform then adding pedals. It has mountain bicycle wheels, and mountain bicycle front forks, so it's kinda mountain bicycle kinda dirtbike aka Dx or Dh style motor assisted bicycle.

Here's my version of the XL ( xl = extra large adult sized chopper ), XL Chopper Bicycle with Honda cloned 4-stroke, these engines will fit in the standard Schwinn Stingray Chopper, if you remove the seat down post and reinforce the chain stay to seat stay by welding in a support to strengthen the frame.

You do have to use extra wide pedal crank on the occ stingray chopper, but not on the XL Chopper bicycles as these have approx 4" longer bottom tube & the pedals clear the head & side case's on the 4-stroke engines.

One other note is you have to run the pedal chain under the engine, you can do this with a very small cog mounted on the the lower right side of the engine.

These are my favorite builds for using the chinese cloned horizontal honda crf type 50cc ATV / Dirtbike / Pitbike engines, those being the Stretch Cruiser & Occ Stingray & XL Chopper bicycles, and hopefully for many others!!!

Peace Crazy Horse.
Re: Alternate 4-stroke engine list

Cool build there Crazy Horse. Good for around town and pedals ok I am sure. But it won't pedal I bet once you get up to around 30 mph which is the thrill that I am after. I like the feeling of pedaling on top of the motor and becoming one with the machine!

So to that end one way I see this working is to not just get a legal 2 hp or so under 49 cc engine that is quiet, fuel efficient and non polluting as possible but why not also have it be about 1/4 the weight of the other options? And small enough that it would fit into a conventional double diamond frame with a drive system that won't make you ride around bow legged?

And as long as I'm dreaming some voltage would be nice also.
Re: Alternate 4-stroke engine list

BTW, thanks to Crazyhorse - we've now a list of links, examples of successful builds using the "pitbike" engine type: Thanks man!

Hey BarelyAWake thanks man, for the Link back!

If you are or have bought a chinese clone horizontal Honda crf 50cc-110cc type ATV / Dirtbike / Pitbike 4-stroke engine.

Something you should know is that, usually the seller's of these engines don't include everything needed to get the engine running, it'll be a bare engine, no carb, no intake, no wiring harness, no iginition, no cdi, no rectifier, no battery if you are gonna run electrics.

So after many hours of OCD'ing on the net I finally found a source that sells everything needed to get your engine running.

Here's the list of parts & components with the prices, and the picture of what you might need, you may not need everything on the list for your engine:

