1930's Colson Motor-bike. my new project.

i thought about that. i wonder if i could do it in the BBQ? i don't think my handlebars will fit in the oven.

i wanna check out an auto paint shop, and see what they use for clear-coating alloy wheels. that stuff lasts for years.
thanks fasteddy. i think it's beautiful because of it's simplicity. there's no fancy gadgets or flamejobs, it's just pure and simple, and it all flows together.

in fact, i'm gonna go in the garage and have a smoke and stare at it for 15 minutes.
ok , now that it almost done , you gonne give us a closeup of that awsome fuel petcock you built the rest of the bike on ?

what ? orange paint ( i thought it was copper )
Beautiful! *drool*
I am really digging the copper look!

Will you share with us the source of this magical fuel valve, that you created this gem around?
the awesome petcock from which the rest of this build hath sprung, is a Tecumseh, part number 29683. it unscrews to open instead of just switching on and off. it's unobtrusive, can't be bumped closed, and probably isn't made anymore.

i got 2 of them for 5 bucks on the 'bay, with free shipping.


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If the tank didn't leak I wouldn't bother sealing it.
That stuff was designed for production tanks that didn't have good quality control.
These things bounce around so much that it'll just delaminate and the pieces will be shaking around,
and repairing rips is relatively easy with a solder/patch.

Another beauty there Bairdco. The geometry of the frame is so simple yet aesthetically pleasing. Like SB said,"elegant." I just wouldn't be able to part with it! Nice skills on the tank friend.

built me an air filter housing today...

(the crappy pic doesn't do it justice.)


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i rode the bike about 30 miles today. 4 stroked like crazy. as i said before, it's an old motor that i rode with regular oil, and now i'm running it on opti2. the performance just wasn't there. it rode slower than my first bike did with the same motor. i rebuilt the carb, ported the intake, etc last night, but today, it just wasn't having it.

checked the plug after the ride, and it was perfect, and pulled the head, piston looks great, no scratches in the walls, checked for good spark, fuel, air leaks, slide not opening all the way...


so i took the carb apart again, everything looked great, blew out every jet and passage, went to re-assemble it, and the slide wouldn't go in right.

the stupid little grooved washer that fits between the spring and the E clip was bent almost in half.

wtf? dunno how that could happened. straightened it, and i'm waiting for tomorrow to ride it.

if it's still crapping out, i'm gonna drain the opti-2 and put some regular mixture in. might be the way the rings seated when the motor was first broken in.

I might be having that weird problem 2door had.
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I would'nt worry myself about his deposit he broke the agreement.
As a bike enthusiast an authentic bike at that age I think all in this forum would have a hard time parting with it! I would'nt settle for the same ole kit if you planning a motor> I would make it a slow and careful build not just another replica antique board tracker with a stock motor, exhaust and drive train.. DO IT RIGHT! GOOD LUCK
thanks. but, uh, just wondering if you read the whole thread, and looked at the pictures?

i'm not exactly just slapping a motor onto this thing...;)
there is no doubt it's a beautiful bike, paint job and custom tank even the lil carb cover but I would of thought out the engineering a lil more than the usual 2 chain drive drop muffler chinese kit before installing the powertrain. Enginuity over another replica Board track! It is a beauty make it totally unique!
i see what your saying. it'll get more done to the motor eventually.

but, have you seen my other bike? now that i've got some tank making skills, that's gonna get a custom one, too.


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michael - remember that bairdco was buildin' this 'un to sell lol, after alla labor time involved w/a vintage resto, custom tank and whatnot - there's only so much you can do before it's a loosing game w/the price. A stock engine is a good a place as any to call it "good nuff" - besides, gotta leave somethin' for the owner to "upgrade" heh ;)
Thats nice bro! I would definatally let you make a tank for me! Beautiful bikes. I am into gears but not the cassettes. I love the interpanetary gears like the Nuvinci. Boy if we can combine your beautiful designs with the engineering on this forum we can produce some of the best bikes going. A nice compact electrical system good single chain drive chain we will all be happy. Your talent floors me you have some great builds!