2010 Specialized HardRock

my friend just sold me a front disk wheel a rear caset and he trew the 203 rotor for free for the wheel and caset i paid 50 bucks its going on my new bike that i building little by little its a 99 cc predator with the governor agk jackshaft and a 56 rear sproket cant wait to get her done

you are going to want to ditch the govenor because its set at 3600 and it idles at 21-2200 not giving you much room to use it without the govoner its good up to 5000+ in stock form
sorry i didnt explain myself the front disk is getting the 203 rotor the caset is for the new wheel that i am building for the rear plus i got all the parts for this motor already such as clutch jackshaft and rear sprocket
My HardRock at Tucson International Raceway


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My banjo bolt broke today, I leaned it over at the store at the bike rack and must have hit it because fuel just started poring out at that moment.

I'm sure at one point I must have over torqued it weakening the bolt.

It was pure horror! I had to pedal home about 1 mile ;)


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After replacing the banjo with another one, I realized I drilled it out for better fuel flow.

Doing that and probably over tightening it screwed it up. But it did last almost 2 years before it broke.


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Hey Dave!! I love my hard rock, its probly the smoothest bike ive built. and I just put a new motor on Tyler's old cranbrook lol, glad to see you guys are still around!!
Hey Dave!! I love my hard rock, its probly the smoothest bike ive built. and I just put a new motor on Tyler's old cranbrook lol, glad to see you guys are still around!!

Good to hear from ya Wes. Yeah I'm still around, I'm surprised we have not run across each other riding our MAbs around the Old Pueblo.

Tyler? Have not seen or heard from him since he broke his ankle or something at Death Race.
Good to hear from ya Wes. Yeah I'm still around, I'm surprised we have not run across each other riding our MAbs around the Old Pueblo.

Tyler? Have not seen or heard from him since he broke his ankle or something at Death Race.

Ya Jared got popped by couch a while back, he got lucky and showed the clerk a copy of his dirtbike insurance and registration and they said the cop screwed up and they dropped the ticket so we don't ride as much anymore.
Finally I was able to replace my front wheel. Now I have front and rear matching Supra D wheels.


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When I was installing the new front wheel, I noticed a lot of dry rot and cracks on both front and rear tire.

Since I have rotated them several times for even wear, and they have thousands of miles and almost 2 years; I have been keeping a eye out for new tires.

Decided to stop by a local bike shop as I was passing by and was able to find some 26X 2.1 Continental Town and Country tires for $13 each.

Not a big fan of the Town and Country on the sidewall but we will see how well they do.


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Something I forgot to do after changing my tires is re-calibrate my speedo. These new tires are wider and most important a little taller even though they are the same size.

With my old tires it was 2045mm. With the new ones it is 2120mm. That made a huge change in my RPMs at the legal speed limit of 20mph. And, 20mph feels a lot faster then it used too?

I got pretty good at figuring my speed by my rpms but looks like I am going to have to learn that all over again.

So, remember if you swap out your tires. Be sure to measure them to get your speedo calibrated correctly.


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Been tuning my bike up tonight getting ready for a what I estimate will be around a 200 mile ride.

My plan is to hit Patagoinia, then Nogales, then Ruby Az ghost town. From there to Pena Blanca lake back up to Arivaca and back to Tucson.

I'm still debating whether to cross the border to Mexico. The last time back in 06 or 07 i had a heck of time allowing them to cross my motorized bicycle since i had no proof of ownership. I do now have my bikes registered with the national bike registry but I cannot get a clear answer if thats sufficient.


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Been tuning my bike up tonight getting ready for a what I estimate will be around a 200 mile ride.

My plan is to hit Patagoinia, then Nogales, then Ruby Az ghost town. From there to Pena Blanca lake back up to Arivaca and back to Tucson.

I'm still debating whether to cross the border to Mexico. The last time back in 06 or 07 i had a heck of time allowing them to cross my motorized bicycle since i had no proof of ownership. I do now have my bikes registered with the national bike registry but I cannot get a clear answer if thats sufficient.

Well shoot! I was planning on heading out tomorrow but looks like work may foil my planned ride. I might have to put this ride off until another time.:(
Looks like your route traverses the Arizona Wine Country. You may have to stop and do a little tasteing.

Not much of a wine drinker but there should be a lot of cool and interesting places to stop and see.

Looks like work slowed down again and hopefully sometime this week i can pick a day and just do it. I'm even thinking about making it a two day trip that way I can just slow down and enjoy myself without rushing.
Broke my tensioner wheel when I missed a turn on the trail and went into a tree. It's been replaced and new one is working fine.

First tensioner to ever give me problems.


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