Item Id Name: 名称 Description QTY (pcs/set) Price(/PC) QTY
MC-56-50-04-01 HEAD LIGHT ASSY 前照灯总 0 $35.00
MC-56-50-04-01-01 BULB 灯泡 GB/T15766.1 35/35W 12V 0 $7.00
MC-56-50-04-01-02 BULB 灯泡 GB/T15766.1 W5W 12V 0 $3.00
MC-56-50-04-01-03 HEAD LIGHT GROUPWARE 前照灯组件 0 $35.00
MC-56-50-04-02 R.FR.TURNING LIGHT ASSY 前右转向灯总成 0 $20.00
MC-56-50-04-02-01 BULB 灯泡 GB/T15766.1 R10W 12V/10W 0 $5.00
MC-56-50-04-02-02 R.FR.TURNING LIGHT GROUPWARE 前右转向灯组件 0 $20.00
MC-56-50-04-03 ALL THREAD HEXAGONAL BOLT 全螺纹六角螺栓 GB/T5781 M10*45 0 $1.00
MC-56-50-04-04 PLAIN WASHER 平垫圈 GB/T97.1 Φ10*20*2 0 $1.00
MC-56-50-04-05 STANDARD PATTERN HELICAL SPRING LOCKWASHER 标准型弹簧垫圈 GB/T93 Φ10*16*3 0 $1.00
MC-56-50-04-06 HEXAGON NUT MODEL 1 1型六角螺母 GB/T6170 M10 0 $1.00
MC-56-50-04-07 BRACKET,HEAD LIGHT 前照灯安装支架 0 $10.00
MC-56-50-04-08 HEX FLANGE BOLT INCREASE SERIES 六角法兰面螺栓加大系列 GB/T5789 M8*25 0 $1.00
MC-56-50-04-09 HEXAGON NUT MODEL 1 1型六角螺母 GB/T6170 M8 0 $1.00
MC-56-50-04-10 L.FR.TURNING LIGHT ASSY 前左转向灯总成 0 $20.00
MC-56-50-04-10-01 BULB 灯泡 GB/T15766.1 R10W 12V/10W 0 $5.00
MC-56-50-04-10-02 L.FR.TURNING LIGHT GROUPWARE 前左转向灯组件 0 $20.00
MC-56-50-04-11 WIRING BOX 电器件盒 Ⅰ 0 $15.00
MC-56-50-04-12 CROSS RECESS PAN HEAD BOLT 十字槽盘头螺钉 GB/T818 M6*12 0 $1.00
MC-56-50-04-13 PILOT LAMP,HEADLIGHT 大灯指示灯 0 $10.00
MC-56-50-04-14 METER ASSY 仪表总成 0 $80.00
MC-56-50-04-15 NATURE DISPLAY LIGHT 空档指示灯 0 $10.00
MC-56-50-04-16 WIRING BOX 电器件盒 Ⅱ 0 $20.00
MC-56-50-04-17 HEX FLANGE BOLT INCREASE SERIES 六角法兰面螺栓加大系列 GB/T5789 M6*12 0 $1.00
MC-56-50-04-18 STEADY REST,WIRING BOX 电器件盒固定支架 0 $10.00
MC-56-50-04-19 IGNITION SWITCH LOCK 点火开关锁 2档4线组合插 0 $18.00
MC-56-50-04-20 FAUCET LOCK 龙头锁 0 $15.00
MC-56-50-04-21 RELAY 继电器 LY 0 $25.00
MC-56-50-04-22 RECTIFIER 调压整流器 4线组合插 0 $20.00
MC-56-50-04-23 C.D.I.IGNITER C.D.I.点火器 0 $20.00
MC-56-50-04-24 HORN 喇叭 12V/1.5A 105db 0 $15.00
MC-56-50-04-25 IGNITION LOOP ASSY 点火线圈总成 0 $25.00
MC-56-50-04-26 SINGING SPARKING RELAY 闪光器 0 $18.00
MC-56-50-04-27 DIODE 二极管 YIN XING DE45 0 $15.00
MC-56-50-04-28 RR.BRAKE LIGHT SWITCH 后制动灯开关 0 $10.00
MC-56-50-04-29 COVER,BATTERY BOX 电瓶盒盖 0 $15.00
MC-56-50-04-30 STEADY REST,BATTERY 电瓶固定支架 0 $15.00
MC-56-50-04-31 STORAGE BATTERY 蓄电池 XDC 12V/4AH 120*70*90 0 $65.00
MC-56-50-04-32 SPEEDOMETER LINE 里程线 930 0 $18.00
MC-56-50-04-33 MAIN CABLE ASSY 主电缆总成 D17F2 $60.00
MC-56-50-04-34 PROTECTOR TUBE 保险管 0 $3.00
MC-56-50-04-35 ANODE WIRE 正极线 350 0 $4.00
MC-56-50-04-36 R.RR.TURNING LIGHT ASSY 后右转向灯总成 0 $20.00
MC-56-50-04-36-01 R.RR.TURNING LIGHT GROUPWARE 后右转向灯组件 0 $20.00
MC-56-50-04-36-02 BULB 灯泡 GB/T15766.1 R10W 12V/10W 0 $5.00
MC-56-50-04-37 TAIL LIGHT ASSY 后尾灯总成 0 $25.00
MC-56-50-04-37-01 TAIL LIGHT GROUPWARE 后尾灯组件 0 $25.00
MC-56-50-04-37-02 BULB 灯泡 P21/5W 12V 0 $6.00
MC-56-50-04-38 LICENSE LIGHT ASSY 牌照灯总成 0 $20.00
MC-56-50-04-38-01 LICENSE LIGHT GROUPWARE 牌照灯组件 0 $20.00
MC-56-50-04-38-02 BULB 灯泡 GB/T15766.1 R10W 12V/10W 0 $3.00
MC-56-50-04-39 L.RR.TURNING LIGHT ASSY 后左转向灯总成 0 $20.00
MC-56-50-04-39-01 L.RR.TURNING LIGHT GROUPWARE 后左转向灯组件 0 $20.00
MC-56-50-04-39-02 BULB 灯泡 GB/T15766.1 R10W 12V/10W 0 $5.00

Just match the part number with the picture, yes it's as simple as that see the pic below.


Maybe you'd like to see a picture of the engine components well here it is, I've included the price's for each part, remember you may not need some of these parts for your build, this is meant as a FYI builders source.


Here's the part numbers and price list below, again just match the part number below to the part number in the picture above.

