Active Member
this actually looks pretty cool. check it out
I agree, I ride my bikes at 30mph and below, normally at 25 to 26. I've had motorcycles of all types and sizes, now at my age I like to enjoy the sights rather than flash by them. 40+ on a stock bike is not for me.
Why can't more e-motorcycles look like this? It was cobbled together by some ex-employees of Alta, the e-motorcycle company. I'd ride the snot out of it.
Yes I am thinking of adding a front hub. Looking forward to having regen in the front as well. Would like to do a hybrid someday but then I ask myself, why??I added a front e-hub to one of my China girls and really like the hybrid experience. My fatty's getting a 48 v. 1 K. rear e-hub to make an all wheel electric with double lithium packs and separate controller. I'm loving it on gravel and dirt.
Schwinn built one for the military years ago the could be pedaled,, that one is a motorcycle.Ok. Close enough I guess. LOL
"Military developing stealth motorcycle."