50s style first build..



New Member
Oct 29, 2011
Thanks!! The tires is produced on special order by a vintage/antique bikeshop/museum in Norway, to fit the old 584 size (27,5 inch bead), quite wide whitey´s, but i got space for a little more width......if i can find some.

porch lizard

New Member
Nov 7, 2011
Scarville, Iowa
leaded ... you have a bike to drool over! How's the test riding going? We haven't heard from you in a while so I hope you are enjoying putting miles on your bike and the bike police are leaving you alone. When you get some time, tell us about the speed, power for hill climbing, and anything else you care to tell us.


New Member
Oct 29, 2011
Thanks for looking up, porch lizzard... not so much news to write about yet... suddenly got carb trouble, and had to rework the carb, still are a small spring awaiting delivery... Ok, one trouble with using old stuff,thats not in storage with every dealers anymore...
The weather here have also not been nice for riding..lot of ice. One day snow, and next day. rain.......
Ive got a insurance fixed, at least, lot of discussion because no licensenumber needed,
their computers got trouble ;-) .
And police are informed, and they are following the guidance of the Technical inspection department. Puhhh! No licenseplates needed, no helmet needed, no rearlight needed.
Lucky,,i found a book about the history of bike helping engines in Norway written in -53, who did get a lot of answers.
I´ll be back with a review on the driving as soon as everything is ok, and weather give possibility to keep the bike straight when riding.......


New Member
Oct 29, 2011
Thanks, harry76! Always great to get positive feedbacks!
Some ive done in the last times..... i found a NOS Veglia bicycle speedo in Germany, and after a time a clock in similar style also showed up, had to buy them....
The other engine i got, is now reworked, and should be up to use,when some clutchparts and ignition coil is in mail. Then i see later, if its mounted in this bike, or another build is coming on......



Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2011
Brisbane, Australia
Thanks, harry76! Always great to get positive feedbacks!
Some ive done in the last times..... i found a NOS Veglia bicycle speedo in Germany, and after a time a clock in similar style also showed up, had to buy them....
The other engine i got, is now reworked, and should be up to use,when some clutchparts and ignition coil is in mail. Then i see later, if its mounted in this bike, or another build is coming on......
I like it, its even cooler now



New Member
Oct 29, 2011
I see the speedometer is good for 70mph. That's optimistic. I guess you have to worry about pegging it. Both look real good. Your bike is a time machine.
Thanks all.....but silverbear...its not 70 Mph....its Kmh (kilometer per hour) I live in Europa with metric measures..... he,he
Reached 45 before the carb trouble put in.Warming it up, and did adjustments on the way, till it suddenly stopped. Glad the pedals was there...a couple of kilometers to get back home. Seems like i not cleaned the tank good enough, and was stupid enough to test it without a filter..... also the gaskets was quite crappy, and didnt get better when gasoline came on them..A chainsaw carb, does also be a pulsation gaspumper, because it should be possible to even use a saw upside down, and this small lips in gaskets who opens and shuts to make this pumping action was quite ruined, after not been in use in some years...and dismantled when i begin to really use it.....I´ve got some trouble with the running from the start, but supposed it was other things who did it...
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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2010
Yea a diaphram type I suppose like on the glow plug model engines usinging the crankcase vacuum.

I had bought a vacuum sealing machine for the plastic bags for food saving and let by accident too much liquid in the bag. It got sucked through the pump. Well smoked fish liquid with salt and brown sugar did the pump no good. The ^%$ company won't sell parts, but said they would repair it.

I left the store and carefully cleaned an reused the gasket/reed valve parts. Still works fine, but that was just a few year old machine, you are best to get replacement part.

Though I see what great work you do, you could probably get gasket material an make your own gaskets. Special springs you have to have a really good hardware store or find something broken to take similar springs out of.

Two stroke engine I guess it is and probably puts out good power. Get studded tires and lets see some video. Well maybe not, but I hear some people actually making their own studded tires.

I'm in California, but when I lived back in New York and took a ski trip up to Vermont, the 8 degrees farenheight above zero was enough that a 70's era Honda Civic had not much heat for that car. Can imagine riding motor bike in that weather!



New Member
Oct 29, 2011
he,he, measure twice! Well , i got acomplete kit for the carb...but without the spring. Tried with other ones, but this carbstyle is quite spesific about the right spring......
Found after some checking at a dealer, and all are changed/rebuilt now. the carbgaskets wasnt the biggest difficulty..it was that some function as a valveflappers....and then need to be quite thin, but stuill stiff enough. Spikes..yes, its possible to buy such tires here, but not as whitewalls...... ;-)
Snow is fast disappearing here this year, so i would believe some weeks more, and the roads are snow/ice free......then i can do a real test! As the old ones say..." ain´t bad weather, only bad clothes"..


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2011
Brisbane, Australia
"Ain't bad weather, only bad clothing" LOL so true, unless of course it's stinking hot like in OZ, it's 7.40AM and I've already got a sweat up, and there is only so much clothing you can remove without being arrested.

I don't know how you guys do it, I mean it must be hard to build a bike as beautiful as yours and then have to wait for the snow to melt to ride it, I can't imagine it..... I'm sure it has it's pluses like skiing and snowball fights.

Do you guys have heating in your workshops? I would hope so.

Either way I love your build and can't wait to see this thing in motion..... We have a 50s car show over here called Wintersun and they would go nuts over this thing, it screams the 50's. Well done sir!


New Member
Oct 29, 2011
Lot of thanks, harry76. Its always good to hear others comment!
...somebodys lucky...with to much heat! he.he. Wait and wait.....its possible to go in snow too, just a little more challenge on stopping, and take the curbs.......I´ve been "lucky" awaiting parts in the worst snowy times....skiing? terrible stuff! Cutted mine apart at 7y.age,after my parents threatened me that i dont get any new ones if i did it... and after that the only skis i have "used", are some old 30s ones on the back of my car in mid summer...for the fun. ;-) Of course heating is needed in the garages....just try to work with metal in some - degrees....but if needed will do it anyway, just take more breaks to varm up before moving on! ....Bbout car meetings, got similar respons here, and seems its will be at a show in start of may...at least they asked for it!


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2011
Brisbane, Australia
If you take it to a 50's style show I'd imagine you will have many offers to sell it. Make sure you post pics of the show, I'd love to see the pics


New Member
Oct 29, 2011
Did a new ride today, sorry about no video... but reached easily 30MPH....
and a lot of re-tension of bolts....even some small screws who hold the faceplate in the speedo loosened.....but fun!

Quite cold in the wind with just a jacket..