Item Id Name: 名称 Description QTY (pcs/set) Price(/PC) QTY
MC-56-50-05-01 ENGINE ASSY 发动机总成 0 $350.00
MC-56-50-05-01-01 STATOR LOOP 磁电机线圈 2极 0 $45.00
MC-56-50-05-01-02 SENSOR,GEAR DISPLAY 挡显传感器 0 $10.00
MC-56-50-05-01-03 HEX FLANGE BOLT INCREASE SERIES 六角法兰面螺栓加大系列 GB/T5789 M6*30 0 $1.00
MC-56-50-05-01-04 COVER,CHAIN OF ENGINE 发动机链盖 0 $30.00
MC-56-50-05-01-05 ALL THREAD HEXAGONAL BOLT 全螺纹六角螺栓 GB/T5781 M6*8 0 $1.00
MC-56-50-05-01-06 CLIP,FR.SPROCKET 前链轮卡子 0 $8.00
MC-56-50-05-01-07 FR.SPROCKET 前链轮 420 13齿 0 $15.00
MC-56-50-05-01-08 STARTER ASSY 启动电机总成 0 $45.00
MC-56-50-05-01-09 HEX FLANGE BOLT INCREASE SERIES 六角法兰面螺栓加大系列 GB/T5789 M6 0 $2.00
MC-56-50-05-01-10 SPARK PLUG 火花塞 GB/T7825 ATRTC 0 $7.00
MC-56-50-05-01-11 CLUTCH ASSY 离合器总成 2片 0 $65.00
MC-56-50-05-01-12 KICK STARTER LEVER ASSY 启动杆总成 0 $20.00
MC-56-50-05-01-13 ALLMETAL HEX FLANGE LOCKING NUT 全金属六角法兰面锁紧螺母 0 $1.00
MC-56-50-05-01-14 HEX FLANGE BOLT INCREASE SERIES 六角法兰面螺栓加大系列 GB/T5789 M8*104 0 $3.00
MC-56-50-05-01-15 HEX FLANGE BOLT INCREASE SERIES 六角法兰面螺栓加大系列 GB/T5789 M6*22 0 $1.00
MC-56-50-05-01-16 INTAKE ASSY 进气管总成 0 $18.00
MC-56-50-05-01-17 HEX FLANGE BOLT INCREASE SERIES 六角法兰面螺栓加大系列 GB/T5789 M6*25 0 $1.00
MC-56-50-05-01-18 INSULATOR 隔热板 0 $10.00
MC-56-50-05-01-19 ENGINE GROUPWARE 发动机组件 50CC.国际档,手动离合,4个前进档 0 $350.00
MC-56-50-05-01-20 GAUGE,OIL SEAL 机油 0 $10.00
MC-56-50-05-02 MUFFLER ASSY 消声器总成 0 $85.00
MC-56-50-05-02-01 HEXAGON NUT MODEL 1 1型六角螺母 GB/T6170 M6 0 $3.00
MC-56-50-05-02-02 GASKET WASHER USED FOR MUFFLER 排气垫 GB/T3452.1 Φ24*32*5 0 $10.00
MC-56-50-05-02-03 MUFFLER GORUPWARE 消声器组件 0 $85.00
MC-56-50-05-02-04 ALLMETAL HEX FLANGE LOCKING NUT 全金属六角法兰面锁紧螺母 GB/T6187.1 M8 0 $1.00
MC-56-50-05-03 ONE WAY VALVE ASSY 单向阀总成 0 $25.00
MC-56-50-05-03-01 HEX FLANGE BOLT INCREASE SERIES 六角法兰面螺栓加大系列 GB/T5789 M6*12 0 $1.00
MC-56-50-05-03-02 ONE-WAY VALVE GROUPWARE 单向阀组件 0 $20.00
MC-56-50-05-03-03 SPRINGINESS LATHE DOG 弹性卡箍 KG Φ17 0 $1.00
MC-56-50-05-03-04 BREATHE TUBE 通气管 Φ15*41 0 $6.00
MC-56-50-05-03-05 SPRINGINESS LATHE DOG 弹性卡箍 CB/T679 Φ15 0 $1.00
MC-56-50-05-03-06 AIR FILTER 空气过滤器 0 $10.00
MC-56-50-05-04 CARBURETOR ASSY 化油器总成 PZ19 0 $45.00
MC-56-50-05-05 ANCHOR EAR 抱箍 Φ40 0 $4.00
MC-56-50-05-06-01 SYPHON, AIR CLEANER 空滤器弯管 Ⅰ 0 $8.00
MC-56-50-05-06-02 SYPHON, AIR CLEANER 空滤器弯管 Ⅱ 0 $6.00
MC-56-50-05-06-03 AIR CLEANER GROUPWARE 空滤器组件 0 $20.00
MC-56-50-05-06-04 AIR CLEANER SPONGE 空滤器海绵 0 $15.00
MC-56-50-05-07 CROSS RECESS PAN HEAD BOLT 十字槽盘头螺钉 GB/T818 M6*12 0 $1.00

Note: You can also shop around for the part you need and look for a better price, now that you know what to look for!

If you have found a source for any of these parts please post it here in the thread as it'll surely help someone else.

Peace Crazy Horse.