Price of Gas these days......Let's Ride!


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2009
British Columbia Canada
I know Harry but there was so much I wanted to see there. I guess things happen for the best in the end.

We have a lot of people from Oz here in B.C. They all tell me that they will only go back for visits and we live in God corner of the earth.



Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2009
British Columbia Canada
I had a wolf/dog that was one breeding away from a wolf. Her offspring if she breed with a pure wolf would have been pure wolves.
A more gentle and shy animal you would never meet. All I had to do was look at the bedroom at night and it was den up time and I could share the bed with her but no more than she wanted to share.

The ***** would put her feet against the wall and act like she was standing while she was lying down and the rest of the bed was mine. Ruined that game when I got a king sized bed and there was room for me. She never really forgave me for that I'm sure. She sulked for weeks.



Custom 4-Stroke Bike Builder
Jun 3, 2010
Ridin' inSane Diego, CA.
I dont think we have the deadliest snake, im no expert, but im pretty sure we have a fair chunk of the top 10 deadliest snakes.

And yes Scotto- there are all those deadly animals as well. And i dint even mention dingoes, maybe youve heard of the Chaimberlains (a dingo ate my baby).

Us Aussies and Kiwis are very similar except we dont sleep with sheep :)
Yeah I was in OZ at that time.........Dingo = innocent.....Chaimberlain's = Guilty

Sorry, that's just the way I saw it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2011
Brisbane, Australia
Funny you should mention it Scotto-

The Chaimberlains were believed guilty for a long time. But for quite some time now people have believed they were innocent.

Well now theyre back in the news and a new inquiry has started, supposedly there is new developments that point to their guilt... something about her shirt being pulled over her head, something a dingo couldnt have done, or something like that


Custom 4-Stroke Bike Builder
Jun 3, 2010
Ridin' inSane Diego, CA.
Funny you should mention it Scotto-

The Chaimberlains were believed guilty for a long time. But for quite some time now people have believed they were innocent.

Well now theyre back in the news and a new inquiry has started, supposedly there is new developments that point to their guilt... something about her shirt being pulled over her head, something a dingo couldnt have done, or something like that
I'm tellin ya bro.....I've never seen two people look more guilty on TV and in the newspapers as them......their stories flawed.

The Dingo did NOT do it! Don't make me a Juror on that trial.....GUILTY your Honor!



New Member
Aug 10, 2008
I've heard it said that Aussie's are scared of anything with a pouch walking on two legs... Teeth like this <VvvvV> FastEddy! LOL!

On firearms. Learn from history folks, the US invaded Canada and got our rumps handed to us! How did we have influence in getting your right to arms limmited? It was our Political left who led it! Put everything into perspective. There is a Global treaty now, they are trying to sucker us with... I'll leave it at that!

I'm getting darn old... When I first built my dinosaur it cost $.075 to fill the tank to the brim.

This little old guy in the GOP debates said that he tried to win the arugment on basis the Constitution but everybody ignored the old rag.

He tried to argue on basis of morals... It's another Country, we can't kick the door down w/o a valid warrant signed by Congress, Nobody cared about trivial morals...

Tonight he said, mark my words, You will care, because I will win this argument on basis of economic impact! What did the little old man know?

We are all english speaking Countries talking here folks. I'm not out to offend anybody by saying if we are to compete with Communist Labor, we at least need to be able to get to work as cheaply as they do.

It's time to end the stupid regulations and war on our personal freedoms. MB's should be legal in all of our Countries and actually promoted as transportation of choice. P.S. The little old man ride a bike 20miles a day.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2011
Brisbane, Australia
Some of those redneck Americans scare me more with missing teeth like this <Uuu U>

Funnily enough they are usually the ones that are against gun control LOL.... Just saying
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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2011
Brisbane, Australia
If you ask me one off our deadliest animals doesn't have fangs or sharp teeth, and is introduced and in plague proportions here..... It's the cane toad.

They kill most of our snakes and even crocs. I hate them with a passion. They kill most of our wildlife and the only animal I know of that's learnt to feed off them are crows. Theyve learnt to flip them over and eat their guts out.

It's a national sport here to get a golf club and go toad hunting as well as running over them in your car. I do rotational shift work and do some night shifts at a paper mill. I drive a CAT front end loader. Whenever I see them I run over them, and the. When the sun comes up you see the crows come in and eat them.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2011
Brisbane, Australia
Yeah they are bad news, tough as nails. No word of a lie, you can bash one with a stick or run over one with a car, and you squash them and their guts come out. You think they are dead but then they swallow their guts again and hop away. I now put them in a plastic bag and freezing them, then put them under my banana tree because I heard they are good for them.

These toads have nearly spread across Australia from one suitcase full introduced to kill the cane Beatle which was killing our sugar cane industry. Funny thing was the cane Beatle live at the top of the cane and toads can't climb so went on to eat everything but the cane beatle. Now they are everywhere. It's crazy


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2011
Brisbane, Australia
When I was a kid I had my dog die from trying to eat a toad, I've hated them ever since.

Most dogs will have a run in with them but most get a small dose of poison and know to leave them alone, but I was watching a documentary on canetoads and the showed some dogs that deliberately lick them to get high. 100% serious, they know to only get a small dose and actually like it. They showed a dog doing it and it looked very high LOL


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2011
Brisbane, Australia
I'm tellin ya bro.....I've never seen two people look more guilty on TV and in the newspapers as them......their stories flawed.

The Dingo did NOT do it! Don't make me a Juror on that trial.....GUILTY your Honor!

I just got home from work and the Chamerlains are on the news..... apparantly this 4th inquest into Azaria Camberlains death is at the request of the Chamberlains, currently the death has been ruled a mystery. They formally requested a formal finding that the dingo took the baby.

Azaria Chamberlain died in 1980, Lindy Chamberlain was sentenced to life in jail in 1982 for the murder of Azaria, the husband was given a suspended sentence after being convicted as an accessory..... 4 years later the case was reopened and found them innocent. The case remains unsolved.

And heres something that i must say surprised me, since 1995 there have been 12 major dingo attacks in the Northern Territory, 3 of those were fatal.


Custom 4-Stroke Bike Builder
Jun 3, 2010
Ridin' inSane Diego, CA.
I just got home from work and the Chamerlains are on the news..... apparantly this 4th inquest into Azaria Camberlains death is at the request of the Chamberlains, currently the death has been ruled a mystery. They formally requested a formal finding that the dingo took the baby.

Azaria Chamberlain died in 1980, Lindy Chamberlain was sentenced to life in jail in 1982 for the murder of Azaria, the husband was given a suspended sentence after being convicted as an accessory..... 4 years later the case was reopened and found them innocent. The case remains unsolved.

And heres something that i must say surprised me, since 1995 there have been 12 major dingo attacks in the Northern Territory, 3 of those were fatal.
I still say Lindy (thought it was Lindsey) is guilty. Neither one of them showed an signs of remorse and they both looked and acted guilty as heck. Their story changed more than once and the fact that Azaria had mental retardation just makes me wonder. Hey, who am I to judge though.....just a gut feeling.