I blew off 3 spandexers



Custom 4-Stroke Bike Builder
Jun 3, 2010
Ridin' inSane Diego, CA.
I always think about how they have to explain to their road*** buddies how they got smoked by a single speed beach cruiser.......especially when I'm riding up old hwy 101 laff

It's kinda funny to me cause I've always had a distaste for roadies, especially when I raced Mtn. Bikes. Sure I wore spandex with my sponsors names on them and shaved my legs as well, but that snootie roadie attitude used to irritate me. I used to love smokin them on the road with my mtn. bike and think about how if they had the balls to get in the dirt, I'd just chew em' up and spit em out. Sure I like roadies....the ones without the attitude.
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New Member
Jun 3, 2009
Brooklyn N.Y.
Oh man.... this is a very sore subject around these parts. Lately, the cops are even stopping the food delivery guys on there little 350 watt 36v box bikes.
This type of occurrence really gives us all a black eye, and this was on a public trail? C'mon now.
I've spent a lot of time and money promoting our hobby, trying on at least the local level to have it seen as a good thing. Building special silencers for my 2 strokes, adding sound deadeners, wrapping expansion chambers, better brakes, lights/reflectors and making sure every one I ride with wears a helmet and obeys the rules of the road.
Can we keep the competition hi-jinx on a track?

Goat Herder

Gutter Rider
Apr 28, 2008
Well said I have been doing my darnedest to try to get my 2 smokes as quiet as a little ol innocent Honda generator too


Custom 4-Stroke Bike Builder
Jun 3, 2010
Ridin' inSane Diego, CA.
I ride nice quiet 4-strokes legally every day....I yield right-of-way to everything; pedestrians, horses, coyotes, rabbits, snakes, ants, cars and anything else with wheels on it. I wear a helmet and don't drink when I ride (before and after usually) and obey the rules of the road. What more can I do?

I'm just not fond of you're typical roadie or road*** as I call them!

I am polite, well spoken and also human......any questions?

Goat Herder

Gutter Rider
Apr 28, 2008
I ride nice quiet 4-strokes legally every day....I yield right-of-way to everything; pedestrians, horses, coyotes, rabbits, snakes, ants, cars and anything else with wheels on it. I wear a helmet and don't drink when I ride (before and after usually) and obey the rules of the road. What more can I do?

I'm just not fond of you're typical roadie or road*** as I call them!

I am polite, well spoken and also human......any questions?
You left out the part about enjoying long walks on the beach:p:D


New Member
Oct 5, 2009
Trail etiquette:

I'm thinking that the MB would fit in the center of this sign with arrows pointing to all corners.


New Member
Dec 6, 2009
the only place ill really give the machine all its got is on the trail on the road is a little different. i refuse to wear a helmet my own stupidity, but i also know everything thats going on around me.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2010
Oh man.... this is a very sore subject around these parts. Lately, the cops are even stopping the food delivery guys on there little 350 watt 36v box bikes.
This type of occurrence really gives us all a black eye, and this was on a public trail? C'mon now.
I've spent a lot of time and money promoting our hobby, trying on at least the local level to have it seen as a good thing. Building special silencers for my 2 strokes, adding sound deadeners, wrapping expansion chambers, better brakes, lights/reflectors and making sure every one I ride with wears a helmet and obeys the rules of the road.
Can we keep the competition hi-jinx on a track?
I too try to promote MBs, but some people are going to be against us no matter what we do. There's no point trying to please these people. Mainly hard core spandexers.

You make some good points though. I think it's a good idea for us to keep our exhaust quite. We should be the ones that stop for stop signs. I always wear my 8 ball nutcase that I bought just for riding my MB. I give everyone the right of way. If they're walking I give them friendly bell greeting (jerks get angry bell).

I will ride the trails though, I paid for them.


New Member
Aug 19, 2010
Syd. OZ
the only place ill really give the machine all its got is on the trail on the road is a little different. i refuse to wear a helmet my own stupidity, but i also know everything thats going on around me.
ur crazy bud I sometimes think to myself a helmet aint enough at all..
then again when I was in my teens I'd ride flat out trailbiking without a helmet.bf.


New Member
Aug 19, 2010
Syd. OZ
ya did well peddling for that long biknut i'm far too lazy to do that with all the xtra weight and wat not. Its a no brainer to figure out when u fired'er up.
Looks like it goes alright what were u getting up to roughly.

Like youse I back off the throttle and just put-put past nice and slow making it very obvious that I'm trying to make room and not give them something to get upset by.
Usually a smile and a nod gets mirror reaction.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2010
ya did well peddling for that long biknut i'm far too lazy to do that with all the xtra weight and wat not. Its a no brainer to figure out when u fired'er up.
Looks like it goes alright what were u getting up to roughly.

Like youse I back off the throttle and just put-put past nice and slow making it very obvious that I'm trying to make room and not give them something to get upset by.
Usually a smile and a nod gets mirror reaction.
If no one was around I was getting up to 25 or so, but if I started overtaking someone I slow way down. If I come to a group I pass them at eye ball to eye ball speed then gas it when I get ahead. I realize it would be unnerving for me to blast past a bicycle going 6 or 10 mph at 30 mph.

