McColough 32cc chainsaw bike

I had a Tecumseh snowblower 3hp and it was a monster. I might look for one again when I get tired of these little engines. My wife will kill me if I start another bike. I promised her one gas and one electric. I meant to ad at a time. So when this chainsaw dies and I'm sure it will, I might take a look at one of the big Ts
The good thing about the engine I suggested is it is fairly light weight (I'd say 12 ish lbs) and it still has great power. Just a thought...There is only a day left on that posting and I bet you'd win it for $43 total, the minimum price with shipping. Just a thought, all it would need is probably engine cleaner :) They are purdy indestructible, they just get dirty :) Just a thought. Peace,
Oh i appreciate the thought but if I bought another engine, I would have to buy another house as well. I wouldn't be living in this one for sure. But I will keep that in mind. My dad had a manta tiller that was two cycle. He said it produced a lot of torgue.
Yeah but the mantis tillers are only a 23-25cc engine (not sure exactly) that is hooked to a gearbox that makes good torque. Here's what you could do if you bought another engine, just say that you will sell the 32cc one you have now ;) Doesn't that solve your problems?
Sure is a fun thread you've made on the new build Deacon.
Gosh, I wish I was headed out to a lake on a MAB!

My pile must resemble yours... a bit. :-)

Your thread is inspiring so I pulled these pieces out and did a bit of work on them today.

I used the front forks and hub w/axle off an old 3 speed bike to make this engine hanger for a friction drive. May get to work on it a bit tomorrow.

I'll use the bracket to mount this leaf blower engine that I had machined down quite some time ago, and had a spindle made for it.
Can't remember, but I think it was a Homelite... it ran when I took it apart. ...just got a better one. I took the carb apart and removed the detent mechanism so it's a full swing throttle now, and not a two-speed, only.

Local bets are that I will blow it up. I agree! But I hope to run it around for a little while ! :-)



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Too cool RC on the fork set up. Leave the stem(or some of it) on and put a grip on it, will help in moving the bike around and raising the engine, wish I had a handle on mine some times. The engine is a Homelite. If off a blower it should be a 30cc if the intake has no divider its a 30, if there is a divider its a 25cc. Converted a ton for folks for R/C aircraft. Not a major power house, but short of a bad lean run you cant kill em. They run better with a slightly larger carb than stock, but the stock one will do.
Now I finally see a use for all those forks I have laying around. I had already decided that I had bought my last pipe nipple. the stem of that fork and my big tube cutter should do nicely for spindle making. using the fork is a great idea for a fame. I have a ton of old wheels laying around as well. Wish I had thought of it.

What killed almost all my weed whackers was the light weight housing of the motor breaking. They couldn't stand up to the vibrations. That fork should help with that. It would be nice and solid.

You get this weeks prize or making chicken salad out of chicken dung. Cannonball got it last week for his drive wheels.

What I'm looking for now is a gas tank for the chainsaw. That weed whacker tank hanging on the side is pretty sad looking. I want one that will hold at least a quart of gas. My ride to the late takes about a pint or so. I would hate to run out and have to push this thing home. What i really need is something flat to attach to the top of the motor under the handle of the saw. I had a gas tank from the old Tecumseh but I melted it with the Greyhound. There just aren't too many things that come in that configuration packaging. My next purchase is some fake fruit drinks in 8 oz bottles. Those I can make into spare gas containers to get me home from the lake. They will fit in those cute little metal egg baskets from the Dollar Tree. I have one of those on each of my bikes to carry bolt purchases from the home depot.

At least I have a lift to get the motor off the wheel. I built one with no lift and froze the motor pushing it. Live and learn.
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Do the big juice can tank that has been done so many times before, what is it 2qts? Mount it to the seat somehow. The fittings will solder in easily. Cut a screw on top frrom another metal can and a piece of brass tube, maybe some mounts and you are in business with a long range tank. Use a silver base solder.
Hey deacon, just wanted to thank you for the idea of a scissors hinge to raise the engine. You mentioned it in a post somewhere. I mean I have seen/used em all my life but it never occurred to me to make a "clutch" out of one. It increased the effort slightly over my linear pull, but it is much more compact and unobtrusive. I like it!


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I put two new diaphragms in the test carb and it still won't pump. I didn't mess with the needle because I can't see well enough for that. I thought sure it would at least pump but it does nothing. The engine will start and run the primer fuel out then it dies. So my next plan is to buy one new carb and move it around as my motors blow up lol

You do know the third law of perversity is that if you plan for an event it never happens. Darn chainsaw will last forever. So I'm looking for the most basic carb that will fit on a 30cc or so small engine. Almost all the pumpers seem to work or not work the same.

