Hey deacon, remember sometime ago when you were pondering a "ride out" from where you live? Im game if you are. Im good for a 100 mi a day. Whaddaya think?
If I had a bike I could rely on, I would probably be up for it. So once i rode a 109 cc Puch to Atlanta. I was a lot younger then lol.You know I could throw a spare motor in the trailer and some premix and my tools a tarp and blanket and just go for it We could do a friction drive only ride lol
Mcdonals and bad microwave pizza at convenience stores. Back roads and The stink of exhaust whats not to love
Yeah, thats what Im talkin about! We could find a camp ground half way for both of us. I can load my trailer with the camping stuff, and spares of course. We could do it this fall when the weather cools a bit, give you some time to perfect a "traveling" bike. Any body else that wants to meet up would be welcome also. Sounds like a hoot!
Hoover (Dam) that sounds like fun. You don't happen to be on the georgia coast do you. We might could find a way to make it as much as possible on the coastal plane. What great fun it would be to do a thread about the planning and then about how the trip went. The misadventures along the way.
I told my wife this morning and she laughed at me lol. I'll go out and get myself killed, By george I'll show her lol.
No, I live in N. Ga., where the glacial action eons ago left me plenty of hills. I grew up in Daytona Beach and really am a flat lander. How great it would be not to have to design a bike around hills. I think it would be great to get a group together and meet at a central location. I got plenty of room to park at my place if anybody wanted to bring their bike and ride out from here. We really ought to consider this. Maybe we should start a thread in the general discussion
I'm cool with moving this to the tavern or even the travel place. It would make for interesting reading for sure. Im going to start it in travels and expeditions. We should be able to get a few readers.