Well-Known Member
Try those tall tomato juice, canned tomatoes or pineapple juice cans, those are usually big enough.
The parts needed are as follows-
1, fuel valve from Sick Bike parts.
1, 1/4" female copper adapter from any plumbing supply house.
1, double male hose to hose adapter and a hose bib cap.
1, short length of very thin copper tube to use as a gas cap vent.
2, extra hose washers.
1, roll of good silver based solder.
1,small can or jar of soldering flux paste
1, roll of perforated strap to use as mounting strap.
Please feel free to review my Copper gas tank under-
Iron Horse GT5R china girl build.
its in the
Motorized Mountain Bikes and Road Bikes section of this forum and the same construction techniques were used accept that you wont need to solder the end caps in place.
Hit me up if you need any help id be glad to walk you threw it.
Thanks for the list, looks like I pretty well have most of it. Might make it for the fun of it then I would have to find something to do with it(not another build!)