Anybody got any ideas what I should look for,
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You need to pull the needle. They will typically stick from sitting. some pretty soildly. Once you have it out force carb cleaner(with the little straw) through the needle opening and look for it to come out the other side of the carb where the screen is. Clean the screen while you are at it.
Last resort, if you buy a new carb, get the #s of the old one and enter them in the ebay search bar. I have found just about every carb I have been looking for there, some as low as 8 bucks new!
an 8buck carb would make the kit a total waste of money. lol. the kit was 11 bucks. Yeah I guess I will have to putt that needle and just risk losing it all. The problem is my mind just is just sub par these days.
Now I finally see a use for all those forks I have laying around. I had already decided that I had bought my last pipe nipple. the stem of that fork and my big tube cutter should do nicely for spindle making. using the fork is a great idea for a fame. I have a ton of old wheels laying around as well. Wish I had thought of it.

What killed almost all my weed whackers was the light weight housing of the motor breaking. They couldn't stand up to the vibrations. That fork should help with that. It would be nice and solid.

You get this weeks prize or making chicken salad out of chicken dung. Cannonball got it last week for his drive wheels.

What I'm looking for now is a gas tank for the chainsaw. That weed whacker tank hanging on the side is pretty sad looking. I want one that will hold at least a quart of gas. My ride to the late takes about a pint or so. I would hate to run out and have to push this thing home. What i really need is something flat to attach to the top of the motor under the handle of the saw. I had a gas tank from the old Tecumseh but I melted it with the Greyhound. There just aren't too many things that come in that configuration packaging. My next purchase is some fake fruit drinks in 8 oz bottles. Those I can make into spare gas containers to get me home from the lake. They will fit in those cute little metal egg baskets from the Dollar Tree. I have one of those on each of my bikes to carry bolt purchases from the home depot.

At least I have a lift to get the motor off the wheel. I built one with no lift and froze the motor pushing it. Live and learn.

Try those tall tomato juice, canned tomatoes or pineapple juice cans, those are usually big enough.
The parts needed are as follows-
1, fuel valve from Sick Bike parts.
1, 1/4" female copper adapter from any plumbing supply house.
1, double male hose to hose adapter and a hose bib cap.
1, short length of very thin copper tube to use as a gas cap vent.
2, extra hose washers.
1, roll of good silver based solder.
1,small can or jar of soldering flux paste
1, roll of perforated strap to use as mounting strap.
Please feel free to review my Copper gas tank under-
Iron Horse GT5R china girl build.
its in the
Motorized Mountain Bikes and Road Bikes section of this forum and the same construction techniques were used accept that you wont need to solder the end caps in place.
Hit me up if you need any help id be glad to walk you threw it.
Deacon, I'll rebuild the carb if you want to ship it to me and I'll ship it back rebuilt. That would probably cost 5 dollars each way. My local stihl dealer works for 25 an hour and a carb rebuild takes about 15 minutes, maybe you could take it to a local small engine shop and offer them 10 dollars to rebuild it for you.
Deacon, I'll rebuild the carb if you want to ship it to me and I'll ship it back rebuilt. That would probably cost 5 dollars each way. My local stihl dealer works for 25 an hour and a carb rebuild takes about 15 minutes, maybe you could take it to a local small engine shop and offer them 10 dollars to rebuild it for you.

Wow $25 an hour!! The shop I retired from last year is $60. Maybe I should ship my stuff up there too, that a deal!! Nice of you to offer the rebuild to deacon, maybe we can just talk him through it.
Actually I got it done already but it still didnt work. I was surprised that the needle part was less confusing than the gasket stuff. I have no idea why the rebuild didn't work but it does the same thing. I put the blower carb back on and the bike runs fine. I wouldn't even think of a new carb except that I broke the choke handle off.

On the gas tank it is a two line carb that goes on this saw. I really would rather just fine a plastic container. I swear I'm thinking round canteen. Or maybe the pancake type canteen. The little water bottle that fits in my lil egg basket on the front leaked like a sieve. I kept feeling something wet on my legs. First I thought it might be time for those adult diapers then I found the source of the moisture. The water bottle. I knew i needed those little drink bottles that they don't even make any more. So now I need to stalk ebay for a carp and a canteen.

And yes it is a nice gesture for the carb. I have no idea what the problem is but there is an old man here I might get to rebuild one for me if I find a good one. Since the blower carb works so well on the chainsaw I'm beginning to think they might be more or less interchangeable.