My MB runs great and tops out about 28-30 mph which is fast enough for me.


New Member
Dec 13, 2010
manchester NH
the only place ill really give the machine all its got is on the trail on the road is a little different. i refuse to wear a helmet my own stupidity, but i also know everything thats going on around me.
thats all fine and dandy but can you say the other people are doing the same? doesn't matter if you know the persons their if the persons a reckless idiot.

get yourself at least a skull protector, i intend to go full face so if i go over the handle bars i can still eat ice cream while my jaw isn't wired shut.


New Member
Aug 19, 2010
Syd. OZ
looks so much faster when on cam. Yeah 30mph is quick enough I generally cruise at that speed and give it squirt onwards here and there to clear it out. On the flats 30mph is 1/2 throttle on and off 4 stroking to keep her cool on the long trips.


New Member
Jun 3, 2009
Brooklyn N.Y.
It all comes down to the proper time and place for these things.
As a lifetime bicycle mechanic who has assembled countless bikes for the "Spandexters" I will admit that these guys (Spandexters) are bike snobs.
It ticks them off sometimes when a 280 pound rider with a 50 pound bike blows past there trim skinny little butts and there 18 pound carbon fiber and titanium $4000 dollar + road wonders.
It falls to us to be mature about it.
Once a month, weather permitting, my riding buddy's get together and do a little run, along the way we usually encounter a few hard core spandexters. As I come up to pass I yell "on your left" and hit the horn. Some times they move over, some times they don't. If they don't move over (or worse move in front of you) I back off a little, and I just wait till the path widens enough to blast past them, on the horn....REMEMBER, we have engines, they do not, we know we are faster, let the technology speak for its self.
No smart mouth remarks like "get studded tires" are needed. This generates bad feelings among those who already seem to have issues, SO DONT DO IT!
Top speed for a human powered bike is approximately 45 mph (unless your Lance Armstrong) they cant keep that up long.
More than once I've had these guys come to me to build them a moto bike after wards.
Consideration for the other guy is always the wiser move.
Then when its the proper time and place...
well you know...he he he.
I once paced one idiot at speeds from 42 mph down to 38 then 35 then 30.... eventually he gave up. A few miles down the road at a rest stop this guy comes over to me and complains that I'm cheating and we aren't "real bicyclists" I laughed in his face and said... "maybe you should get a few more high buck low weight parts? or lighter spandex?"
And cheating who exactly?
Once he got a look at my size and the number of guys I had riding with me he shut up and went on his merry way, his confedance in his high buck low weight bike some what shaken.
Grow a thicker skin, your going to get stupid remarks from the spandexters, IGNORE THEM!
I just smile bigger, THAT REALLY ticks them off!
If all else fails... just be nice.
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New Member
Aug 13, 2010
Saint Augustine, FL
No helmet = body parts donner! It is troubling to see some of the attitudes on here. Everyone on here knows that there are a LOT of people that don't like us. Not just the spandex crowd either. So you go out and terrorize a bike trail acting like a little punk and Miss Busy Body, who has nothing better to do, starts complaining to the locale newspaper. Then, the spandex crowd, who don't like us at all, joins in with Miss Busy Body. Your locale elected official sees a chance to get a lot of votes my presenting a bill to outlaw motorized bicycles.

Here is the best part. You people that don't give a sh*t what other people think as long as YOU are having fun........YOU will be the first and loudest to complain about that new law/ordinance.

Grow up and use a little of that gray matter for something other than something to keep your head from imploding.

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New Member
Sep 16, 2010
That "cheating" comment comes up a lot. It's stupid, cheating who exactly? It's not like we're entering bicycle races. Are they in some sort of competition with every other rider of 2 wheel transportation?

I usually tell them I'm not even playing their game, so i couldn't possibly be cheating them.


Active Member
Jun 29, 2008
memphis tn
No helmet = body parts donner! It is troubling to see some of the attitudes on here. Everyone on here knows that there are a LOT of people that don't like us. Not just the spandex crowd either. So you go out and terrorize a bike trail acting like a little punk and Miss Busy Body, who has nothing better to do, starts complaining to the locale newspaper. Then, the spandex crowd, who don't like us at all, joins in with Miss Busy Body. Your locale elected official sees a chance to get a lot of votes my presenting a bill to outlaw motorized bicycles.

Here is the best part. You people that don't give a sh*t what other people think as long as YOU are having fun........YOU will be the first and loudest to complain about that new law/ordinance.

Grow up and use a little of that gray matter for something other than something to keep your head from imploding.

I usually don't like when someone quotes a long post like this but this bears repeating. I couldn't have said it better.

Goat Herder

Gutter Rider
Apr 28, 2008
What else is sad and not mentioned is that some of us can't afford to get around other wise and a motored bike is a god sent form for them liken to a miracle for the poor. Fuel economy and all. One day my knees might just finish wearing out. Plus these darn things are green. . Its always the few that ruin it for us all.

I mean I can still actively peddle and do always have. I can see both sides of the equitation. I don't need nor have ever had a spandex costume to do it. Just a good ol pair of jeans work pants that's how I get to work and arrive there.:D every time!

So its not just a motor I had run ins just peddling. While its fun to tease I see it going no where really.

To each their own can't we all just get along.
