2010 Specialized HardRock

This is how I use old inner tubes for liners. I just cut off the valve steam and install them inside the tire, then the tube.

After the liner and tube are inside the tire I make sure to go all the way around making sure nothing is pinched and the liner and tube are centered.

Once that is all good, I then install the tire on the wheel normally. Next thing I do is air up the tire, then deflate it. I will inflate and deflate several times, if their is a pinch sometimes this helps get rid of it.

This is how for many years I run my tires. A few flats but those were nails that really nothing would have stopped.

Until my last ride, this has never failed me and the only thing I did different was when I installed the town and country tires I went ahead and used slim tubes. I have gone back to regular tubes.

All back together with everything checked, lubed, greased, brakes adjusted, cables lubed, shes good to go.

Found my plug loose, and looks like my exhaust gasket is leaking a bit, but will wait for it to get worse before I change it. My lights don't work anymore so I need new front and rear lights.

And I added a silencer to my little pipe to take the bite out of it a little.

Went for a quick little ride to test out the new exhaust addition. Lost a little on the low and quite a bit on the top.

Going to drain the June old fuel.... I'm sure it will run better.

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Out scouting, looking for new places to ride...



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Re: 2010 HardRock

I went to buy my usual Schwinn speedo but they were out, so I got a Bell one instead. Works great but every now and then when I first fire up the motor it resets itself.

My Bell F12 speedometer battery finally went dead. It lasted from March 2011 to Nov. 2013.

The last few rides I noticed my speedo resetting itself several times. Now the battery is so dead it just turns itself off after a few seconds.

Went to Walgreens to replace the battery but after seeing the price of the battery I might just go buy another speedo.
My new Bell Speedo stopped working yesterday during my ride. You can see from the photo as I was waiting for the train to pass it was dead.

Tried a new battery but no go, its not doing anything anymore. This one did not last very long. I wonder why some last years and others a short time?

I would go a manual cable speedo Dave ,their much better and not susceptible to rf signals from your motor ,I've found that you get good speedos and bad ones ,some will last a year some a few weeks ,sounds like you may have fried the unit with rf ,from what I've been told you can wipe the chips with rf from a chinagirl ,not to sure if this is correct info but it sure looked like it with my last build ,I went through 3 of them and even when shielding was fitted to the wiring it was the same , the wireless ones are especially susceptible to rf interference and will almost always throw out false readings ,lol one of my speedos would read my av speed at 190 kph

I know from the current build I have cable speedos are very accurate as long as you are sure they meet the size requirements compared to you wheels
Plus you can get some really mean looking manual speedos

Regards Henshooter
My new Bell Speedo stopped working yesterday during my ride. You can see from the photo as I was waiting for the train to pass it was dead.

Tried a new battery but no go, its not doing anything anymore. This one did not last very long. I wonder why some last years and others a short time?

Oh by the way that photo freaks my eyes out big time lol
I've used the mechanical back in the day and they always broke as well on me. Especially on my MTB, on my cruiser they lasted a little while but always fell apart on my MTB.

Right now I am just using my tach for a speedo. If i can find another that will last 4 years like the first one I will be happy.
Time to replace the exhaust gasket with a new one on the H Rock.

I whacked the exhaust pipe on a big boulder and I noticed it started leaking a bit after that.


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Have not had a flat since http://motorbicycling.com/showthread.php?t=49323 over a year ago.

But today on my way to work I felt the front tire go low. Stopped, gave it a few pumps of air and made it to work.

Before I left work for the ride home I was going to change out the tube for a new one but the tire was only a little bit lower. So I decided to just add some more air and chance it.

The tire never went low on the ride home? But it did go almost flat so as soon as I arrived home I removed the tube.

I cannot find a leak at all. I've checked the valve and that is not leaking? Nothing leaking on the tube? Nothing on the tire to give me any indication of a nail, glass, sticker?

I'm stumped but I am going to replace it with a new tube now that I have it off.


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Is cool ya made it home. Karma thing? lol.

Not to ramble but a similar thing happened the other day. I was swapping out a wheel. (rear) As I deflated, deflated! The rim, sidewall blew out. In my hand with less, not more pressure.

Almost as weird, it is off my cheapo wally world, Point beach. The wheel has never seen a bit of maintenance or new grease. It has thousands of miles on it and has been on at least 2 or 3 bikes.

Dunno, Dave. Happy Halloween!


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Wow Dan I've never seen a sidewall on a bicycle wheel do that.

Still don't know why that tube went flat? As of today it is still holding air? I'm just gonna save it for a spare tube.
Just picked up a 2005 Hard rock in a cluster of bikes I bought at a sale.
I wasn't planning to motorize this bike.
Then i saw this thread.
You guys get me in more trouble.
Nice bike man.
Mine is pretty much the same as your's minus the disks.
I will be adding them .
Thanks Box,I really do enjoy my HardRock. Four years and thousands of miles its still going.

When I first assembled my hardrock I only ran caliper brakes in the rear and disc in the front. When I finally added the rear disc what a difference in stopping power.

My rear caliper brakes worked fine so I thought the disc would not add much braking power. Boy was I wrong.

Hope to see yours together and running soon.
Dave I've enjoyed following this thread as I'm in the process of putting together a HardRock 29er myself using a Honda GSX50 and the Stanton pedal axle shift kit. I dropped off My engine and pedal axle at Stanton Inc for David to do some mods to it and am anxiously awaiting their return. Have installed a cheap light kit with running lights, brake lights and turn signal and plan to add an Ursus center stand and a Suntour suspension seat post. In time will add a trailer for long distance trips but currently plan to use it as a drop vehicle for my hobbies, hang gliding, canoeing and backpacking.
Dave I've enjoyed following this thread as I'm in the process of putting together a HardRock 29er myself using a Honda GSX50 and the Stanton pedal axle shift kit. I dropped off My engine and pedal axle at Stanton Inc for David to do some mods to it and am anxiously awaiting their return. Have installed a cheap light kit with running lights, brake lights and turn signal and plan to add an Ursus center stand and a Suntour suspension seat post. In time will add a trailer for long distance trips but currently plan to use it as a drop vehicle for my hobbies, hang gliding, canoeing and backpacking.

Thank you 2old2learn, glad you have enjoyed my thread.

29er? I'm envy! The suspension seat post is a great add-on that can make your ride a lot more pleasant. I've never used a store bought one but I did make my own one time. I liked it but it needed some improvements; mainly just better material it worked great but wore out fast.

Sounds like you are going to have one nice ride, be sure to share it with us.

On my my bike, its time for one or two links to be removed from the chain. I've been riding with over a inch of slack for a few months and eventually its going to cause me problems so I need to stop procrastinating and get it done.
I'll have to watch that on the chain running down from the rear mount motor to the pedal axle as it will be a fairly long chain run and will have a tensioner in that loop. Wouldn't mind trying to encapsulate that chain run if possible just for safety's sake. I've had clothes ripped off me and run through motorcycle drive sprockets before and didn't really like that machine gun look.

I should receive my bike work stand on Monday for doing my assembly work and for any and all future maintenance work on the bike and motor. Still need to order the Suntour suspension seat post and the Ursus center stand for parking the bike. Always something else one needs. About to knock out a 36 mile loop trail backpacking with my 32 year old son near the end of the month. Once finished, the bike will allow us to take one vehicle instead of two since it is very rare for us to do a loop trail. Just throw it in the back of my camper covered Tundra and adventure USA here we come!