any pipe smokers


Active Member
Jul 26, 2012
I'm just beginning to enjoy the occasional pipe again. I used to smoke cigarettes but gave that up because it can get expensive and let's face it, it's bad for you.
but a nice tobacco in a finely made pipe on occasion is a lovely way to relax. I don't smoke every day but I do enjoy my Latikia in my Irish seconds pipe. I'm trying some burley in a Missouri corn cob but I haven't gotten a taste for it yet. I also enjoy an aromatic in my Eagle cool dry. nothing fancy here....just some good tobacco in decent pipes.
Yes, smoking isn't great for you but neither is sugar or red meat. A little here or there isn't much worse than a steak and a snickers bar.
A glass of bourbon and a bowl full of English baccy is an experience every man should enjoy, in moderation of course.
What's your favorite pipe and tobacco?


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2012
Vancouver, British Columbia
My favourite pipes were a Stanwell, black, straight, with a sterling band at the stem joint. The other was also from Scandinavia and was egg shaped, chestnut briar, with a lumpy satin finish that fit perfectly in the palm.

There used to be a great tobacconist in my city in a beautiful old building from the 20's. It was a place you could go and relax and try out different custom blends.

My favourite commercial blends were both Dunhill. One was Early Morning and the other was Nightcap. There was also a solid Scottish blend but I can't remember the name.

Getting to be perfect weather around here to go for a stroll in the park with a good blend and a flask of single malt.

thanks for the memories, cuz


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2012
sf bay area
still a smoker

I will never smoke any tobacco ever again as long as I live. When I was a smoker I smoked pipe tobacco, but in reality its a hundred times filthier than a cigarette.

I want to point out some fallacies in your post for other smokers. Not picking on you, because I was the same before I "got it". I often wondered how I could survive a family outing, or even cold turkey quitting without a cigarette.. but now I wonder how I survived being an average smoker for 10 years.

I used to smoke cigarettes but gave that up because it can get expensive and let's face it, it's bad for you.
This statement is wrong on so many levels and how I know you're still a smoker.

Firstly there is NOTHING to give up yet everything to gain. If you're saying you "gave up" the good feeling and the image of the cool smoker, I'll tell you the temporary relief you get smoking tobacco is the same as what non-smokers enjoy all day.. every day! And as far as the image.. Only exists in movies (ANY movies! from kids to adult) to subconsciously get you hooked on tobacco.. the reality is smokers are despised by non-smokers and pitied by ex-smokers.

Yep, it can get expensive and it's bad for you. But you were probably thinking about the weekly expense of it. Since you're still a smoker and you can relapse into cigarettes any day, smoking must be considered a lifetime expense. $87600, $6 pack a day for 40 years.

I don't smoke every day but....
Rationalizing your tobacco addiction... since obviously if you don't smoke daily you're not a "real" smoker. Casual smokers do this too. "Oh I don't smoke every day only when I want to" Or "I only smoke a few cigarettes a day" but when you're talking to them you see that during the course of the conversation they've already smoked a few.

...I do enjoy...
Right.. Even those times when you get the resin hit.. a concentrated double shot of ashtray.

Yes, smoking isn't great for you but neither is sugar or red meat. A little here or there isn't much worse than a steak and a snickers bar.
More rationalization. "Life isn't good for you, eventually it kills you." "I could get hit by a bus tomorrow" But with smoking you're literally paying for the privilege to smell like $hit and kill yourself earlier, possibly from very slow painful death. throat cancer? lung cancer?

??? Red meat is a good thing. I cut the fat off. A snickers bar a day is not bad. Compared to a pack of smokes... A WEEK??

This mindset is that of a still-smoker. Whether you smoke daily or a few times a year, you're still a smoker suffering primarily psychological withdrawal all the times in between. By your post I can see that you feel you've given something up by stopping smoking cigarettes and you feel that smoking a pipe a few times a week lets you "relax". The "relaxation" is the greatest fallacy in smoking. In fact its the addiction to tobacco that made you stressed in the first place. Physically it only stresses. Heart rate increases as the brain gets less oxygen. It's a chain, the first hit makes you want another one... When you realize that smoking is a chain reaction that continues because of your perceived relaxation from it (which is temporarily relieving the stress that the previous fix caused) then it will be a lightbulb type moment.. Realizing that you don't need to smoke to feel good and it's all in your mind!! Good luck.

Goat Herder

Gutter Rider
Apr 28, 2008
Re: still a smoker

When you realize that smoking is a chain reaction that continues because of your perceived relaxation from it (which is temporarily relieving the stress that the previous fix caused) then it will be a lightbulb type moment..
I could not agree more. Been cigarette free all summer. Got stuff like new socks lol. and that T-bone steak every once in a while...seriously way more than that.

To the O.P. Now for the funny part when I hear pipe? Only think one thing. Just gonna come out and say it...smoke a bowl if ya know what I mean? I mean the kind stuff that makes you self examine and think....At least it's healthier laff

No tobacco for me. I once saw a Holmer Simpson show where they grew Tomacco's it was a tomato crossed with tobacco.

Wanna try some different kind of bear? Dang but I quit drinking 6 years ago;)
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New Member
Dec 1, 2014
I have a Goodfellas pipe, was going to buy a "proper" one but I was looking at a cheap pipe with plastic band for 200 bucks, so I got this el-cheapo one instead.

treats me well, I probably only smoke it once or twice a year. I'm not really into tobacco but it's good for taking a minute to myself when I need it. keeps my hands nice and warm during winter too.
Aug 26, 2015
Overgaard AZ
I have a beautiful black walnut burlwood pipe an old friend made for me. I also have a nice glass piece from LSP in Denver, Colorado. Also I have a selection of other glass pieces. One my mother carved from a piece of Arizona soapstone, which I cut from an outcropping myself. One fashioned from a Coue's deer antler from my grandfather.

If anyone suggested I put tobacco in any of them, I'd get quite offended. I too am 420 friendly.


Jan 20, 2008
I have not smoked tobacco in 28 years. I stopped smoking a year ago. I do enjoy a "special" muffin now and then.


Ludwig II

Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2012
I tried smoking over 40 years ago, didn't enjoy it, but I found it was a rapid acting temporary anaesthetic when dealing with broken bones.
Aug 26, 2015
Overgaard AZ
Cavendish of any kind has a horrible flavor, but a wonderful smell, in my opinion. I prefer Kentucky or Virginia blends, although a tobacconist I knew used to import a few interesting tobbacos. I'll look around for his contact information, just in case anyone cares. I believe he's located in Michigan


Active Member
Jul 26, 2012
Burley has a following with some old timers and some young folks going old school but it's not for me. I like latika.


Active Member
Jul 26, 2012
I'm not into 420 but I'd like to see it legal in Missouri so it can be decriminalized and a source of revenue for the state. Maybe it could help with my anxiety. But if I want to alter my state of mind I'll stick with the girl I came in with. Lady liquor.


Active Member
Jul 26, 2012
My dad smoked dutch masters. I tried them as an adult...nasty things. I never could get into cigars.
Even the cheap pipe tobacco ("codger tobacco" or "otc" as they are called in the pipe community) have their fans. But a nasty cheap cigar....yuck.
Then again I'm not an expert on anything and most likely a complete moron. So what the **** do I know