1930's Colson Motor-bike. my new project.

i've got the same tires on my 24"er. they do corner amazing, and i like the rounded look. the problem is, the rear one on this bike doesn't fit. they only make them in 26x2.3, so i've gotta find something else.
ok, here's the skinny on this...

bike's almost done. got the motor on it wednesday. i'm using my old motor off my first bike, because i want to test out some performance stuff, and don't want to do it on a new motor. i also wanna switch this one to Opti2. i ran it on cheap oil before, and after hearing uhhh, 2door? norman? i'm not sure who, but when they switched oils the motor wasn't goin' for it. i also found a head from an Aermacchi/Harley M50 that's got the same bolt pattern, but the squish band is tiny. i posted a pic on 4easy's Hybrid Motor thread.
that'll go on after i know the motor works on Opti2.

the cool orange fake anodizing paint i'm using isn't really that cool. it's supposed to be painted over chrome or shiny metal, but it just doesn't stick. it chips off just by looking at it. i need to find some cool plastic-y clear cloat, something like Mongoose used to use in the 70's with their fake anodized paint.

and, the big news, i finally got that cool petcock installed...:)

need to coat the tank and install it, and Kreem takes 24 hours to cure.

should be riding monday.


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Sweet tank man! When didja fab that up? Did I miss a post/thread? (shame)...

Mine's still sittin' ona shelf waitin' to get zotted
i built it over the last two days. just copper sheet and silver solder. the only reason i haven't posted pics is because it was raining, and pictures don't show up good in my dimly lit dungeon of a garage.

i'd have the bike running right now if i didn't have to wait for the Kreem to set in the tank. i checked it before and it doesn't leak, but i don't wanna take any chances. it came out surprisingly well for my first attempt, and it holds about 60 oz, which is just slightly over a half gallon.

after this one, i think i'll go back to my 24 Colson and make one for it...
Copper & silver solder...

gdangitalltoheck - why didn't I think of that? o_O Functional & stylish and can make it yerself w/o welding equipment

I'll keep that in mind for the next one (yes, next - and I ain't even finished this 'un yet) ;)
i built it over the last two days. just copper sheet and silver solder. the only reason i haven't posted pics is because it was raining, and pictures don't show up good in my dimly lit dungeon of a garage.

i'd have the bike running right now if i didn't have to wait for the Kreem to set in the tank. i checked it before and it doesn't leak, but i don't wanna take any chances. it came out surprisingly well for my first attempt, and it holds about 60 oz, which is just slightly over a half gallon.

after this one, i think i'll go back to my 24 Colson and make one for it...

Awesome! I love it. I'm guessing it won't get paint. Where do you get the copper sheet? How thick? About how much money do you think you have in that tank in materials? I know the silver solder alone isn't cheap, especially with all those seams to seal up. Did you need to coat the inside of the tank because it is copper, or was that additional insurance to keep it sealed? I hope when you do the next one you can take as you go photos.
I really like how alternative do it yourself gas tanks have come about this fall and winter. I'll be forever grateful to Rockenstein for the juice can tanks, especially useful for step through bikes, but also to Barely for his step by step steel tank mock up and to TP of the Perich brothers for the fiberglass how to's. And now this! I'm a real sucker for copper and brass (poor man's gold). Can't wait to see it in place...
i spent 40 bucks for a 3'x3' sheet of copper. i think it's 26 gauge, or 16 MIL. still got some left over, but not enough for another tank. i got it from some place right down the street that makes custom gutters, roofs, and whatever.
the petcock was 3 bucks, and the bung and cap are brass plumbing fixtures, like 15 bucks total at ACE. then the silver solder and flux, propane torch, and 2 days worth of work...

it held water, but i wanted to seal it just in case. if it took a hit by falling over or something on a seam, i don't want it to start leaking. plus, i plan on selling this bike, and i don't want the customer all PO'd because the tanks dribbling.

as soon as it sets up, i can mount it. probably tomorrow morning.

i've got an idea for some totally crazy, yet simple fenders, too.

and i've got some slick tires coming that are 26x2.0, so they'll be skinnier to fit in the frame better. when i get those, i'll touch up all the paint. gonna check out some auto body places or paint suppliers to try and find some super duper clear coat. it'd suck to go through all this trouble just to have all the paint flake off a week later.

here's some more pics.


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bairdco that is truly a sweet bike. you should have no prob movin it. i really think it looks superb.
It just looks super! How will you fix the tank to the bike frame? I just noticed the chain guard for the first time and like it. If whoever it was who had that bike brand new on Christmas morning way back when could see it now... I think he'd prefer this version for sure.
You're an inventive man, Bairco.
i gotta sell it. if i don't, my other bike's gonna kill it while i'm sleeping. it's getting jealous.

but seriously, just pedaling the thing around, it rides beautifully. i can even do wheelies on it. :)

oh, and i think i'm just gonna JB weld it to the frame...

not really. i've made some clamps for it, and i have to wait till tomorrow to buy some brass, uh, threaded sinker nut things. i don't know what they're called. or, i've got some other ideas.
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it's alive!

it's not done yet, but it's running. i've used my old motor, and it's basically stock, and it cruises about 25-30mph. which feels so slow, compared to my other bike. i'm gonna do some mods to the engine later.

but man, does it cruise. it's so comfortable, so luxurious. the seat smooths out all the bumps, the handlebars are in perfect position, and the thing just rolls along like a cadillac, with the cornering of a porsche. whereas my 24" is a twitchy little bast#$&, ready to cut through traffic like a knife and skid through stop signs, this bike feels like there's no hurry, so just relax and enjoy the ride.

some different stuff since last post:

i mounted the tank with custom urethane supports, and just soldered some copper bolts to the outside of the tank. if i ever need to take it off, i'm gonna have to un-solder one bolt, so hopefully it never has any problems.

my seat is a "Special Gents" seat, which i think is an old japanese Brooks knock-off, and the leather was dull and hard, and the rivets were rusty, so i hit the whole thing with a 3M scotchbrite wheel and now it looks like natural suede. it's super comfy.

i still need to make an air filter, rig a custom kill switch, make some fenders, tighten the chain and touch up the paint when i get new tires, and a lot of little crap, so it's a ways away from being "done."


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some more pics


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